Chapter 13 - Date Night

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I arrived home and it was only Jess here from what I could tell. When I walked in the house she was sitting in the living room and had a look of concern on her face. I sighed and walked in there. She instantly put me into a hug and told me how concerned she has been since yesterday.

I told her all of the gruesome details that have actually happened between Rocko and I. Jess were shocked that it all has went down and she knew nothing of it. She was upset because she never noticed anything to be able to help me to. She was more upset than me telling her. I hugged her back and let her tell me what she wishes she really could have done.

Then Jess got into her anger phase. She wanted to beat the shit out of Rocko. She asked to see the bruises. That enraged her more. I have not really seen her this pissed off before. She wanted to make sure I put ice on it and made it get better quicker. She wanted to tell my father and I knew that was a bad idea. I told her not to unless I was going to which of course I was not. I don't need anything happening to either one. She also emphasized how much she LOVED that Rocko will no longer be in the picture. She says that I will finally be able to do me.

Our talk didn't last much longer because when I noticed the time that is when I figured I had to go get a shower and ready for a date with Luke. I told Jess what Luke told me and she wanted to instantly help. She was going to rummage through my room and have everything picked out for when I came into the room.

I dried my hair first seeing it was around 5:45 when I got out I had about an hour to get fully ready before Luke would be here. Something told me he likes to be ahead of time so then I'm going to make sure I'm ready within the hour.
I walked into my bedroom in a towel with Jess smiling from ear to ear with what she had picked out. She had a white tank top with two different flannels to choose from. I also had dark blue tight jeans and cowgirl boots. I looked at her and raised my eye brow.

"Don't worry Chevy. This is what you should wear to a hokey tonk. Also I'll help fix your hair. IT's slightly curly to begin with so I'm just going to define those after you get dressed and maybe put on some eye liner, mascara, and a little eye shadow to pop out those green eyes of yours." Jess said smiling.

"I want the blue flannel." I said buying into what she is doing. I was not going to argue. I felt the need to show Luke that I can do redneck and surprisingly these are my own clothing. Jess and I could wear the same tee shirts but flannels, well let's just say her's didn't button over my boobs.

"I was hoping you'd pick that one. Do you know what he is wearing?" I shook my head no. She thought.

"Well from being a fan for so long, probably the same thing he normally does but probably a button up flannel. If he wears a cowboy hat you are one lucky bitch." Jess smirked

"You have your own man. Don’t go gawking all over mine." I smirked. She smirked right back.

"So are you liking this country boy better?" She asked.

"I don't know too much yet. So far he is sweet, kisses really well, and well can turn me on faster than any other guy has." Jess laughed.

"They know how to love you right Chevy. You have been missing out. Why do you think I'm addicted? So far Carter is far beyond the best one." She smiled thinking of him.

"You two are cute." I said. She looked at me.

"When the hell did you start saying shit like that?" She asked laughing.

"I blame Luke for everything." I said leaving the blame on someone.

"I'm grateful he is in your life." Jess said and I nodded.

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