Chapter 60 - Early Expectations

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Last month Luke and I had the baby shower. He was able to fly out for it. His mom made sure to come. His father couldn't but his brother in law lee was able to show up with the kids. We had a huge turn out. Jess helped me with a registry. We ended up getting a lot of stuff. 
My uncle did make two rocking chairs. We got one of the two cribs. We got a changing table, a bunch of clothes, blankets, toys, diapers, bottles, bibs, strollers, and a few other things. Everyone was amazing for all that they did for us. We only had to paint the room, get the other crib, buy some more clothes that we adored, and a bunch of other things we would need for the baby. Luke's mom and I went to Baby's R Us. We were able to get a lot of things there but I checked Amazon and got a lot of things cheaper. I always have been one for saving money.
The room was all done now. It was painted a pretty blue with woodland creatures on the walls. Our boys names over both of their cribs. The changing station and a treasure chest. The rocking chairs were close together. There were blankets on the back of each of them and there was also pillows that Luke's mom made that would match the room. They were sitting cushions. She also helped decorate a little bit more. 
Luke is currently home as of yesterday. He is staying home all of June, and July. He is staying till the end of second week in August. He surprised me yesterday because he said that he was coming home this weekend not yesterday which was a well needed surprise. I have felt off for the last week and wished that he was here to be with me.
My dad has stayed a few nights here or Denver has. They wanted to make sure I was resting as much as I should. Luke made sure they both knew what the doctor told me. He knows me way too well for me to be here alone. I would want to do everything myself. Though I am not allowed to. I am allowed to do little things but as much as clean dishes for too long, reach too high or low. I still have to drink  a lot of water. Which is more now. Since my dad was around Bella was helpful as well to both of us. 
Now that Luke is around they text a bunch. My father is excited. He keeps asking what the names are going to be but I kept it a secret. No one knows but Luke and I. I didn't want no one to try to change my mind. Luke and I have flopped back and forth on the names but we have been set on these names for two weeks now it is in stone for us. 
I've been mostly in the Den. I've been very nervous on where I sit recently. If my water were to break I think it would ruin anything that I am on or what not. I don't think we would get to cleaning it in time. I am probably going to have to stay in the hospital for a little since I am having twins and my body is to be checked. My doctor has been so great with making sure I am 100% though this whole thing. Knowing that I and the babys seem to be perfectly healthy made me happier than anything.
My current situation is I am sitting in the old recliner in the Den watching America's Got Talent. I've been binge watching everything I could get my hands on. Last week was, "So You Think You Can Dance." I now am tired of that. Maybe because Denver said her and Pa were into it a lot. My water jug was empty and I was really thirsty. Luke was upstairs putting away the laundry. Oh yeah, my manly man is doing house choures. You may not be able to see but that put a huge smile on my face. 
My huge belly and I waddled our way to the kitchen. I was able to grab my other jug and open it. I then put it on the counter and felt a huge pressure and then wetness. I looked at the jug making sure that I didn't  think I put it down but nope. I did. I looked down and my shorts and socks were soaked. My water broke. 

"Luke!" I yelled. I heard running. Nova was running too. She of course beat him. "Stay girl." I said pointing where she as at. She started whing in a way I've never heard. She the barked. Luke was close behind sliding almost into her but missing her. He then stopped and looked at me.
"Oh, Okay. You want to change and I'll grab the bags and put everything in the truck." Luke said looking down at the puddle and not me while he said that.
"I'm changing in the half a bath down here." I said. "This may be nasty but can you help though?" I asked him. He nodded. 
"Let me grab your clothes. Just walked out of the puddle and to the counter." He told me. I nodded. Nova was still wineing. Luke was running again.
"It's okay baby. Mama's going to be fine..." I said then I felt pain. Oh boy. "Oh fuck." I said gritting my teeth. That made Nova bark then she went to the stairs and barked.
"I hear ya Nova!" I heard Luke faintly yell. She didn't stop though. 
"Nova here!" I said. She came over and sat next to me. She looked up at me. She is such a smart dog. She knows everything I think. I hear Luke coming in. He helps me in the bathroom do everything I wanted to do. 
"Let me go get the truck ready. You call the doctor." He said handing his phone to me. I just nodded.

I just let Luke be running around. I called the doctor and told her what has happened so far. She said that it is good that I go now. Since I am a high risk pregnancy it's best I get there for her to check. She will be there by time I get there. She said she is going to call for me to have a room ready. Luke will just have to fill out our information when we get there. Unless I am ready to go then. They can wait. 
For some reason I was not scared. I felt normal now. I've been off for a whole week and now I am feeling good. Maybe I've been scared of Luke not making it. Maybe I'd be afraid if no one was here to help. I was brought out of my thoughts with Luke helping me into the truck. He made sure Nova was in the house and it was locked. We then made our way to the hospital.
I'm going to spare the details of getting checked in, talking to the doctor the first time, and having Luke fill out all the information. I was literally being watched to see if I could have these babies yet. I was hooked up to machines. This was the time for Luke and I to tell all our families. I just sent a mass text to Pa, Denver, Jess, and Major. Major was probably going to be looking after the place now that Jess got her text. 
My Pa and Denver were quickly here. They left Bella home. I don't know if it would be okay for him to bring her. I don't think they really could do much unless he was in ICU or something. They seemed to be beyond excited. My Pa was telling us stories about his first time being in here.

