Chapter 23 - My Home

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Luke's shows from the sidelines are amazing. I enjoyed it more than being in the pit with those screaming women. I was also able to have him come right into my arms after each show. He may be sweaty but I'm the one he goes to and so far, I don't care about the sweat. I get my boyfriend to love on me.

Tonight's show is the next from last one. Luke and Carter have been very distant from Jess and I. I guess they are just busy with having everything right with tonight's show. Jess and I were walking around the Venue in Vegas anyway. We always did this. We would leave the guys alone for sound check normally and just walk around so we could talk.

I hardly ever get to talk to Jess anymore. This is a nice get away. Our friendship seems stronger now that we are both in happy and stable relationships. It is also better because neither of us are home, working our asses off, and stressing about how to pay bills. It may be very hectic with all this show stuff but to me I find it interesting. I like the chaos of it.

"So what do you think is up with them today?" Jess asked me as we went to sit on the side of a fountain that was outside in the middle of Las Vegas.

"I don't know. They seem like they are overly busy. The last two shows didn't seem this way." I shrugged and looked at her.

"Maybe." She looked at the people walking by us. "When they go on tour, who is going?" She asked me. I sighed.

"You. I need to make sure the house is okay and that the bills are paid. Hopefully I'll still have the work coming in like I do now." I said kind of sad. I wish I could go on tour so I could travel the country. It is wonderful just getting to be so far away from home and have no worries.

"Why don't we split it? I do half the tour, you do half." She smiled.

"Would your job still take you back after being gone about 2 1/2 months?" I asked her and she frowned realizing that it wouldn’t. "Don't worry about me. I'll find ways to come out. You know Luke will make me." I smiled to make her not feel so bad.

"I wish I could help our more Chevy." Jess said. I put my hand on her back and pushed her lightly.

"Come on kid. I told you before not to worry about it. You're basically my sister. You'd do the same for me if it was switched." She smiled and pushed me back after that.

"Race you to back stage?" She asked getting up and running.

"Not fare!" I yelled running trying to catch up to her head start.

We got there and I beat her. I laughed at her while we were both breathing heavy. We walked a lot further than we thought we did. Luke and Carter walked up to both of us confused at what was going on. Jess and I looked at them and then laughed harder. I saw Luke just smirked and put his arm around me.

"Why are you two out of breath?" Luke asked.

"Lesbian love." Jess said winking at me. I smirked.

"Totally." Luke raised and eye brow then looked at Carter.

"Didn't invite us to join?" Carter smirked and hugged onto Jess.

"Nope." Jess said popping her P and then kissing Carter.

"What you guys really do?" Luke asked me.

"Ran back here from where we walked. I won." I smiled and he kissed me.

"Ha! I date the winner." Luke teased Carter and Jess.

The guys seemed like they wanted to say a lot more than what they were talking us. I really wanted to bring it up but I had to wait till Jess was done saying her version of the story. It was one where we were younger and did some dumb shit out in the woods with a bunch of people running away from the cops.

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