Chapter 41 - Spring Break Get Away

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I am finally feeling relaxed and happy. I have been with Luke on his spring break down in Panama for the past three days. Tonight is the last night for everything. I needed to get away with all the stress from the business, my father has been up my ass with stupid shit, Jess has been overly obsessed with Carter and the baby, and I'm just sitting in the middle watching everything happen. Oh, and not to mention Luke is asking about wedding dates but he keeps saying his mama is the one who wants to know.

This get away is what I need. Luke got us the honeymoon suit in a hotel near where he was playing. It was so beautiful and we have been eating great and having so much fun just the two of us. Even though Luke is working and has been so much, it feels like a miniature vacation.

Right now Luke and I are cuddled up in the red and white sheets of the bed naked. We were both awake but just laying in silence listening to our breathing and enjoying the moment we have. It of course soon had to be ruined by Luke's phone going off. Now all we heard was "Wiggle" by Jason Derulo. Luke groaned and grabbed his phone.

"Yeah?" He answered. He was quiet for a few seconds. He chuckled and then handed me the phone. I looked at him and he mouthed Jess. I raised an eye brow.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't what me bitch." Jess said then laughed. "Your phone is off. I called Luke and he answers. That's sad."

"We are trying to have a tiny vacation away from everything. My phone has not been on since before the flight." I answered.

"Well sooooorrrryy but I am trying to do a girls day before Luke and Carter are fully gone for the tour because I'm staying here with the baby the whole time and you are going to be gone." Jess said.

"Okay. Fine. Can't we do this when I get back?" I asked.

"Ugh. Sure." Jess said. "Oh and by the way your dad asked if you were pregnant because you're very moody like your mama was with you." She told me. I sighed.

"He has been bitching at me over every little thing and everything that goes wrong is my fault. I think he is confusing who the one who is bitching is. Also I am not dealing with all of this right now. You deal with my father." I said. "I will talk to you later at some point. Love you Jessie. Bye." I said. I looked around the room and threw Luke's phone to the safest place I could see. Luke just laughed and pulled me on top of him.

"You are so cute when you're annoyed." He said to me kissing on my neck making me bite my lip. When he bit down I moaned. "And those moans are so sexy." Luke growled. This man turned me on so easily.

It took a while for Luke and I to get showered, dressed, and ready for him to go to his show. We were basically rushing out of the hotel and to his last show. While he was playing his show I was on the sidelines. I got to watch Black Mike go around and video tape it. He messed with me a few times and I was close to flipping him off but remembered it would be on camera.

Luke put on such a great show. Every time he would shake his ass you could hear the screaming from the women intensify by 10. When you see Luke up on stage you could tell he is a natural born performer. He does so well and seems like he is meant to be there. I am glad I am getting to witness this and came out of my shell.

When Luke was done we got to go around and party with some of the crowd. I kept getting beer after beer. Luke and I ended up dancing on top of one of the walk ways we were aloud on. I saw people laughing and taking pictures. Luke had his arm around me and had me shaking my ass with him.

I started to get hungry and let Luke know. He smirked and said he already had something planned. Luke and I got back to our hotel room. He said he had everything picked out and all he wanted me to do was to be quiet and look pretty. Then enjoy what he had planned. This made me wonder because every time he had a plan, I loved it and either cried or was on the verge of doing so. Let's note that they have always been amazing.

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