"I can tell y'all are nervous. I was when your ma was in here." Pa said smiling. "She was like how you are now. Not too scared. She had a smile on her face. She could not stop talking about seeing you and how you're going to be the best things in our lives. She loved being pregnant. She glowed so much. She couldn't wait to do it again. Oh boy when she did get to do it again. She took so many pictures. She had some of you and her. Denver you were kicking and Chevy would tap her finger on her tummy. It was so cute to come home to that. You remind me so much of your mama." He said smiling. 
"Well, we are making more memories at this hospital. You and mama's legacy will live on in Denver and I. Then they will be passed down to my two boys. Who will probably have kids and so forth." I told them.
"I don't plan on stopping at this two boys." Luke said and laughed.
"Let's see how well we do with double trouble first. I would love to go through a normal pregnancy for once. This was rough to not do anything. The doctor is surprised I loved it as much as I did." I told them.
"Feeling those boys move make me want some. I sure as hell know I am not ready yet for this." Denver said. She smiled. "I am so close to being done with this court bs that George is thinking about moving here." She said. I looked at her shocked because that part is news for me.
"Really? Great! I am glad. If not you'd move there right?" I asked her.
"Yeah but I can't leave you or Pa." She said.
"I'd be fine sweetheart." pa said smiling at her. "Fight for true love." He told her she nodded.
"I know but he says he wants to come out here another time and see how everything would be. Maybe find a job. Then if all that works out here will move out here."
"Well if it doesn't would you be willing to try it there?" I asked her. She smiled. I know she would.
"Yeah." She smiled.
"Well either way I am more than supportive of this. George is so great for you as you are for him." I told her.
"He seems happier than I've ever seen. He truly cares about you if he is willing to leave his mama. He is a mama's boy." Luke said.

We kept our conversations up for a little bit. Jess came in and chatted up for a while.
I was making sure I was getting an epidural. The closer it got she knew I wanted it but she was waiting so I would be fine through the whole thing. Everything that she checked was perfect. I was right on track and it was starting to happen faster. Things were getting more and more real. The more I got contractions the more I was getting scared.
Not to long after all of this I was wheeled into the birthing room. Luke was getting ready. They were setting everything up. When Luke got in there I looked at him and grabbed his gloved hand.

"I am scared now." I told him squeezing his hand. He smiled down at me and bent to kiss my head. He stayed close.
"It's almost over with baby. Everything is going to be fine. The babies will be fine. You'll be fine. We will have to squealing babies and smiles on our faces because we finally get to see our boys in real life. You can do this baby." He said kissing me this time. I smiled into the kiss and nodded. That was more than enough encouragement for me. 

I was now surrounded by so many people. I was surprised who and all was involved. My doctor talked me through it all. I did feel pain but not as much as I though. Well the epidural did help a hell of a lot I am guessing. This was also easier than that I though. When I would read or watch TV, a lot of women said this went by like 10 life times. Well they also had complications. 
My first son was born. Within seconds he was yelling as loud as he could. I looked at Luke who's eyes were wide. I squeezed his hand and he did mine. They had him cut though. The next boy was a little harder to come out. He seemed to want to stay. Well that is what the doctor said to make me probably feel more at ease. A few more pushes and rough ones I had my second boy out in this world. 
The doctor smiled as two nurses were holding my two sons. The one to my left had our first born. She handed him in one arm and the other let me hold our second born in my right arm. I heard the doctor say congratulations you have two beautiful boys. She also said I looked natural at this. That made me smile but not as much as seeing my pruned faced baby boys.
After they got cleaned up. Their information was all done. We found out they were fully healthy boys. I was perfectly fine and able to feed them both. They got me to do that before we got to see everyone. Luke went out and told them how it all went while I did that. He came in right at the end. I am so not into this breast feeding thing but I was going to do it. It has so many benefits for them. 

Once we got settled back in the room. Luke was able to hold the boy and everyone else was able to come in and see them. Pa cried along with Denver and Jess. Carter was smiling as he held Joanna. Luke had tears in his eyes after everyone left. He was holding both at the same time. He was impressed with himself. I smiled at that sight. I am so glad I got to have two perfect baby boys with a perfect man. 
Thomas Luther Bryan Jr. and Tatum Mason Bryan. Our two prefect newborn baby boys.

Thank y'alls for reading.

What do you think about the baby names?
What do you think is going to happen now with TWINS!?

Thank so much for the votes, follows, and comments. It makes me want to push out more and more for you guys. I don't want to stop stories soon when I am feeling them and getting the votes and comments y'all do. I appreciate all of it!

- pup

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