Chapter 38 - Brand New

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Luke woke me up about 8 this morning so we could get to doing something. He didn't really let me know. I finished making breakfast for the both of us and we were sitting at the table quiet. Luke just had a smile on his face. I just kept looking at him and then back to my food thinking what could be on his mind.

"Luke it's bothering me. What do you have up your sleeve?" I asked him.

"A lot actually." Luke told me. He then looked up his leave. He lifted it up and then showed me his muscles. I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously Mr. Funny." I said putting more toast into my mouth finishing off my breakfast.

"It's a surprise. I have rules. You can't say no. You have to say yes to something. You also don't have to worry because of what I will tell you once you pick it out" He told me. I looked at him weird.

"We aren't going wedding ring shopping right?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"No baby. You said you want to figure out when it would be right for the both of us." Luke told me. I nodded and then looked at my empty plate and got up.

"So I can't know until we get there and that's the reason why we have to leave soon right?" I asked.

"Yes. I want to be the first one there and done." Luke said.

"I also want to see what you would say all day." Luke said. I still was confused.

Alright I have no clue what he was thinking. I started washing my dish when he put his in and went upstairs to get dressed. I was already dressed because it takes him forever to get out of the bed. Once I was done putting everything away I could hear Luke jogging down the stairs.

Luke grabbed his keys and whistled for me to follow him. I laughed shaking my head and went out the door to his truck. On the ride he had music blasting so I couldn't keep asking him questions about what is going on. He was singing pretty loud too and I had to join him. Surprisingly I knew a lot more country music then I ever thought.

Luke grabbed my hand about 10 minutes into the ride and squeezed. I looked at him and he turned down the music by the steering wheel. He smiled and then started to slow down and turn. I looked at where we were during into and it was a Chevrolet Dealer. My grip from his hand started to get less and less as he went to park.

"Luke?" I asked. I looked at him as he turned the truck off. He lifted up his sunglasses and smiled.

"You need a truck. You got the money for yours. So, I was thinking check out trucks. I think it's only right. You have been so busy with work and then on vacation it seems like you forgot the only vehicle we really have is my truck. So I think that you deserve a nice new one. Yes I'm helping. No you can't bitch about it. You are going to be happy with it. No you can't pick the cheapest truck or the only one that you have the money for." Luke told me. I glared at him.

"You don't like me using your truck?" I asked

"I do. You drive well. I'm saying that what if you need to go to work at the same time I need to go work on an album or a song with Jason or something? Jess is going to have the baby soon and Carter is going to be busy. You can't get a cab. I won't let you unless you're drunk. You need a truck. One you deserve." Luke told me. I let go of his hand and unbuckled getting out of the vehicle. I shut the door and stood in front of it. He quickly was by my side. "You're pissed aren't you?" He asked me.

"Slightly. Only at the fact that you want to pay the rest if I get an expensive one."

"Do you forget that I have a sponsorship and called Chevrolet and they said come in?" Luke asked.

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