Chapter 57 - Four of Us

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Luke was not going anywhere today. We had this planned with my doctor for quite some time. Today we were going to see more of our baby. Luke is excited because this will be the first time that he gets to see the baby in person. Instead of just a picture on a projector. 
I told everyone that we were going to lunch and then going Christmas shopping. It is after thanksgiving so all the sales are out there. I don't think anyone has a clue. I am still pretty nauseated and never got my fill of deviled eggs. I haven't been trying to complain about anything like how tired I am or how I don't feel so hot in the morning. 
Right now I am still able to do award shows without showing. Which is something we don't want the public to know yet. We want to have this experience as special as possible. Once I start really showing then everyone is going to end up knowing but for now we are going to stick to our plan. 
I am laying back in the office with Luke right next to me. I am excited to see a new ultrasound of our baby. Everything is in here except for my doctor. She said she will be here through everything. Which is what I would want. A doctor that has known me before I even got pregnant. She knows my history and all. Luke likes her too. She is compassionate and actually dealt with what we dealt with. Soon there was a knock on the door. 

"Hello Bryan's!" My doctor came in with a huge smile on her face. "How are you two today?" She asked getting ready.
"Wonderful. We are excited to see more of him or her." I told her. 
"Soon we can find out if it is a him or her right?" Luke asked.
"Right after Christmas I believe you two should be able to. Chevy has already told me about the gender reveal." She said and we nodded. I was excited. "Shirt up please." She asked having the gel in her one hand. I did so and then grabbed Luke's hand. I was trying to keep calm. 

I was loving being pregnant. So far. I may of only started the Journey on the 20th of September. Well from what we think. I am loving it. Two months in and can't wait to tell everyone. No one has a clue. I have been told I'm glowing but they don't know why. Jess thinks I am a rabbit and just having sex all the time. 

"Alright here we go." My doctor said. I saw the ultrasound start. "Let's get close and listen to that heartbeat of this baby." She said going and moving around. 
"This is going be so much more real." Luke whispered. I just slowly nodded. We watched with amazement.
"Here is the baby!" She said happily. We could start to hear a beat. I looked at Luke and he did at me. "Wow, this is louder than norm...." She said trailing off. Both of our heads jerked quickly back to her. I did not like the fact that she was trailing off. "Umm. I see why." She said looking at us. We looked t her.
"Is the baby okay?" I asked.
"Pluralize that." She told me. I looked at her confused. Then my eyes studied the screen. I saw two identical well close to being identical images. My eyes got wide. 
"Wait..." Luke said.
"Twins?" I asked shocked. My hand was gripping onto Luke's tighter than ever. 
"Yes. I am surprised we never saw anything before. I think this one was hiding." She said pointing at the screen. My jaw was dropped.
"Wait how different is this going to be from having just one?" Luke asked. I looked over at him the back at the doctor. 
"Well, you're now high risk. There is going to be more test and you will be monitored more but so far you've been very healthy. So we will see to make sure you're good. There will be more ultrasounds. You might become more tired throughout it. When your 32 weeks it will most likely look like you're at 40. You'll be bigger. You'll probably want a brace to help hold the belly. I know I told you about working out is not bad especially when you're a singleton pregnancy. You can do a lot less work outs now. You need to drink a whole gallon of water a day at least. Twins make it easier for you to become dehydrated. No traveling. No going across america." When she said that I looked over at look and he looked disappointing. He looked kind of scared. He looked at me and tried to smile. I was now scared of pregnancy. "Well, as of right now me knowing how healthy you are. i would say go ahead. Just stay hydrated. Take all the vitamins and there are going to be a lot more. Just make sure if you need to rest to rest. Complications can happen a lot more when you have twins. You most likely will not go past 38 weeks. Twins are normally early. Make sure no later than 30 weeks you're ready. There is so much but I'll be here the whole way explaining what ever you what, whenever you need it. This may seem scary but this is going to be wonderful." She told me but for some reason it did not help at all. 
"So, buy a bunch of pregnancy books for twins, and reschedule for twin classes?" I asked. She laughed and nodded.
"Yes. I have a whole lot of books I can recommend and classes. I have twins at home. Their 9. So, do not worry Chevy. I can understand what ever is going to o on with you. It will all be fine. Now I'll print these out for you. I'll also email you a list of books if you'd like. I am going to write down my personal number in case you have any questions or you get worried and want to know anything." She said. That now made me feel better. She has her own. She knows what I am going to go through. She also is a doctor so she'll know more than just another mom who went through twins. I sighed in contentment a little and smiled.
"Well, now we are going to have to make sure we have double everything and a million diapers." I said. She laughed. 
"Oh you have NO clue with diapers. You'll be able to do it. You're both  very determined and kind people. You're also going to have gorgeous kids." She told us. I laughed and smiled. 

