Chapter 17 - Girlfriend

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We woke up to Luke's alarm going off. I groaned not feeling like I had enough sleep. Luke soon groaned after I did because his alarm kept getting louder. Jesus Christ it takes him forever to hear this damn thing. I leaned over him and shut off the alarm only to be held in place by him. I looked down at him and he had a sleepy smile plastered on his face.

"Good morning Handsome." I said beating him to it.

"Good morning gorgeous. Lovely sight to see you over me in the morning." He said. I leaned in and kissed him and he let me go so I could sit up. He slowly sat himself up.

"Ready to get ready for our long day since you have stuff to do this damn early on a Sunday?" I asked he chuckled at my tone.

"I'll be up in a minute. We'll get breakfast from McDonalds because I'm dying for a McMuffin, and a coffee." He said as he took the covers off himself and got up.

We got ready for the day and Luke seemed slightly different now. He smiled at me more and put his hands on me more. Let's just say that our contact double; even possibly tripled. He even held my hand while driving to get McDonalds. I just got myself a coffee. He ordered me a hash brown because he wanted me to start eating breakfast since it was the most important meal of that day. Yes, I got that lecture in the drive thru.

We went to someone's house and he left me in the car since he only picked up something. Then we went to the recording studio. This time I got to get out and walk in with him. He opened the door and let me in first. The place looked hug and expensive. I never went to a place like this before.

I followed Luke to the front desk.

"Hello Luke. How are you doing today?" The lady asked gawking over him.

"I'm good today Sheila, this is Chevy." Luke said introducing me. She looked at me and tried to keep a smile.

"Nice to meet you. Mr. David is waiting on you in his office." Sheila. Luke thanked her and we went upstairs. We got to this office and Luke went right on in. A guy was on the phone and looked at us. He motioned for us to sit down and Luke and I sat across from him.

"Yes, but I have to go. I have Mr. Bryan here with me." Mr. David said and then hung up. He looked over at us. He looked at me and smiled. "It's great to see you again Mr. Bryan, and you brought your girlfriend. Nice to meet you I'm Stanley David." He stood up and shook my hand. I was going to say I'm not Luke's girlfriend but I didn't speak up in time.

"I was wondering when you were thinking on doing the spring break album?" Luke asked.

"Well take a little time off. You just got off a huge tour. Your manager also told me you're going to be in need of a fiddler and have a bunch of interviews. She said you have a few random shows soon and then the CMA's. Then you do a couple shows in Vegas and back here in Tennessee and then I'm saying let's start up in January." He said sitting down and looking at his computer.

"So I don't come back here till January?" Luke asked kind of upset.

"Sorry but yes. I'll make sure I email you and your manager to keep you on tract on doing this spring break album." Luke nodded.

"Alright, so that's all this meeting is about?" Luke asked. Mr. David smiled.

"Nope. Jason wants you to do a song with him. Eric is also going to be in it too."

"Alright, I'm in." Luke said.

"You don’t even… Never mind. It's Jason so you'll do it."

"Of course. He would for me. "

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