Chapter 44 - Family Together

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It has been a while since Luke finished his tour during the summer. His new album came out and it is a major hit. I was in his one video Crash My Party. He is also doing a two day festival in Mexico called Crash My Playa. It is really exciting because I get to go as well and get to see how Mexico is for the first time.

Luke and I got so much done with the wedding. Well it is more of Sam and I. Luke only really helped with his family names. His parent's are really happy that we are doing it in Georgia and are happier that we are doing it in the church that they still go to.

My father doesn't like that I am not doing it in Tennessee but he said whatever makes me happy will make him happy. He also likes that I am marrying a man that is worthy of my love. He really likes Luke and they have gone hunting twice since then and have left me alone. I am fine with it because I like the fact that my father is going to bond with his son in law. I got to hang around my sister for a little bit.

My sister is doing so much better. She is still clean. She is still having a job. She has finally been able to rent out a room at someone's house. She has her own vehicle and is looking for a second job to get more on track.

Right now everyone is about to head out of the hotel. Luke and I were going to his mama's for thanksgiving this year. We are also able to bring Denver and papa along on his mother's request. Luke got us three rooms for a few days. He also rented a Tahoe to fit us and so we didn't rack up the miles on our trucks.

I was dressed nice along with Luke. I made sure that my father and my sister did as well. My father gave me the look asking if I really just told him to look nice. Luke this it's funny how my father and I have been acting.

Luke was driving us from the hotel to his mama's house. We were going to meet his father and step mama there. We were also going to see Lee, Jordan, Kris, and Til there as well. It was going to be a nice big Thanksgiving dinner. It's something I have not had in such a very long time.

I was up front with Luke while Pa and Denver sat in the back. It was basically quiet besides the country station playing in the background. I looked in the mirror to see Denver looking out the window. She had a nice top on with jeans. Her hair was dyed lighter and cut shoulder length. She has gained weight to fill her out and she looked like Denver again. I smiled as I looked towards my father. He seemed to be thinking about something that made him smile because he seemed overly happy. He met eyes with me in the mirror.

"So, this is going to be interesting." Pa said.

"What makes you say that Richie?" Luke asked.

"Well, Chevy, Denver, and I have not eaten a thanksgiving dinner together in over 10 years. Now we are doing it with the extended family. My daughters also seem like themselves again and it's wonderful." Pa smiled and it seemed like it brightened up the whole suv.

"I'm glad we get to do this. I honestly can't remember the last time we sat down and ate together and smiled." Denver said. I nodded in agreement.

"Well my mama and family are glad that Chevy's family is joining us this year. It will be a nice big family Thanksgiving." Luke said grabbing onto my hand.

There was a little more small talk as we drove the rest of the way to Luke's parents. Once we got there and parked. It seemed like everyone piled out of his mama's house and waited for us to get there.

I loved how warm and welcoming his family was. You could see the smiles on everyone's faces. Not one person looked upset or anything. Luke grabbed my hand as we walked up and made sure that Pa and Denver were right behind us. When we got close we gave our hugs and said our hello's and Luke introduced my family.

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