Chapter 56 - Little Grain of Rice

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I am beyond excited. The tour is over. It is close to Halloween but I am meeting Luke out here at the Buck Commanders HQ. Well kind of the HQ. I have a surprise for Luke and he is going to have to follow little notes around the whole place. We have not seen each other in a month. Okay, we have but it feels that long. I am not use to seeing him this little. I have been helping my dad more because Denver was doing so much. I helped her take a little trip to Georgia for George.
I am waiting in the Den that I doubt he would see. I am just sitting on my computer looking up things. I can't type too much if he is in the house because since there is NO ONE ELSE here he would hear me. I am just also hoping that it is going to be him. That would suck that I hid all these notes and someone came in here and did some Friday the 13th stuff. 
Luke finally made it here so it's time to be at the final destination.

~~~Luke's Point Of View~~~

I pulling into Buck Commander. Chevy wanted to meet me here because she wanted time away from everyone. Here is where we were diffidently going to get it.  It feels like it has been way too long for me not being able to even touch or kiss her. I am able to talk to her every night. 
If someone were to ask me how in love was I with my wife. I would tell them to ask me every day since it gets stronger.

My cab drops me off and I pay the guy. He thanks me and was going to help me get the suitcase but it was only one so I got it. I walked up seeing a Tahoe parked right by the front door. I opened the door and smiled. 

"Baby! I'm here!" I yelled out. There was no response. I shut the door and put my suitcase by the door. I walked towards the room where I stay in most the time when I am here. Right on the door was a taped note. "Babe?" I questioned to the door. No response. I smirked. Riddles eh?

I opened up the note. It had my name in a heart. Then said:

Luke. There will be more notes.

If you want to find me,
Go where it floats.
That is where the next note will be.

Go where it floats? What are we in the IT movie? I chuckled knowing how much she loves horror movies. If I know what floats that means she means going to the mini lake. I guess I am going to go on a wild goose chase. 
I left the big Cabin house. I walked all the way towards the lake. I looked around. Where would the next note be. I started to walk towards where we kept the Kayaks. There was one on the ground with an ore in it. I noticed a note was taped to that. I shook my head and opened it.

When you look out here
You have your bow ready

When you release you hit the deer.
Your heart won't be steady.

"Oh Jesus. Make it a little harder baby." I said out loud. I chuckled and headed towards the feild where we hunt some deer. 

I looked around the field and went towards the hide out. I opened it up and went inside. I saw a seat in there and a bow. Right next to the bow was an arrow with a note on it. She is going to have to make this harder. Unless she is as anxious as I am to see each other. This note had a heart on the outside. 

I miss you so baby
You'll be able to find a hint
You look down me and squint. 

So now you make it harder. What do I look down and squint at? I will find a hint there? Where do I have to go. Is there something in here? I looked around in here and found nothing else. I left there and looked around. I repeated the word squint and started to do that around. Then a lightbulb went on in my head. A barrel of a gun. I ran back to the cabin and went inside. I went around and found a shotgun. There was a note on the end of that. I smirked. Still not fooled. This note was folded a lot.

You on have one more letter
Baby, you make everything bright
This will make life so much better. 
Go where we would be at night.

Okay that was so easy. What is going to make life better? I ran up the steps to the bedroom and opened the door. There was a bag with tissue paper in it. I grabbed threw all the tissue to find a bunch of rice at the bottom. Then a note sticking up. I grabbed the note bringing a few grains or rice with me. I shook my head. 

We are forever bound
I am on a screen
That's where I'll be found
I'll be your little bean.

Ps. It too me too long to write all of these notes. Nothing rhymed the way I wanted. So find me now. :) I have a special surprise for you. I love you and can't wait to see your handsome face!

That really made me smile. She has a surprise for me and we are here all alone for the weekend. I really can not wait to see her. My phone home screen may let me see her all the time but it's not the same as being able to hold her and smell that sweet perfume and shampoo she loves to use. 
I tried to figure out where a screen would be. Does she mean television? That could be in so many places here. I guess I am going to start up stairs and work my way down. She was not upstairs so then I stopped when I was at the bottom of the steps and slapped myself in the forehead. She is going to be in the Den. She's been there THE WHOLE TIME. I shook my head and quickly went to the den. 
