Chapter 19 - Meet Denver

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Luke and I arrived to my house and I saw Denver's car right in my spot. I groaned and parked next to Carters truck. Luke parked right behind mine because we had no more spots open. I got out of my truck quick making sure I locked that and the money inside. I got out of my truck and was met by Luke who grabbed my hand and squeezed it. It was 11 when we got here and I knew that Jess was not going to sleep anytime soon because Denver was here.

I walked up to the house and Jess swung the door open and gave me that, "I already hate her," look. I sighed and just nodded walking past her. My sister was sitting on the couch, in a tube top, short shorts, no shoes with feet up on the coffee table playing with her phone. Well doesn't she look comfortable? She looked over at me and got up happy as hell to come over and hug me.

She put her arms around me and hugged me but I didn't do that to her.

"Oh my god. I missed you Chevy." She said and slowly released me looking up at me.

"What do you want Denver?" I asked her coldly. She frowned.

"Is that any way to talk to me after you have not seen me in so long?" She asked about to sit back down but then Luke came up and put his arm on my back knowing I was not happy. She looked at him. "Oh my god. That was really Luke Bryan." She said starting to come close but I stepped in front of him.

"What do you want Denver?" I asked her again. She scoffed and then sat down crossing her arms.

"He kicked me out for some other slut. I don't have anywhere else to go. I need help to get on my feet. I just need to stay here for a little while." She told me getting relaxed on the couch.

"You can't stay here." I told her. She looked at me.

"You always let me before. Come on Chevy. Help your little sister out." She said getting up and coming over to me. She acted so upset. "I need help bad this time Chevy. I don't have anything. I'm surprised I had enough money to put in my tank to get here." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"That’s the third time that one has been used Denver." I crossed my arms tightly.

"I know but seriously Chevy. I don't have anywhere to go. You know Pa won't take me in. He says I have to learn but I have. It's not me. He kicked me out for some other woman." She had tears forming and slowly trickling down her face.

"It's not my fault that you keep going back to old fucks. They use you. Dump you. Then you run back to me needing help. I don't have the money for this. There is no more room in the house."
"But sure you make enough. You're a mechanic like Pa. He made good money to feed us and mama." She said. I glared at her.

"Then who started making money with pa when they were younger? ME! You kept fucking everything in sight. I am not letting you stay here I don't have a job anymore Denver. I lost it. I'm hard for cash and looking for a new job. I can't feed you. The house if full enough as it is."

"So you're going to let Jess stay here, and her boyfriend but not me? Your own family?" She said angrily. Jess stood up but Carter grabbed her.

"You listen good Denver. You are only a sister by blood. If we could pick and choose I would NEVER call you a sister. You use everyone. I'm not letting you use me. Jess is my sister by choice. She is a wonderful person and puts in her share for the house. End of discussion. I want to see you leaving in the morning. Don't drink my alcohol and don't make any food." I told her walking away.

I heard her mumble something but I had to walk away before I hit her. I was really going to fuck her up. I then heard footsteps behind me which was Luke, Jess, and Carter. We all just looked at each other telling silent goodnights before heading into our rooms. Luke shut my door and walked over but I passed him and locked it.

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