Chapter 28 - Welcome To Georgia

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I was walking off the terminal for the plane when I saw Luke. He was smiling, wearing his hat forward, sunglasses on, and normal clothing. I jogged up to him and he opened his arms to catch me. I missed him for this week I was gone.

I went for a week since construction started on my mechanic shop of my own. My father and Uncle are looking after everything. We found people who would do it for cheaper because of my uncle. I had to sign papers, and get everything legally right. My father keeps me updated daily about everything going on and makes sure that everything; including pictures is emailed.

So back to being in Luke's arms. My bag has dropped and my arms were around his neck. He spun me around and then kissed me quick. A few people were just staring but I didn't care. He let me go and then we were back to going to get in a taxi and go to the busses.

We held hands all the way to the taxi. He would not let me go worth anything. We didn't even talk. We just enjoyed each other's silence. I smiled knowing that he really did care about me. I then realized we were not going to the busses. We were out in the country. I was confused. I looked at Luke who was just looking out the window. I squeezed his hand. He glanced over at me and looked confused.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Leesburg Georgia. My hometown. Baby, have you been so busy you forgot that we were staying at my parents tonight, tomorrow, and the next day?" he asked. My eyes got wide. He chuckled. "Damn, you did forget. I guess everything is going okay with the construction?" He asked.

"Yeah. My dad and Uncle are fully on it. So, I'm meeting your parent's?" I asked.

"Yes. My father and mother may be split but they are still okay with each other. They'll both be there with us tonight."

I for some reason am now majorly nervous. I'm meeting his parents. He has only talked about them a few times when we talked about mine. What if they don't like me? What if they don't like my job? What if I come off as some weird girl especially since I have a tattoo. He said his mama was religious. She will probably hate that I have piercings' and tattoos. Oh shit.

I started to freak out.

"Baby. Calm down. It's okay. Don't worry. Breathe in and breathe out." Luke said trying to calm me down. He pulled me close to him.

"Do you two need to stop?" The driver asked.
"Please. I need to give her air." Luke said.

The driver pulled over and Luke got out pulling me with him. He put me against the car and looked into my eyes. He coaxed me to breathe in and out. I did what he said until I was fully stable to breathe and stop having anxiety problems. I was still a bit shaky from some of the thoughts that went through my head.

"You okay now?"

"A little." I said as he had his hands on my biceps.

"Calm down baby. It'll all be fine. You'll fit in fine. I've told them all about you. They're excited to meet you." He smiled. I smiled back.


Maybe this won't be so bad. I'm just over reacting. Country folk are always nice. Luke is a genuine fellow so they must be like him. If I get along with him and he with me then I should be fine.

We got back inside of the taxi for the last 10 minutes of the ride. Luke held me close. He kept up conversation about what is going on with the house while I was still thinking about how to greet his parents for the first time. This scared me still but I was putting my big girl pants on and dealing with this.

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