Chapter 11 - I Hate You

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I was cut off by Rocko because of how furious he was.

"You are! What happened to us Chevrolet? Are you all distant from me because of that redneck inbred prick? Don't you care about me anymore and my feelings huh? I haven't fucked or cuddled or even been around you in a week! Why are you changing? You are now liking rednecks aren't you? That country man because he is famous huh? Is that it? Is that why you're on his dick? Gold digging huh? I never thought you would be so low. You know that is being a whore? Chevy the whore!" Rocko yelled in my face. He was making me pissed. I stood up right to him looking right into his eyes. This was the last straw. I'm acting different.

'Why do you fucking care so much Rocko? Maybe I am on his dick who gives a fuck? He at least treats me right and doesn't fucking use me. You make more money than I do here because that is your father's best friend. You do less work than I do. You always come to my house and drink my alcohol, eat my food, and use all my resources that I pay for. Not once have you fucking paid for a damn thing in my house. The only reason why you were okay with stay at my house is you would want a bj, or a hand job, or I'd actually let you fuck. That is all you ever wanted. You never even had sex with me because you loved me. It was because I looked good naked. All you said over was that and that I was tight and sexy and amazing. You never loved me. You loved what I had and what I could give. Now that I found some MAN who could treat me like a princess like I'm supposed to be treated you're jealous that you're not getting it. He cares about me. He buys me things. He'll take me places. He holds my hand in public. He has not once had sex with me but will cuddle me every night and make sure I fall asleep with a smile on my god damn face. He has not pushed anything on me. He didn't take advantage of me when I was drunk. He has never disrespected me and called me a whore, bitch, cunt, asshole, slut, or anything. He also gets along with my father which you treat like shit. You're the fucking asshole. I'm tired of your shit. I thought I loved you. I thought I cared. Now all I realize is because I was lonely and even being with you I was. So why don't you leave me the fuck alone because we are done with everything!" I yelled at his face. I'm surprised he let me finished but the last part I screamed at the top of my lugs.

I looked at Rocko and he seemed like he was heated beyond what ever I've seen before. I stood my ground showing I was serious but that didn't matter. He pushed me as hard as he could back and I hit into my tool box. My head went back and hit something. I was falling down so I grabbed something but that cut my hand. I caught something with my other hand and that held me. Then I felt his hands grab me and he had me lifted off the ground. My hands went to his wrist and his teeth were clenched. His eyes were black. His veins were popping out.

"We're done huh! I'll show you what the fuck that means Chevrolet!" He yelled at me.

"ROCKO DROP HER!" I heard someone yell.

Steve was running over to us after he yelled. This was my chance. I kicked Rocko in the balls which made him drop me. I was at a point of nervously breaking down. Rocko was going to beat the shit out of me and I sadly know what that involves. I dropped to the floor. I got up as fast as I could but I felt a kick to my side which made me drop back to the ground.

"You bitch! Kicking me in the balls!" Rocko yelled loud. It sounded like a growl of anger. I heard the door open from the one part of the shop.

"What's all this damn loud noise?" I heard my boss yell.

"She kicked me in the balls!" Rocko yelled. Oh yeah blame it all on me. I looked up at our boss who was storming our way.

"Get off the floor woman." It was kind of hard for me to breathe just being kicked in the ribs. I pushed off the ground and got on my knees.

"She was fighting me. She and I haven't been getting along and now she attacked me." Rocko said. I looked over at him and glared.

"Bullshit! I finally had enough of your shirt and told you how it was. Then you wanted to beat my ass!" I said getting off the dirty ground.

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