Chapter 5 - Meet Rocko

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I went all the way back home to see a Camaro in my driveway. I knew instantly that Rocko was there. Jess was home too so she must of let him in. I parked in my spot and went right inside. Rocko was sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. He was watching TV while Jess was smiling like a fool at her phone. I noticed a hicky on her neck as I came closer and sat down next to Rocko. They both looked over at me and I was instantly put into a hug.

"So how was last night?" he asked.

"The concert was fun. Having the guys over was pretty interesting. It was all over a new experience I enjoyed." I said hugging him back. Jess looked at me and smirked.

"So Luke was in your room huh?" Jess questioned and I felt Rocko tense up. "What happened to not liking Country Guys huh?" Jess picked on me.

"When I was drunk I wanted him to stay and cuddle I guess. I woke up pants less, and he was only in boxers. Then he told me he brought me up there since I fell asleep on him during the movie and I didn't want him to go. We didn't have sex Jess." I told her glaring. Rocko let me go and stayed quiet.

"Is he hot in only boxers?" She asked.

"He was in boxer briefs." She squealed.

"You lucky bitch! So is he hot that way?" She asked smirking.

"He isn't really my type Jessica." I told her. Then I smirked at her. "I can see Carter was yours."

"Well, uh yeah. Oh my. It was by far the best ever. I had to take him home and spend more time. We are seeing each other Friday. Dinner on Wednesday." I smiled. At least he is not making her a one night stand. James was right he is a nice guy I guess. I didn't really get to see him much since Jess took over him quick as shit but oh well. "Did you give Luke your number?" I nodded. She clapped. "First hot guy in your phone!" She said. Rocko looked at her.
"I'm fucking blazing hot. What are you talking about?" He smirked.

"I'm talking countrymen. Don't get your panties into a bunch." Jess scoffed.

We sat like that for a while till Jess had to go off to her job at 6. Rocko and I talked and he avoided any more questions about the concert, or Luke. He would not say anything about it. He did say Friday he is having the guys come around and we are all going to chill in the basement. Normally all the guys meant Derek, Rocko, Nicholas, and Matt. That means we are going to probably play music, order pizza or Chinese, and drink.

It was getting late and Rocko was spending the night. I went into my room to get changed and was just in underwear and no bra when he came in my room without knocking. I looked behind me covering my boobs thinking it was Jess but when I saw him I just shook my head. I went to my dresser to get a shirt to sleep in when he came up behind me and put his arms around me.

Rocko was in only just his shorts. I felt his bare tattooed skin against my back. His arms against my stomach. My hair was to the right of me so he rested his head into my neck on the left side.

I felt him start to kiss up my neck and slowly unravel his arms from around me and bring them up to cup each of my breasts. I bit my lip knowing where this was going to go.

He moved up to my ear. He was trying his hardest to make me moan but for some reason it felt only slightly good. I actually just wanted to go to bed and sleep. I put my hands on top of his and slid them down to where they were now on my hips then I pulled them off. He stopped his kissing and we both just looked into the mirror to look at each other's faces.

"What? You're not in the mood?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"I'm actually just really tired. We got a long day of work ahead at 9 in the morning." He put his hands on my shoulders and moved them down my arm. He leaned in and kissed my shoulder.

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