Chapter 14 - A Plan

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~Jess's Point Of View~

I woke up early around 8 in the morning. I didn't have work today and I saw that Carter was stirring. I smiled seeing him laying there next to me. Last thing I remember is falling asleep on the couch so he must have brought me up to my room. When he opened his eyes I leaned over to kiss him. He smiled and held me there for a few extra seconds.

"Morning baby." Carter said sitting up like I was.

"Morning honey." I laid my head on his shoulder. We were quiet for a few moments and it brought me to the conversation I had with Chevy yesterday. I have to do something about this.

"What are you thinking about?" Carter asked. I sat up and looked at him and sighed.

"Rocko use to actually hit Chevy when they were together. That is why she would let him get away with EVERYTHING. She lost her job Thursday because of him and he also physically hit her. I need pictures of her bruises. I need to do something. That fucker is not getting away with hurting my best friend." I said clenching my fist. Carter rubbed my back.

"Go take pictures. Ask her to. Then we can go to the police." I shook my head.

"Oh no, cops are a no go with Chevy. Rocko's brother is one." He frowned.

We both got out of bed and to the kitchen. I made coffee and sat at the table thinking, "What could I do?" I was half way through my cup when I started to devise a plan. I got a smirk on my face and just looked at Carter. He was so confused at what I was thinking.

"Text Luke." I told him. He nodded and just texted him then looked at me.

"Wait why?" He asked me confused as ever.

"He is in bed with her. She wears basically nothing when she sleeps. He can get pictures. Then we can go from there." I said and Carters phone buzzed. He then texted back and smiled at me.

"He texted back and I just asked if he could get pictures for you because you have a plan to get Rocko back…." He was going to continue but another text. Carter looked up at me. "He said he'll be down in a minute." I raised an eye brow. I guess he wants in on this more. Hopefully he gets a picture. Luke was in pants when he came down. Does he sleep like that?

"Do you always sleep in your jeans?" Luke smiled.

"No, I was in my boxer briefs. I don't think carter would like me coming around you like that. What is your plan though?" Luke said grabbing himself a cup of coffee. I smirked.

I told both of them my plan. Luke has already gotten pictures and he sent them to my phone. Then I did what I had to do. I waited for a response which then ended in a phone call. I walked away from the guys because they didn’t need to know anything else. I'm just happy I knew where Rocko lived. Thank god I had to pick Chevy up from there multiple times.

I went back into the kitchen when I was done the conversation. I looked at the two men and put my thumbs up. They smiled. Luke decided he was going to wake up Chevy. He said that we should all go out and have a fun time on the town. Probably hit up a place to go mudding, or go back to his house and do it. Maybe go to the arcade. That would get all of our minds off it so we won't act different either. I smiled at Luke's smartness and let him go do what he had to. I grabbed Carter by the wrists and guided him to the bathroom to get dirty than clean.

~Chevy's Point Of View~

I was in the middle of the forest. I was looking around. I was lost and it was dark. I ran past all these trees till a clearing. My mother was there. I ran straight to her and hugged her.

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