Chapter 55 - Company BBQ

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It is now time for the Company BBQ that I have put off for such a long time. It is no ones fault now but my own. I've been busy with Luke being gone half of the time now. Me going back and forth between tour and the shop. I am also dealing with trying to plan this BBQ and had to schedule people for another day. I made sure that all my employee's had the day off. I shut the shop for the day. They were going to be fed. There was going to be games. There was going to be a little area for some of their kids and they could bring their pets as log as their pets were friendly with other animals. 
The people that were going to attend today were Jess, Carter, Joanna, Denver, George, Major, Jillian, Sam, David, Shawn, Lauren, Sarah, Tyler, Melissa, Rebecca, Julia, Ty, Jason, Lee, Nova, Bella, Volt, Pa, Luke, and Myself. Which is 21 people and three dogs. 
This year I got jersey's made for the staff. Their significant others would be able to get their own. The guys got to vote on the colors. White was always going to be a color but they picked Grey and Turquoise. That was going to be our colors. The away Jersey's would be the spouse's and kids. Luke technically gets one of the works since he has actually done calls at the desk for me a few times. So he works there. Randomly.
The whole backyard was set up for everything. We had our benches and tables. My truck was parked back there with the boxes with our Jersey's, hats, plates, napkins, utensils, cups, and everything else we would need once the food got cooked. Jess was helping set up some decorations. I let her do that. I literally handed her a credit card and said have fun. The colors are this.  She got balloons for the front and back. She got matching everything. This girl did go crazy but she spent a lot less than what I expected. She even had us painting the benches to match the jersey's.
Major's girlfriend Jill was helping out. She had Sam with her who is very well mannered. He is about the same age as Joanna. They were in our little play pen we had so the kids didn't run off. We had a little play pen that was under a tent so it would be cooler for them and they were not out in the sun too much. 
Tyler's wife Melissa said she was making a bunch of salad's. She didn't want me to have to do everything. Shawn's wife Lauren was going to be helping out with the kids. She offered to do that. She is a day care teacher so she loves to work with kids. David said that he would help Jess move everything around. I think he has a crush on her but knows he can't try anything. He has an engaged woman who is his bosses best friend and that is his bosses husbands best friends fiancee'. That would be a triple whammy. He still tries to be overly nice. Knowing Jess she loves the attention but is going to stay faithful to Carter since she's so in love with him. 

Everything was almost fully set up. The salads were in a huge cooler Major brought that had ice. The soda's and waters were in another. We had a huge thing of Orange Gatorade. The hamburgers and hot dogs were in the same cooler as the salads. We have so many little bags of chips. There are desserts that are inside the shop's fridge and freezer. We had so much food and it was going to be more than enough. 
I had things set up for volleyball and football. After a game of football we would make some food and then play some more games. I thought that would be great for our first Company BBQ. Everyone arrived around the same time. Which is surprising. Well, if a few people were not here very early I doubt this would of happened. Luke was the last one to show up with Carter but that is because they were busy doing something. Once everyone was close by and I got to say Hi to Luke I got on a table and whistled. Everyone looked t me.

"Good afternoon everyone! Thank you all for coming! Welcome to the 1st C.L.M Company BBQ. There are appetizers out already. In the Green Cooler is food, the Blue has water, the dark red is soda, and the lighter red is beer. They are labeled. As my fellow workers know I am very into planning. So, I have a little plan on how things should possibly go. If they venture off and as long as everyone has fun I am glad. I was thinking football, food, volleyball but it's up for debate on how you all want to do it. Also, Major has claimed 1st on grill duty. He wanted me to let y'all know because Luke wanted to do it alone with Tyler." I said looking around to everyone. Even the kids were paying attention. "So while we play football i have shuttle cock for the kids or other balls, and a wiffle ball set. Anyone have any comments please address them now. This is only the first BBQ I've ever done with this many people. Also let's thank everyone who helped. Major, Jill, and Jess did most of the set up and decorating. Melissa made ALL of the salads. They look amazing. Lauren is also helping with the kiddies. So thank y'alls for that. Also thank the rest of you for being here. I have ONE MORE THING BEFORE I STOP BEING ANNOYING!" I said jumping off the table and going over to my truck. I heard people laugh at that comment. I grabbed two boxes.  And came over to the table. "So as all of you know I asked for colors of our shop since I was making shirts. I also wanted all your kids, significant others, and dogs sizes. I may of lied about t-shirts." I said getting back up on the table and grabbing the first Jersey which was mine. I showed everyone Their mouths dropped. It looked like a real NFL jersey. I put mine on to show it off. "Everyone's back names are on the back. My fellow workers got to pick numbers 2-9. I am 1, Jess picked 2, 3 is Pa, 4 is Major, 5 is Denver, 6 is Tyler, 7 is David, Shawn is 8, and 0 is for all the dogs!" I said and people cheered. "Spouses are a number 1 after the employees number. Luke is 11, Carter is 21, Lauren is 81, Jillian is 41, Melissa is 61. The kids would be 2,3,4,5,6,7. It goes chronologically." I said starting to hand out Jersey's. Luke was helping. "I also got us all hats." I said just throwing hats to people. Everyone was laughing. "Don't worry kids, y'all get some too!" I said and they started trying to catch some. "So without further interruptions, lets just have some fun and take some pictures and then who knows!" I said.

