Chapter 34 - Evil Returns

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Chapter 34 - Evil Return

I was sitting in the shop just waiting on someone. It was a slow day and we were closing in about an hour. I told Major and my father to go home because I could handle anything coming in just an hour before closing. I most likely would tell the person to come tomorrow unless it was an oil change.

Luke was waiting for me home because we were going out to the movies tonight for a small little date. The simplest things make you love a man more. Am I right? I smiled to myself thinking about all the little things Luke does which makes me know I found my soul mate.

When I came back too, I saw a woman getting out of a little ford Taurus. It seemed fairly new and she seemed like she was dressed nice. I was very curious why she had sunglasses on at night though. I stood up from behind the desk so I could attend to her. Once she opened the door and came into the light better I knew who it was.

"Denver, what are you doing here at 8:10?" I asked her.

"I didn't know you opened up your own shop." She said in her I most likely need something and see that you have money voice.

"Well it's been open for a little while now. You wouldn't have known that it was open unless you actually came back to town."

"You never called and told me neither." She said walking up to the desk.

"Well you're not involved here so..." I said looking around. "No need to tell you." I smirked.

"Typical Chevy. Always putting me down." She said now pulling up her sunglasses. She actually didn't have a black eye. She was still majorly skinny but she was also in more expensive clothing.

"What do you want Denver. You never stop in or call for a how have you been." I asked putting both of my hands on the counter.

"Well, I am kind of in a little bit of a bind. With an ex boyfriend. I can't tell my boyfriend now and the only person I could run to is you."

"Why do you think I'm going to help you?" I asked her in a cocky tone while laughing to myself.

"Well because you're my sister and you don't want to see me get hurt." She smiled.

"Just because I'm your blood doesn't mean I'm your "sister" Denver." I said putting the quotes up for sister. "For years you've never acted like my sister nor cared. You only did when you need something. Now get out of my shop. I'm not going to help you. I won't give you money and I can't let you stay at Luke and my house." I told her. Her eye brows rose.

"Luke and you live here?" She asked.

"No. His house. Which is now ours. Go Denver." I said. She just looked at me and smirked.

"Fine but you made the wrong choice." She said huffing and turning around. I raised my eye brow and then just watched her get into her car. I sat back and then texted Luke telling him Denver just came in.

I was only sitting there for a few minutes before I heard a car alarm go off. I quickly got up and grabbed my keys. I locked the door to the shop so no one could get in while I walked to the sound of the car alarm. It sounded so much like mine.

Once I turned the corner I saw the Taurus Denver was driving. I saw the door wide open. I then looked and saw she was in the driver's seat smiling. I looked up to my truck and the windows were smashed in. The head lights and tail lights too. I looked back at her and then saw she was going in reverse. My eyes got wide. I yelled for her to stop but she back right into the driver's side.

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