Chapter 18 - Working on the Side

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I was walking into the mechanic shop hoping to talk to Rob again. I was praying that this man would have the good news of me getting a job. I made sure I wore boots and had enough tools in my truck just in case everything started today. I walked up to the front desk with a smile. The reception lady smiled at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, I am here to see Robert Rhodes." I told her. She nodded.

"He is in the office." I nodded and she let me go back to his office. His desk was very clean now. Nothing was all over the place. He didn't look to happy at all.

"Rob?" I asked knocking on the door. He looked up and gave me a weak smile.

"Chevrolet. Nice to see you. Uh, I'm just packing what I have in here." He said and kept going back to what he is doing.

"For what?" I asked. He stood up and frowned.

"I got demoted. I'm sorry but they hired someone else. I am put into the shop while the new guy comes in at noon and fills his stuff in here."

After he said that shit felt like it was crashing all over again. Great. The only place I had hope and I'm fucked. I just nodded. I told him I'm sorry to hear that and if there are any openings to call me. He said he will and for good luck to find a job.

I went out to my truck and sat in it for a good five minutes calming myself and thinking on what to do. The house bills were due soon and I needed at least 300 to finish paying the bills. I could ask Jess but she hardly got hours this past week. Then a light went off in my head. I was about to call Blake when Luke texted me.

"Hey. You working yet?" He asked with a smiley face at the end of it. I just ignored it. I then picked up my phone and called Blake.

"Just the woman I wanted calling me. I got some questions." I rolled my eyes and smiled. This means money.

"Well I got answers most likely. Also I called to say I can come by today. I got my tools with me and am ready to work on that truck of yours." I told him.

"Sweet. Come over and I'll ask the questions then. We are gonna have to go out and get parts. So yeah, see you when you get here.' Blake said all happy that I was able to work on his truck today.

I went to Blake's house and was surprised as shit when I remembered how to get there. He greeted me at the door and we instantly started talking about his truck He said that he wanted me to look at the four wheeler but another day. Truck is more important.

I took apart some things in his truck. He defiantly needed new spark plugs. A cylinder was leaking which I could easily fix since I've done it oh so many times. Then he asked if I could change the oil and put new breaks on. Which when he kept asking me to do more. I just kept thinking how much would he be paying me? I hoped a lot because I just agreed to do it all.

At the parts store I just walked up to Josh. He was a guy who knew when I got there, that he was going to sell a lot of stuff which meant he was going to be praised by his boss. Blake also wanted the best of the best.

Finishing up the part store, my phone started to ring. I looked at it and it was Luke. Blake looked at me and I just looked back at the road. I ignored Luke's call and went right back to the music.

"Why are you ignoring him?" Blake asked. "I thought you two were good?" He asked.

"We are. It's just I don't feel like telling him I didn't get the job. I don't feel like talking about it or being pitied over it. I just want to keep my mind off of it." I told Blake and he nodded.

"Just to let you know, he is a pain in the ass when you ignore him. He is a in charge type of guy and wants to know what is going on. He has a lot of worry. So if I was you, shut off your phone." Blake said.

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