Chapter 61 - Easy As Pie

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It has been three months since I've given born to the twins. I surprisingly am enjoying it more than life it's self. They are two bundles of joys. It was hard the first month getting use to a routine that would make it easy for Luke and I. Once he had to go back his mom has been here helping but I mostly have it by myself. I want to do it by myself because how am I going to ever see if I can if someone is always helping me. 
Do not get me wrong. It is a handful right now but Luke's ma made a great point. She told me that they will be way worse when they start crawling, and talking. That is when I will start pulling my hair out. She said she can only imagine the double trouble I will be dealing with. I don't think that it is going to be too bad.
I've been doing really great with breast feeding. I am not minding it as much. I am surprised that my body produces more than enough. I have to keep extra padding in my bra just to make sure it don't leak through to my tee shirt. I have not really left the house so I would not care too much but just in case someone comes over like Carter, my dad, or Major. Jess, Denver, and mama Bryan wouldn't care too much. 
Denver has been more then enough help. She has offered to go grocery shopping for me. Which I did trust her with my card. I think this was the first time I did do that in a very long time and she did exactly what I expected. Just to get everything. She did get herself a coke but come on. She was thirsty and I did say if she really wanted something to pick it up. She chose a $1.75 coke. She helped put it all way. She has helped change the twins. She is someone they really like. Tate is taking a liking to her as she makes her monkey face. He likes it. Bo or Luke Jr. is liking when she makes fun of his feet. She acts like their smelly. 
Pa has wanted to come over EVERY day but he gives me my space since he knows Luke's mom is here to help. I am not going to leave her alone with double the amount of work. He has helped so much with the shop. He also is doing amazing with therapy. He is slowly walking with a walker. He says soon he will be good enough to play ball with his grand boys in the yard. I smiled at that picturing that sight in my mind.
Luke has called every day. We video chat so he can see how big the boys are getting. He is upset that he is not able to get home every night to help me or to kiss them goodnight. We do it over the phone though unless he is so busy with work. He does not miss it much though. I do cute things for him. I send him pictures with captions like 'we miss our daddy.' and 'daddy's our favorite rock star!' and my favorite 'Luke Bryan's #1 fans!' He really loves them. 
I love it so much. The family I have and Luke and I have created. This is amazing. I was staring at both of them in their rockers as the door bell rang. I smiled and was going to get up when I heard Mama Bryan tell me to sit. I obeyed what she said because she is totally the boss here. I liked it because it made me focus more on my babies.

"Chevy." I hear Mama Bryan sing happily. I turn to look at her. "You have Denver and your Pa here." She said smiling at me. I smiled back. They both came in and Denver was carrying Pa's walker.
"Thank you Mama." I said smiling. She nodded
"I am making Sheppard's Pie for dinner. I hope you two are staying long enough." Mama Bryan said.
"I have been hankering for a good Ol' Sheppard's Pie." Pa said. I shook my head and looked back at the boys. Bo was looking around the room because he heard other people were around. Tate didn't care. He was looking at me.
"Yes ma'am." Denver said. I heard Pa rolling up. I heard the walker get opened. I looked over to see him getting up out of the chair and he walked to the couch close to me and sat. Denver moved the walker and the wheel chair out of the way and sat next to him. I looked at them.
"Hows everything out in the world?" I asked.
"Armageddon has started. We had to dodge hell fire getting here. Hell Denver raced Lucifer himself and won. Thanks to that we have a free pass for the day." Pa said. We all laughed. I shook my head. 
"It's fine. Everyone misses you at the shop. You should stop by after dinner maybe?" Denver said. I shrugged.
"I don't wanna leave them." I said.
"Oh get out the house. I can watch these angels." Pa said. 
"But Pa." I said.
"LeClair!" He called. He smirked at me. She came in with a smile.
"Yes Richard?" She asked.
"Would you mind helping me tell Chevy to get out of this dang house to go see the shop after dinner? I'm going to help look after the babies. They need Pawpaw bonding time." He said.
"Yes. You should get out sweet heart. Maybe even go out for dessert after with Denver. Have some sister time. Get Jess to join. Richie and I will have it from here. These two boys will be fine. You have bottled up extra milk in the fridge for us to feed them. You'll have no worries." She said. I looked at them then at Denver.
"Fine. On one condition. Call Luke so he has this video chat before their laid down." I told them.
"LeClair is going to have to do that. She's smarter with that stuff than I." Pa said.
"Deal. Have fun going out though. You need it sweetheart." Leclair said.

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