Chapter 42 - Guy's Night

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~Luke's Point Of View~

I am going on tour soon and was kicked out of my house today. Chevy wanted me to go have a guy's night so she could have a girl's night with Jess and some other woman she knew. She didn't go into much detail but I have the feeling it was for wedding things.

Chevy has been more and more excited about the wedding. I am so glad for that. She has brought up so many ideas that my brain hurts. I want her to take care of everything. A wedding to women is precious. They always dream about their wedding and their prince charming so I am going to let her go all out if she wants. If it makes her happy and nothing is pink or purple. I am happy. She is also okay with having it in a church of my choice in Georgia. I will fly out anyone and everyone or at least help her friends get out there. Little does she know I am doing that.

Next week is my last full week before touring. Chevy is coming with me on tour again but we are leaving in two days to spend three days with my parents. Then we are spending a few days with her father. A few to ourselves and then tour. I have everything planned so wonderful.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by carter shoving a beer into my face.

"Drink up man. You look lost." Carter laughed. I smiled.

"Just thinking about everything that is going to be coming up. Especially the wedding." I said.

"Well, you are letting Chevy get all the wedding things planned. You're just excited to make her legally yours huh?"

"Yeah. Just like your going to make Jess soon." I winked at him. He laughed and sat down next to me.

"You know, I was looking at rings yesterday and chose the perfect one. As I was paying for it. I had no clue what I was going to do. She isn't close to her father and that is normally what you should do so you can take his daughters hand in marriage. Then I have no clue where to ask her or anything." Carter said.

"Well, you know why I did mine with Chevy so secluded?" I asked Carter. He shrugged. "Chevy is such a private person. She wants highlights of her life to be private. Yes, being with me she is going to be in some sort of spot light but, well, you now our engagement was private. It only had the two most important people of her life there. Her father and he best friend. She wouldn't have wanted me to do it on stage in front of thousands of people. I also did get to ask her father. Isn't Jess close to her mother and her mama raised her by herself with her step daddy?" I asked.


"Ask both of them at once. Her mama would adore you by asking and her step father would be proud to have his step daughter be raised by such a gentleman." I smirked.

"You are really smart with this kind of stuff Luke." Carter smirked.

"Did I hear Luke being smart?" We heard Jason say as he came up between us. Carter and I laughed.

This night was going to be fun. I had beer after beer handing out with my friends. We joked, played darts, played pool, talked about our women, and tour. It was so nice. There were just us guys. Blake came a little later. Cole was there. He has become a good friend and I have pushed him to try out to be an actual country star. He isn't bad at singing and he is great at selling my shirts.

Everything was going so well. I just won my fourth game of pool and collected the money from Jason who was frustrated. I smirked and heard a song that Chevy loves come on. She would always sing and dance to it. I am so glad she let her country roots grown. I started to hum the song as I made my way to get another beer. I was buzzed and feeling great.

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