Chapter 58 - Shocking Christmas

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Today was the day that everyone was going to get to know about the baby. Well minus Jess and Carter. I was beyond excited. Luke has been looking forward to this because it has been quite hard for him to not say anything to his mother. I have had a hard time not telling Jess. I have been really trying to keep everything under control. 
Mama Bryan has been around early to help me out with getting everything ready. My father, and sister are here. Along with Luke's Ma, Pa, Kris, Lee, Jordan, and Til. This is going to be the biggest Christmas I've ever had. Everyone was not able to stay at our house. They have all been in the closest hotel around. Luke and I thought about having a 'pool house' for people when they would stay. They would have everything that they want. Luke is going to talk to someone about it. 
Having the pool house would make it easier for someone to have their privacy and also if his mother wants to stay and help take care of the baby that would be wonderful. She is more than welcome to stay in the house. If Lee ever wants to have a mini vacation from home with the kids he should be able to. If I wanted to have my father here for his appointments before he would be able to stay and have easy access in and out of the place with a bathroom that will be fitting. Also a great place for if we ever have a party or two. 
Right now we were waiting on everyone else to show up. Luke has moved around the den so we could fit everyone, the huge tree, and all the presents. It was so nice too. We had all these different animals on it. I thought it would be a better theme then two or three colors and garland. This was also a real tree which I've only had to take care of once before. It is a hassle but the house smells so great and it is beautiful. 
The doorbell rang and Luke got up to get it. Ma and I were in the kitchen with coffee made, eggnog ready, and we pre-made batter for chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes. I was in my hoodie because I didn't want anyone to question. I always had a little weight on me but I now have some more. Okay it is a lot more than what I'd like to admit and it's getting really hard to not show. I could say it is from eating too much recently but I don't think my father would believe me knowing my eating happens. Which have now changed. 
The Denver and my father came in. I got Denver tea and Pa some coffee. Luke was going to help my Pa get down into the den since there are a few steps. I heard dog nails clicking on the floor. Bella and Nova were walking one behind the other. 
Not too long later Luke's family came through the door. The kids were excited to be able to open presents. The rest of us looked happy to be together again. It may of only been a month apart but this is going to be great. Luke and I were going to give our presents to everyone last. We did buy them other things. 
We all sat around and ate first. More of us were hungry than were not. I helped Ma make food since she took over the kitchen. The kids were done quickly and basically saying to hurry up. We quickly put our dishes in the sink and went to open up the presents.
All the kids went first. They got games and shoes, clothes. Denver was next and got a bunch of gift cards and clothes She was happy when she saw that she also had a ticket to Georgia. That made her smile so much. She hugged Luke and I. 
I was next. I got a bunch of jeans, boots, jewelry, a couple note books, and a few new tools. I loved it all. I smile and I may love all the gifts but the biggest I am going to love is showing them they're all going to gain a family member. I was trying not to cry during any of this. 
It was then Luke. He got new shirts, got a watch from me, and a few other gifts that he asked for like bows and arrows. His mother got him some necklace that was once his brothers. Which made Luke basically cry. I almost did but I just rubbed his back. I started to feel very anxious as we went to the rest of the family who got so much nice things. Luke's mom had to get up and hug everyone. We finished with his father and then Luke and I stood up.

"Alright. Everyone stay seated. We have one final gift for everyone." Luke said heading out of the room. "I'll get them all." Luke said making me stay back. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I was feeling quite hot in my hoodie but soon I could take it off and show my belly. 
"Please don't tell me y'all are taking us on a trip." Lee said. "I won't allow y'alls to pay for it." He said.
"Me neither." Pa Bryan said. I smiled and shook my head. 
"We know this. We tried doing stuff like this for the wedding and y'alls were having fits. You'll love this and have fits. Trust me." I told them.
"Please don't say you're getting us all dogs." Pa said and Luke came out with bags. "You know they can't breath in there right?" Pa told me. I laughed and shook my head. Luke had them as he passed them around to the right person.
"We will all open at the same time." I said as Luke handed me mine and he had his.
"Hurry up! I'm excited" Jordan said. We all laughed. 
"One, Two, Three!" Luke and I counted at the same time. We took ours out but didn't look at them since we already knew. We looked at everyone else's looks. I had got my phone out quickly to take a video. 
"Shut the fuck up!" Denver said out loud. I was going to tell her to watch her mouth but then Mama Bryan spoke.
"Holy shit! Yes!" She jumped up. Luke took my camera and Mama Bryan came over and hugged me tight. She then stopped and looked me up and down. I smirked. I looked over for my dad. He was just looking at the shirt. I looked back at her and she gave me one last hug. I went over to my dad.
"Pa?" I asked. He looked up at me and smiled. He had tears falling down his face. 
"I'ma be a grandpa?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. Now my tears were also falling. I bent down and he grabbed onto me hard. "I'ma be a grandpa!" He said. I heard awes. I felt a hand on my back and seen then slowly got up. It was Luke. My dad looked at him and smiled waving him down for a hug. 
"Wait." I heard Lee say. "You're having twins. Has no one else noticed that?" He said. I saw that Denver had my phone and I looked around. Mouths dropped. Denver almost dropped my phone but held on.
"Two!" Mama Bryan said happily. "I will help as much as possible honey! One is so much and just thinking you'll have double trouble. I am willing to help as much as I can!" She said coming over to me and already making plans. 
"Thank you. I'll make sure you'll be one of the first I ask. I trust you seeing how Luke grew up." I told her. She had a twinkle in her eye. She smiled and nodded at me.
"So I'm going to have two nieces!?" Denver said happily. 
"Or nephews We don't find out for another few weeks. Our last ultrasound she said that they'er hiding. Their shy." I said. 
"You don't even look fat." Kris said. Everyone looked at her. I laughed knowing what she meant and never being offended by that stuff.
"Because I don't show it off." I told her I then took off my hoodie. "See?" I asked. I looked around and Luke went right next to me to put his hand on my stomach.
"I can't even put my hand fully over." he told them. Lee and a few laughed. I looked at my dad who had the biggest smirk. 
"I am beyond happy that y'alls finally know. This was so hard to keep a secret. Especially since I found out I was having twins and that is was going to be very hard on me. I have been reading so much and trying to hide what I am reading. Hell, Jess thinks I am reading Mechanic's for dummy's right now." My dad busted out laughing.
"She said she thought you were losing it being home too much." Pa said. I laughed too.
"Tomorrow I will tell her. I have a shirt for her. We decided for her to be the god mother since she made me Joanna's." I told them.