I got down and grabbed Nova's jersey. I made sure they were easy to put on for the dogs. They had Velcro. Luke put his on and I put my hat on but backwards. He did the same thing to his. We took a picture and I felt Nova jump on me so we crouched and took one with her. 
We were able to have one HUGE photo taken of all the workers in their jersey's. I explained to them if someone were to leave or get fired. They would have to turn in the hat and the jersey. Which they all agreed was only fair. 
Everyone seemed to have fun already. Which I loved. We decided to play a little bit of Football. Then everyone was starting to get hungry. Major lit up the grill and started to cook everything. I out some salads and laid them out on the table. I had a special thing for them and another thing to keep everything hot. 
Things were going great. The dogs to along. My father was happy to see everyone. He even got to do a touch down in his little scooter thing we got him. He flipped everyone off then reminded that there were kids. Which made everyone laugh even more. Bella seemed to enjoy being out too. My dad took off her harness. Which made her act like a puppy with Nova. 
The kids seemed to really enjoy everything too. I was worried they would all be bored but it seemed like that was not the case. I was sitting on the tailgate of my truck eating a hot dog. Luke came over with his food and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"This is a major success so far. You have been worrying over this for nothing." Luke said kissing my forehead. He let me go so he can take a bite of his hot dog. 
"I know. I just like things to go good. You know me. I worry a lot. About everything. It's just so great though. Look at everyone. Even my dad is happy!" I said excited.
"You're one amazing person you know that?' He asked me. I looked at him wondering why. He knew exactly what I was wondering. "You have all these people together. Having fun. Each one of them have some kind of problem but yet their together and not thinking about it. You helped all these people in some way shape or form. You changed these peoples lives. Major really needed a job and was probably going to be stuck where he was at with someone he didn't love. You've helped him get a better job where he is thriving in. Denver is now sober. Jess has a job that gives her the chance to raise her kid and stay with her fiancee enough. Your father has a dog that is helping him not go into a deep depression and helping him with therapy. David is a learning mechanic that you're giving a job so he didn't lose his apartment. Tyler needed a job especially with all his kids. He also couldn't get to work for a week so you gave him his vacation early. Even though he was in his 90 days. You helped Shawn with his car. Letting him work there for free. You've given me the best wife a man could ask for and made me finally happy with someone who wanted me for me. Not for my money or fame. Hell you didn't like it." He smirks. I lay my head on his shoulder.
"You're a sweetheart. I am lucky." I told him. "You're right. I just wish one thing." I said sitting up right and then getting off the tailgate. 
"What's that baby?" He asked getting down. We began to walk back to all the food. He had his arm around my waste.
"A baby. I want to do all that but for our baby." I told him. He stopped before we really got close to people.
"You'll be one of the best moms ever. You're Chevrolet Lynn Bryan. You are one of the sweetest people ever. You care about others. You put them first. You put me first all the time even if you want something else." He told me. i nodded and smiled.
"I get to see that smile that made me fall in love with you." I told him with a bigger smile. He leaned down to kiss me. 
"Your everything makes me fall more in love with you." He told me. Another reason why I stay in love with him.

He and I went back to everyone. They were talking about high school when they all went. I learned that Lauren, Jess, and I graduated the same year. We got to learn so much about everyone. I knew a lot about my employees but now I know their families. I think I can really get use to working with these guys for the long run. They're very reliable and smart. They make the customers LOVE them. 
I am looking forward to continue doing these Company BBQ's. It was so much fun. Friendly games of football and volleyball. Playing with the dogs. Eating more than what we should. Everything was and is perfect.


Thank y'alls for reading!
It is great to keep going like this! I hope you're enjoying the chapters as much as I am. 

What would you do if you had a boss like Chevy?

Thank you all again for reading :)
- Pup

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