Chapter 39 - Early Expectations

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Jess and I have been so excited it's now January 14th and we are talking about when I should start to plan my wedding and all. I didn't want to rush getting married or anything. I haven't been with Luke way too long for me to decide if I should get married to him yet.

Right now Jess and I are finishing work. We decided to go out to dinner together afterwards. She has wanted to take a ride in my new truck too so Carter dropped her off today.

"Jess you almost done?" I asked her. He face was glued to the screen.

"No but can I finish tomorrow? I was looking at the cute magazine cover of country magazine that has you and Luke on it as newly engaged." She said. I went over and looked.

There was a picture of Luke and I that he posted on Facebook tagging me. It was him kissing me but my hand with the ring on it holding his that was on my face. It zoomed in to the side and said big bucks. I rolled my eyes and laughed. It was a great picture. My heart warmed as I saw that and the positive writing with it.

Article: Luke Bryan is finally going to tie the knot! We have seen Luke Bryan prancing around with some eye candy and it was confirmed that she was in fact his girlfriend. Now it's confirmed by Luke Bryan's and Chevrolet Mason's Facebook that they are in fact engaged. She tours with him and goes to every awards show. As of right now she owns a Mechanic shop in Nashville that you can see her and Luke frequently in there. A lot of other famous artist as well comes in to get their vehicles worked on.

There is no clue when the wedding is going to be. We have tried to get Luke Bryan in for an interview but he has been very busy because his spring break tour should be starting in two months and he is coming out with another spring break album.

We wish the best to the happy and adorable couple!

I smiled and backed away from the computer. Jess looked up and smiled wide.

"Alright. Let's get some food preggy. I know you must be starving." I told her.

"You have no clue even after all those snacks." She laughed.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom and then we will go okay?" I told her. She nodded and shut off the computer.

I went to the bathroom. When I was washing my hands I heard Jess yell for me. It was as if she was scared. My instincts thought something bad was happening like what Denver did. I ran out of the bathroom and I looked at Jess. Her pants were soaked. The floor below her was. His sandals were wet. She looked up at me.

"I think my water broke." She said scared. I nodded.

"I believe so. Uh... Okay. I'll grab a bunch of rags so you can sit on my seat. I'll call Carter and Luke"

"Okay. I'll make my way to the truck."

I just nodded at her and then went and got a bunch of things from the shop. I ran outside and put it all down. I then went to lock up the shop before helping Jess in. I ran to the other side and jumped in myself. I didn't want to scare Jess so I tried to drive fast but good at the same time. I messed around until I was calling Luke. I wanted to call Carter first but oh well Luke can do it. I got to call my father too.

"Hey baby." Luke said answering the phone.

"Luke we have a problem." I said.

"What?" He asked quickly.

"Are you around Carter at all?" I asked.

"No. I just got home actually." Luke said. "What's going on?"

"Jess's water broke. Call him and tell him to meet us at the hospital. I got to call my father."

"How about I call Carter and then your father. You just worry about driving safe and paying attention to when Carter gets there cause you know he will speed." Luke said.

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