Chapter 10 - Sleepover At Luke's

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~Chevy's Point Of View~

We got done eating and Luke paid for everything and my father allowed it. Luke also asked my father to go Turkey hunting with him. My father has always wanted to go turkey hunting and now Luke is helping that dream come true. Great my father is going to push me to date Luke now too.

We pulled into my driveway when I saw Rocko's car here. I sighed. He is going to be pissy and then might argue with my father. He also hates Luke which is very much known between us. I shut off the truck and saw Rocko getting out of his car. I looked and saw my dad being the first one to open his door.

I quickly opened my door and got out seeing that Carter was shutting the door after Jess got out and she looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look. She knew what might happen and I was not going to like it. I walked to the house not knowing what really to do.

"What are ya doing Rocko?" Jess asked. I looked back and saw him walking towards the house.

"What do I do every Sunday night?" He asked her ignorantly.

"Go be a jerk-off somewhere else if you're going to disrespect my adopted daughter." My father said. Luke was next to me.

"How about you go jerk off old man if you can still get it up. Chevy, you haven't answered me for 2 hours." I patted myself down after Rocko glared at Luke.

"I left my phone home I think." I shrugged not caring much because I sometimes did that.

"Well you could of texted me and told me the old man was here." He said as he came up and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Well he is my father. You know he can come and go as he pleases." I said letting go of him. I hated that he and my father didn't get along. I had to take my father's side. If I don't he won't talk to me for months like he did before.

"Yeah, now the hell are you still coming around here for? Don't you see we are all busy?" My father said coming up on the porch. I just turned around and unlocked the door.

"I still stay here most of the time for you information. I'm still doing what you know." I heard Rocko say and I knew that he just told my dad we fuck. I shook my head and walked into the house.

"Yeah right." I heard Jess say.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Rocko asked.

"You haven't rocked anything besides that damn guitar in weeks. I would know I live here." She spat at him and walked in the door.

I just sat on the couch. I saw my dad come in and sit on the opposite side of me. Jess came in and sat on the love seat with Carter. Luke and Rocko just stared each other down before coming in. Rocko was first in and he was coming to sit on the couch but saw my dad was there and he was conflicted on his choices to sit down or not.

Rocko just stood by me and Luke went around the other side and sat down between my father and I. Rocko glared and then sat on the recliner. I knew nothing was going to be good from here on out.

It was quiet for a good thirty minutes. The only thing that made noise was the TV. I looked at the clock and it was almost 9. I had to get ready for bed soon. I had work at 9 in the morning with Rocko. I looked around and saw tension in the room. Carter got up and stretched.

"Well I'm leaving. I got to see my parents tomorrow." He said and Jess got up.

"I'll walk you to your truck." She said smiling. He grabbed her hand.

"Bye Carter." I said and smiled. He smiled back.

"Bye Chevy, see ya later Mr. Mason." My father waved. "Are we fishing still on Tuesday, Luke?" Carter asked. I looked at Carter. I haven't been fishing in a long time. I smiled thinking about fishing.

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