I stopped quickly when I got the den and saw that she was projecting onto white screen. I didn't really look at it because she was holding her hands behind her back and standing under the projector. I walked down the few steps with a huge smile. I then looked at the screen and stopped dead in my tracks. I looked up at the screen to see something just up there. It's an ultrasound. I looked back at Chevy who was in front of me smiling. 

"Baby. Is that?" I questioned her. She nodded. 
"Our idea worked!" She told me. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I grabbed onto her her and picked her up swinging her around. She squealed with happiness. I put her down to passionately kiss her. 
"We are having a baby!" I yelled. She had tears falling down her cheeks. I hugged her. 

It has been a rough road for her trying to get pregnant. She has been wanting this since we got married. She has helped take care of Joanna and Sam. That made her fall in love with the idea. She also said since Nova is such a great well trained dog that she thinks if she can raise a child even better. I don't doubt her on that.
We have tried a lot. I know we haven't been trying too long but even the doctor said our attempts should of worked. We never said anything to anyone about going to a doctor about it. I guess the pills must of worked. They were to help her ovulate more. Or something like that. 
It was hard for me to keep track. I just did what ever I was told. Even though I enjoyed everything. 

"Tell me all that I am suppose to know. How did you do this without me knowing?" I asked her. She smirked.
"It was quite easy especially when I used my dad as an excuse. When I took the test. I had to make sure. The doctor was surprised we got pregnant this quick. She had to do an ultrasound. She said we are pregnant for a longer amount of time than me taking the pills! We didn't need them!" She was excited even more.
"I told ya baby. We were meant to have a baby." She smiled and pulled me over to sit. She had a slideshow.
"This is the best way for me to even know everything. " She said pulling up a timeline. "So we got pregnant around here." She pointed "Here is when I found out, and here we are now. Here is where we are going to be." She said. I smiled. "We are going to have a June 20th baby. Ish." She said. "So got pregnant around September 27th, and then she says by the 21st which is tomorrow we can hear the baby's heart beat on the ultrasound. I would be beginning the second trimester in December. So that is when we should tell everyone. The Doctor told me to hold off because this is the time most women have their miscarriages. I am so excited. It was hard not to tell Jess in the car earlier. I told Jason that I wanted to give you a special hello. So he don't even know. He made sure no one was here. " She was jumping up and down. Moving hear hands everywhere. 
"So, when do we find out the gender?" I asked her. 
"Umm.." She said looking at the timeline. "Well our little grain of rice is 5 weeks. We can find out in 11 to 15 weeks from now." I reached out for her hand and got her to sit on my lap. "I'm not done!" She whined. I chuckled and shook my head. "Fine. We don't go till the end of November for the next ultrasound. I get blood tests and stuff done then." She told me.
"I will be there for EVERYTHING. What ever you need. I am going to read books on tour and everything." I told her. She smiled.
"We should do pregnancy classes. Maybe have someone not let the whole fan base know until I start showing." She told me. 
"What ever you want. When do we tell everyone?" I asked. She had a twinkle in her eye. She has a plan.
"Christmas. Both of our families will be together!" She told me. I nodded. Makes sense. I hugged onto her. I was beyond happy. 
"We should celebrate." I told her. "Let's order pizza. Drink some soda, water, juice?" I said trying not to say anything alcoholic. "We can sit back and talk all about this and maybe have a little fun of our own." I said nipping at her arm. She laughed. 
"Oh, this is what got us into this mess in the first place Mr. Bryan" I laughed.
"So? I am in love with my sexy beautiful gorgeous hot wife." I told her. 

~~~ Back to Chevy's Point Of View~~~

Luke and I ended up getting pizza and having some lemonade. He seemed so happy and had a smile plastered on his face the whole time. I was the same way. I am so glad I finally got to tell him. This is going to be really hard keeping it a secret from everyone else. I have felt nausea recently but it hasn't gone to me actually vomiting. I am tired more often. I also have a bad craving. Deviled Eggs or Egg Salad. If I can keep this under control and not making it obvious we should be fine.
I think that things are going to get a lot better. I am going to love pregnancy. I am going to enjoy everything. Jess hated parted of it but I think it was just because she got fat. She hated being fat. She lost all the weight though and actually looks skinnier now. I don't know how but she does. 


Thank y'alls for reading. 

What do you think about the pregnancy?
What are you hoping for? Boy or Girl?
What should some of the names be?

20 Votes 

Thank you all again for reading, voting, and commenting. Without you guys I probably would not be writing. I am enjoying this so much so thank you for so much!

- Pup

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