I was asked a whole bunch of questions and to ask if they could touch my stomach. I was waiting to see how invading this would feel. I didn't really feel bad about it. I guess since they all just found out and they all are family. That was the topic for the rest of the day too.
My dad was questioning me on everything and letting me know that he would help the best that he could. He also said he could see if Bella could help where he couldn't. He told me he wanted to have my Uncle Make me the rocking chair like he did for my ma when she was pregnant with me. I have not seen him in forever and my uncle is amazing with that stuff.
Luke and I were in our glory. The secret with our family is out and that is all that matters at the moment. Soon we will start telling the rest of our friends. I texted Jess that she has to come over and get her, Carter, and Joanna's Christmas presents tomorrow. She said that she could not wait. Christmas dinner was great. We ate way too much. I drank juice with the kids but everyone did a toast to us and the two unborn angels. As Papa Bryan said. 
Once I was told the kids offered to clean up I was happy since I was now feeling tired. I was told not to over do it. I got my big jug of water from the fridge and sat in the Den. Everyone came around and we all ended up talking till I excused myself. i was tired and still had to tell Jess the great news. 

The next day I woke up and Luke got up with me. I took a shower and was not going to try to hide my stomach. It was already getting hard trying to do that. Nova followed me downstairs to get my tea for the day and breakfast. I was not into eating in the mornings still which is weird but I force myself to anyway because I need to keep myself healthy and going for these babies. 
I sat on the couch and had my laptop ontop of me. I was always searching and learning new things about pregnancy's. i also had another window open with Mechanic stuff so if Jess decided to come in. I would be able to do that. I had books next to me that had to do with the shop. We now had two ways to keep track of everything. We would write it in a book and on the computer. It made life easier and we didn't lose anything. 
Luke joined me with his cup of coffee when I got a text saying that Jess was coming over early and that she was going to buy us some lunch no if, and's, or buts. Which that is how she always was and I loved that about her. She tried to do so much for me now that she can. Joanna being almost two she is walking and talking. 
Soon Jess was walking in with Joanna on her hip and Carter has the backpack because he refused carting around a bag with her diapers and snacks. He didn't want to look weird. I was with a blanket over me and my computer still on me. I was waiting for them to sit around. She hugged me from behind and placed Joanna next to me. I smiled and poked Joanna's nose who giggled. 

"Chichi!" She said. She called me that. 
"How's Auntie Chevy's lil peanut?" I asked her. She put both thumbs up. "Ayyy" I said and she copied. I heard Jess laugh and sit on the other side. 
"She has been changing Chichi over and over again. So it is about time that you got to see her." Jess said.
"The simplest moments such as that will warm your heart." I smiled. "I am excited to show you guys your gifts." I told them. They were wrapped under the tree. Luke came in with Carter. 
"Luke!" Joanna called out. 
"She can say his name fine. See, your stardom even has almost 2 year olds screaming your name." Jess joked. We all laughed.

It was not long till we started to get into opening presents. Joanna was happy and giggly though the whole thing. She loved it all. I watched Luke at how hapy he was seeing how much she loved our presents. We opened the rest of ours and then we had two left for them we did at the end. The opened theirs and just looked at us. 

"Two! YOU DID IT!" Jess said. Moving over and hugging me.
"Right on!" Carter said giving Luke a hug.

We had a long discussion. I was happy that Jess was excited. She told me she will help as much as possible. She don't know how much she will be able to help because Joanna has been a handful and she is finally planning that wedding fully now. This is going to be great! Everyone is excited about the babies. I only hope that I take my doctors advice and not have any complications. 


Thank y'alls for reading. 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

What do you think is going to happen during the pregnancy?
What do you hope that they are going to have?

Thank y'alls again for everything!


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