Chapter 24 - 21 Queen

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Luke did his final show and we were going to a Casino. I decided I had a grand to blow. Screw it. I never was able to do anything close to this before so I am going to take advantage of it. Luke still is on edge with me not telling him my answer. I want to tell him yes. I'm going to have my father look after the house and I will as well. Then I'll see maybe of renting it out. I think that would be a great idea.
I also have to talk to Luke about how I need my independence or I'm going to feel horrible about everything. I know I'm going to have to compromise in how much because he wants to spoil me and in a relationship you're going to have to depend on each other in some aspects. I just am so confused on how to come up with that conversation without sounding ungrateful for everything that he has done and would like to do for me.

"Ready to go out and win some big bucks?" Luke asked me putting his arms around me. Jess made me pick out a nice dress on our shopping time yesterday. Which I got this nice shorter dress. I was still not use to wearing dresses but I know I was going to have to in these nice casinos. Luke was even wearing a nice dress shirt, blazer, and pants.

"Yes babe." I smiled and turned in his arms to peck him on the lips.

"Good. I have one question." Luke said smirking and I knew what it was. The answer. I just smirked and pushed away from him.
"How about we get Jess and Carter first along with Kurt and James so we can all have some fun. Black Mike is supposed to record some of our action's right?" I asked Luke going to the door. He looked at me sternly because he knew I was avoiding it but shrugged it off quickly and then came to the door and followed me.

Luke had his arm around me as we entered the Casino. People knew who Luke was but it didn't really bother many people. There were some people that couldn't stop staring but it was no way close to how it was at his shows or just going out to tiny places in Tennessee with him.

Jess and Carter wanted to grab drinks and play the slots. Luke and I followed for about the first hour and then we went off on our own. Kurt and James disappeared the instant we entered so who knew where they ended up. I wanted to play tables. I knew how to play the games because of poker nights, black jack days, and roulette hours over at Kindles Bar before it closed for illegal gambling.

Luke said he was going to follow me. We played roulette and I lost $200 on that. I was done with that game and we stood back and watched poker games which to me, I knew I was going to get annihilated by the people that were playing. The last thing I wanted was black jack.

I found a table and sat down with my chips. Everyone around me just looked. There were guys that eyed me up, while the women they were with scowled at me. Luke sat next to me and let me know he sucked at the game so he would only play for a little.

"Babe, I think I'm going back to roulette. I did win 200 on that and I lost it on this game. You coming?" Luke asked after I just won all my money back from what I lost so far.

"Uh, no. I love this game. How about you meet me here in an hour?" I asked. He just smiled.

"You gonna be okay?" He asked but I was paying far more attention to the game. The table was getting hot. Which means the table soon will be paying out some good money.

"Ah huh." Is all I answered. I heard him chuckle and kiss my cheek before walking away. Someone quickly took his spot and I looked at him and he smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the table.

"You're going down sugar cakes." The guy said in this really deep scratchy voice. I just looked back at him.

"Let the best player win." I said with a scowl on my face. It is game time.

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