Chapter 7 - It's All Luke

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Luke and I walked out of the water and I kept my arms crossed over my breast. I was going to get my shirt and pants but Luke grabbed them for me. He handed over my clothes and I thanked him and frowned not thinking I should have brought a towel. I just put my shirt on and put on my shorts.

He only put back on his jeans. I stared at him in the moonlight. The light from the moon made me see his arms as he zipped up his jeans. I could see his muscles more now and I enjoyed every second of that. He even had a buck tattooed on his arm. I looked up his body to see his wet hair dripping and his expression turn into a smile as he looked right back at me. I was in a trace but brought out by Rocko

"Yo baby cakes! The hell you going?" Rocko asked and I heard the guys laugh. I hated when he called me that. He knew it. Now I knew he was trying to get under my skin. This just helped remind me to when he shared what happens during sex with us to his brother and his brother made a joke out of it.

"Inside! Screw off Rocko." I said as I turned around and started to walk fast to the house because I didn't want to hear anymore of his shit. I knew it was not going to get any better. I was slowed down by a hand on my arm. I quickly turned and was going to flip thinking it was Rocko but it was Luke.

"Calm down Darlin. Don't let things get to you." Luke said bringing me into hug him. I hugged him right back feeling his shoulder on my cheek. Then I felt him move and before I knew it I was on his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled because I was never a big fan of being picked up.

"Nope." he said popping the p. "You will be put down when we make it back to your house." He said holding on tightly to my leg as I was draped over his shoulder. I groaned and he chuckled. I then had the bright idea to slap him and the first place I did was his ass.

"Down Luke!" I said as I started to repeat what I was doing. Then I felt a sharp sting go on mine which let's just say was more enjoyable and I kind of moaned. Luke slowed down as I put my hands over my mouth. I never do that unless I was in the mood. What does Luke do to me?

"You alright there Chevy?" Luke asked in kind of a husky tone. Oh god that is sexy. What? No! Stop it Chevy.

"Yeah." I said in a low tone. His one arm was still around my legs as the other ran down a little and held onto the inner part of my thigh. I kept biting my lip till we made it to his truck. I was confused as he put me down next to his truck.

"I'm getting another pair of clothing." He told me knowing the question I had.

He had gotten a bag out from the back seat of his truck and shut the door before he nodded to me letting me know he was done. We both went into the house and we went past Jess's door and we heard them. I scoffed at how loud they were being and went right into my room with Luke following. When I turned to see Luke going to my bed he had a smirk on his face.

"What's that smirk for?" I asked.

"Carter. Also you scoffing at them." I raised an eye brow as I got out shorts for bed, underwear, and a tee shirt.
"Why are you laughing at me scoffing?"
"You make it seem like you never heard people having sex before. Or make it seem like you don't like sex." He said shrugging. He was still standing with his bag in hand.
"I didn't scoff because of either. Just the fact she could be so loud and so could he."

"Come on; don't say you've never been loud." Luke said smirking.

"Not with her home. I like sex and all but when she is home and not out I will keep it down." I said. Luke chuckled.

"Trust me, if you're having the right sex, you won't be able to control your moans." He winked after that. I bit my lip thinking of him naked and on my bed. I started to feel some sort of way but brought myself out of it. I don't like Luke. He is not my type damn it. How many times do I have to tell myself that?

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