Chapter 29 - What It's Like

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Luke and I were outside talking. We were in the middle of a kiss when we heard a truck pull up. Luke kept his hands in my back pockets as I had my arms around him. We both turned our heads to a truck with four people getting out of it. Three kids and one older man. He was middle aged it seemed.

Luke looked down at me and smiled. He let go of me and I was reluctant to let go. I followed behind him though. He walked up to the holder man.

"Good to see you Luke." He hugged him.

"Uncle Luke!" The tallest girl said. She quickly went up and hugged him once the man let go of him. Who are these kids?

"Hey Jordan." Luke said hugging her and kissing her on the head. I stood in place not knowing what to do.

"Uncle Luke!" The other girl said. She hugged him.

"Hey Kris." He did the same to her. Luke then looked at the boy. "Oh come on Til." He opened his arms for the young boy. The boy went into his arms and hugged him. I smiled.

"So who's this beautiful woman you have all over you Luke?" The older man asked looking at me. Luke looked up at me and let Til go. He walked over to me and put his arm around me.

"Lee, Jordan, Kris, and Til. This is my girlfriend Chevrolet. Chevy that is my brother in law Lee, and him and my sisters three children, Jordan, Kris, and Til." Luke introduced us.

"Nice to meet y'all." I said sticking out my hand to Lee. He grabbed it and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Chevy. It's nice to finally put a face with what we've all heard about you." Lee said with a big smile. I blushed knowing Luke has talked about me a lot to his family.

"Let's get inside. Mama is probably worried when y'all's were arriving." Luke said. He put his other arm that wasn't around me out to guide them to the front door.

They walked past us and the oldest Jordan just stared me down before then moving into the house. What the hell is that about? Luke started to walk in with me letting me go through the door first.

We got into the house to see Luke's parents hugging all of them. I felt a little awkward being here now. Especially with the oldest girl Jordan staring me down every chance she gets. Luke asked if I wanted a beer and I said, "Yes, Please." He got me one and just pecked my lips. I looked Jordan's way and she was scowling at me. What the hell is this?

I looked at the other girl who was fine with me. The youngest boy was next to Jordan and just looked at me weird. I smiled at him and he ran off. Well. I guess they don't like strangers. Hopefully this changes.

Time passed to where we all went outside and hung out in the backyard. The kids were all playing while we sat around and drank a little. Til ran up to Luke and asked him to play ball with them but he offered me up instead knowing I played softball at one point in time.

Now I'm throwing the ball around with Jordan, Kris, and Til. It seemed as if Kris and till would only throw me the ball. Jordan would ignore me. I didn't try to act like it mattered. Til threw the ball at me pretty hard. I caught it and smiled.

"Good arm there Til!" I yelled to him. He seemed to smile at the praise that he received.

"Chevy!" I heard Luke yell. I looked back at him.

"Yeah?" I said throwing the ball to Kris and looking back.

"10 minutes till we eat." Luke let me know. I put my thumb up.

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