Deep down I was still scared by hearing all of this. We got the pictures and thanked the doctor. We were quiet on the ride home because I was lost in my thoughts. I couldn't talk until i assessed the situation. I felt Luke hold my hand though. 
I was going to have to learn more about my situation. I was going to have to take more vitamins, more water, rest a lot, don't get stressed, no travel after so long. This was going to be hard. I have always been moving around. I always had stress. I always had a lot to do and I honestly don't drink water that much. That always surprised me when my test results came back and I was healthy as hell. Now I was really going to have to go see the doctor more and probably won't be able to keep this a secret so long. I still wanted to wait till Christmas. I will be at the right time to tell everyone. It may be a little late but the shocker will be telling them that it is two. 
Luke and I got home and went straight to the living room. We both sat down on different things. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"So. This is going to be hard huh?" Luke said breaking our silence.
"I am thinking more scary than hard. You heard complications can happen ore often." I told him. He gave me that half smile of that he don't know what to say. "We can do this though. We have a doctor who knows what she is talking about. We have each other. I am just going to have to not do anything and wear hoodies more and more because I am going to become HUGE!" I said laughing. "A beach ball with arms." I laughed more. I looked over at him and he smiled. 
"I could get use to you being a beach ball with arms. Maybe we can paint your belly like one for maternity photo's." He told me. I stopped laughing.
"No. That'd be ugly as hell. I already have ideas going through my head." I smiled happily.
"Oh boy. So are we still going to stick with telling everyone around Christmas?' He asked I nodded. 
"Oh yeah. We are going to have to tweak some of our ideas but they are going to happen." I told him. He smirked.
"I should of asked about sex. We could when it was a ... what is the term that she used?" he questioned I smiled
"Singleton. I feel like we are going to have to learn more. Speaking of that. I am going to order EVERY book she sent me though email. I am going to get started on reading them asap because it seems like I have even less time!" I told him getting my phone out of my pocket and started to search for the books. 
"I think Nova might get jealous." Luke said after a while of silence. I looked down at her laying on the rug. I smiled.
"I think she is going to get overly protective. I think she knows." I told him since she has been more careful with jumping around with me. 
"Maybe she is psychic." He said.
"Ok, smart-ass. I didn't mean it that way." I told him rolling my eyes and smiling. 

We ended up making dinner after that. I didn't want to deal with anyone because I am still hyped over the fact that we were going to have twins. We were going to watch TV but every other commercial we got into a conversation on how we want things and what we would do. It was beautiful.
Luke wants one of both. I do as well. It would be nice. We have the best ideas for the room we will keep them in for the first few years. A changing table. Two wonderful cribs. Two rocking chairs. Everything would make it all amazing. Maybe have little woodland creatures on the walls. That would be really adorable. 
After all of that then we decided to go to bed. This was going to be a long time a head of us but I think we can do it. I think we could be ready. I am also hoping that I could get all the classes done that I need to get done. 


Thank you all for reading. 
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