Chapter 16 - Questions

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Everyone has left my house besides Jess. I was in my room grabbing clothes for tomorrow when Luke came behind me and held onto me.

"Do you remember you're my date tomorrow at Jason's bbq?" Luke asked me.

"Shit, I forgot. What should I wear?" I asked.

"Nothing." He growled into my neck kissing it. I bumped my butt into his groin and he groaned.

"That's later. I'm talking about to Jason's." I said having him let me go and then scratch his neck.

"I like shorts and a tank top but wear a v neck." He smirked.

"Fine only if I wear your boxer briefs to bed with your shirt." I smiled.

"Pft. We will see." He said with a smile. Which I know meant yes but he wanted to play around.

"Okay then." I winked.

I got packed and we headed over to his place. I went and put my things in his room while he was fetching us some alcohol. I got into the kitchen and he had Jack on the Rocks for me. I knew now that I won't deny feelings, this is when I'm gonna get frisky and I'm fine with it.

When we drank that we had another real quick to make us buzzed. We both went outside and he had two towels. At least he thought ahead. I walked to the side of the pool and pulled off my shirt and shorts. I was just in a bra and underwear now. Luke just looked at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I winked turning around and unclipping my bra and looking back at him.

"If you turn around once that is gone I will gladly." Luke smirked setting the towels on the chair near the pool.

"Nope. I said   throwing my bra to the side. "Come on slow poke" I said as I slowly let my underwear fall down. I kicked them to the side where my bra was. I looked back and saw Luke close to taking off his boxer briefs.

"Jump chicken!" Luke yelled at me. I looked back at him and he was pushing his boxer briefs down I quickly jumped because I didn't want to see his area yet. I heard a jump come in after me and then I surfaced.  I looked around for about 20 seconds before I wondered where Luke was.

"Luke?" I asked confused. It was dark outside. I turned all around and he wasn’t there. I started to feel slightly scared because I hated the dark woods. I felt like I was out there because one side of Luke's pool was looking at the woods. The other was the house. "It's not funny Luke!" I yelled a little. I was kicking to keep myself up. I was about to swim to the side when something grabbed me and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I heard a laugh. I turned around and started slapping Luke's chest. "You fucking dick!" I yelled

"Calm down baby. Nothing is out here. No one is going to hurt you. It's just you me, and no clothes." He said leaning in and kissing me.

"Still an ass. You know I'm scared of the woods at night." I said. He shook his head no.

"You never mentioned you were scared of them. I'm am very sorry baby." I said pulling me close. My boobs were to his chest. Our mid sections were touching. I bit my lip and held onto him.

We played around a little more in the pool. Everything was so much fun. I loved picking skinny dipping. We had a buzz going on and it was great. We started to play 20 questions which you know when you play with opposite sex it turns into sex questions and goes from 20 to 100 questions. I couldn't help but laugh at when Luke instantly turned it sexual.

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