Chapter 36 - Christmas Special

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It is Christmas time and I have been having the greatest few months of my life with Luke. The shop is running great where I have actually had to hire another mechanic. Major had actually introduced me to him.

Major has become pretty close to me and has hung out at Luke and my house a few times for a bbq or two. His ex girlfriend had the baby. They did break up because they thought it was right and they actually are doing well with the 50/50 custody of the kid and no child support.

Denver was caught and is currently waiting her court date. I had made my decision that I am going to testify against my sister. The lawyer that Luke got actually says that I have a solid case against her and video proof. I know that my sister needs help but she is going to have to learn the hard way and go down a harsh road.

Jess is 7 months pregnant and is going to have a girl. She is excited to have a little girl because she is obsessed over baby girl's clothes and wants to dress her up like a little princess. Carter is beyond happy to have a little girl. Luke has told me he said that Carter is going to make sure that is a daddy's girl and spoil the shit out of her. I honestly can't wait because I'm the god mother of her.

Luke has got me to say yes to do a Christmas song with him for CMT's Christmas Special. We have rehearsed it a few times and now have to do it in front of everyone. The song is Baby It's Cold Outside. I've always loved this song. Luke knows about my love for older music even more than the time we were in New York.

We are backstage listening to other people perform. I was very nervous because everyone was doing so well. I was going to be out in front of everyone. In a dress at that. Yes, they made me have a white dress on and dolled me up. Luke was wearing something nice but this is not his first time really doing all dressed up this much. My last time was basically prom.

I felt a hand go on my shoulder and I turned to see it was Luke.

"You okay?" He asked.

"A tad bit nervous but I think I'll be alright." I smiled up to him. He leaned down and kissed me.

"You'll do wonderful. You're looking beautiful. The rehearsal went perfect. Everyone will have their eyes on you and me so we are sharing the stares. Don't worry; I'll pick you up if you fall." Luke smirked.

"Very funny Mr. Bryan. Very professional." I told him in a cold tone. He put his arms around me and rocked back and forth.

"Hey, you know I love you and this is going to turn out great. We are going to have the best part of the whole Christmas Special." Luke said.

"Chevy, Luke, 5 minutes." Some guy with a head set came to us and told us. I had Luke let go of me and took a deep breath.

"You're right. We will." I smiled at Luke. He turned me around and kissed me.

"Keep that confidence baby." Luke said.

We went towards the stage part where we had to be and waited. He was right I was going to have to keep up this confidence if we were going to perform. I looked at the dress I was wearing and smiled. Luke was dressed great and how he looked made me feel lucky to have such a good looking man who loves and cares for me. Even if he wasn't that great looking I probably would still love him the same.

Soon we were given the cue to get into position. There was a nice white couch. I had a drink in my hand and there was a fake fire across from us. People were just watching us. The music started and I had to pay attention to my cue.

"I really can't stay." I sung looking at Luke. He scooted closer.

"Baby, it's cold outside."

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