Chapter 12 - Abusive Past

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I woke up cuddling into Luke. I opened my eyes and looked up seeing him still fast asleep. His mouth was slightly open. He kind of had a smirk on his face. I smiled and shook my head. I slowly got up not to wake him and saw that we left his room a mess to an extent. I got out of bed and decided to grab all the trash we had left in here.

I was able to put everything on top of the pizza box and not wake Luke up. His arm that I was once on is now on his stomach. I smiled as I walked downstairs thinking how great last night actually was. I have not been that happy or having that much fun in a long time.

When I threw everything that could be thrown away in the trash I decided to make breakfast for Luke. I saw that it was only 9 in the morning so I went through his fridge. I looked in his cabinets and saw that he had pancakes. I then saw in his freezer there were frozen blue berries. That gave me the best idea to make blue berry pancakes.

While the pancakes were cooking, I went all over his kitchen looking for things so I can bring him breakfast in bed. I found everything and didn't burn a single pancake. I was quite surprised by how long it has been since I made a breakfast like this. I was hoping the pancakes would taste right. I had found a tray that I could put both plates on. I already put on the butter and syrup. I put on two forks, two knives and two glasses of orange juice.

I tried my hardest to get it up stairs without spilling and I did it. I got into the room and set it on his side before trying to wake him up.

"Lukey, wake up." I said softly and shook him a little. He didn't even budge. So I tried again and again. Still nothing. "Luther wake up." I said more stern and he didn't move either. Okay so I got off the hook with that one. I smiled. I then got on top of him. I started to run my hands up his chest. "Luke. Wake up. It's time to get up hun." I said slowly leaning down to his ear. "I'm barely clothed and on top of you." I said seductively.

I kissed his cheek then went to his mouth. I felt his hands move up my legs under my shorts and right to my ass. My eyes opened and I saw his eye brow raised as he squeezed my ass and then kissed back with a smirk on his face. I pulled away and sat up crossing my arms. His eyes opened and he just looked at me.

"You are clothed. You liar." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"How much did you hear?" I heard you setting down something. Then calling me Luther." I said pointing at me. I bit my lip and shyly smiled. He chuckled and rubbed my legs. "I will let it slide because I smell pancakes. Let's go get them" He said tapping my leg. I shook my head no.

"I brought it to you in bed." I said smiling. He looked over and then back at me.

"Well aren't you the best." He said sitting up so he could be level with me. He kissed me sweetly and I started to melt. I could feel all of his feelings into that kiss and I tried to give some back.

We sat in bed and grubbed on our food. He ate his quicker than I ate mine. I laughed at that and finished mine as he talked to me about what we were going to do today. He said that he lived close to a very nice auto mechanic place and that he will see if we can get me in there. I was just hoping they were not going to think about what happened yesterday.

Luke and I both took turns taking showers. He took one in the other one. He was surprised it took me as long as it did him to take a shower. He is use to women who probably take forever with the shower.

We go into the kitchen and he makes up a game plan. He says we make sure we are back here by 5 so I can drive home and get dressed for the date at my house. He will have time to do the same thing and then come pick me up. First we were going to check the mechanic shop close to him.

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