Chapter 50 - Not So Simple

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I have been stuck at the shop for the past week trying to get my mind off what has been bothering me. It has been quite some time and Luke and I still aren't able to have a baby yet. I don't know what it is. I haven't been on birth control in forever. Luke hasn't used any condom since we met. I've been more into doing it when I'm ovulating. Well I make sure of it. Ugh. I am beyond having baby fever.

"Chevy. Hello! Baby!" I jumped up and looked. I just zoned out. Great. I'm supposed to be finishing all of this by the end of the day so it is done for tomorrow morning.
"Yes?" I said turning around whipping my hands. Luke was standing there arms crossed. "Oh no, I forgot about something right?" I asked him. He just laughed and shook his head.
"No. I wanted to see your reaction. I just asked your father and he says you have been weird all morning and haven't eaten yet. You okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just in a lot of thought and kind of missing this work." I told him. He came up to me and kissed me quickly.
"Well clean your hands. I brought pizza for everyone." He said then turned away.

Of course he would. I looked up at the clock and it was only 1. That's not too bad. I went and cleaned my hands. I went over to Major and he had just finished and oil change. I told him about the pizza. Once I got to the office I saw that a person was there waiting for their car. They had a baby in their arms who was looking around. I smiled.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" I asked.
"Oh my car is just getting an oil changed. The older gentleman said it would be done by now." She said. "I'm kind of in a rush."
"Is it a 2010 Honda Accord?" I asked her. She nodded. "Well you're in time. Major will be pulling your car out of the garage any minute. I'll ring you up in the meantime so when he comes in with your key's you can go." I told her.
"Thank you so much."
"It is no problem." I said as I went behind the counter. I typed in her information and got her paid within no time. The baby in her arms started to fuss and move around when she tried to go into her purse.

"Um." She said looking around for something to set the baby on but he was so tiny he probably couldn't even hold himself up.
"I could hold him." I said as I unstopped my suit and let it hang from my hips. She looked relieved.

"Thank you so much." I went around the counter and he went right into my arms. He looked at me like I was a shiny new toy. I smiled at him.
"Hello there little man." I said smiling at him. He just looked. "Don't worry your mommy will have both of you out of here soon." He made a small little noise as if he understood. I laughed a little.
"Crap I'm going to have to use my card.
"How much are you short for?" I asked.
"$2. But I have enough on my card trust me." She said thinking I was going o question her.
"Don't worry about it. Major is walking in right now with your keys. Just give me the cash with what you have and the $2 is on me. Don't need you being late." I told her. She put the money on the counter.
"You sure?" She asked. "I have no problem using my card it's just I forgot I went to the corner store before coming here to get the car." She said. I laughed and she took her kid back.
"Yes. I'm sure. It's fine. You need to get going. You're kid is also adorable."
"Here you go ma'am." Major said. She turned to him and he dropped the keys in her hand.
"Thank you both so much. I'm going to recommend you to everyone! God bless you so much." She said. I nodded as she quickly got out of here. I went and got the money she was only two bucks short. I grabbed my money from my pocket and put the 2 in.
"She was short?" Major asked standing at the counter.
"Yeah. She was in a rush. She seemed like she would have been good for it. It was only 2 dollars anyway." I told him. He smiled at me.
"So I got to ask you something about me coming in tomorrow." Major said.
"That would be?" I said finishing up everything then turning the sign around.
"My babysitter is sick. I have no one else to watch the baby so." he said looking at me and smiling.
"You want me to watch the baby or you want to get off?" I asked.
"Kind of both. I want to come in for the hours since I can't lose them. I also wanted to ask since you said in the morning you're going to be behind the counter would you watch the baby? Since you know Jess has done that with Joanna." Major said. I smiled. "You know he is 2 and wonderful. You'll see how great he is and also I'm bringing him to the Company BBQ." He told me.
"This all sounds fine by me. I'll be in at 8am along with you. You'll stay till when ever. I'll stay behind the desk most of the day. The only time I need you is when the man comes and picks up his Silverado."
"Deal." Major shook my hand.

We both went and got pizza. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Everything seemed to be going great in my life minus one thing. So much baby talk today is really making me wish I was able to have my own right now but I guess God is not wanting that at the current moment.

My shop is a major success. I have Jess, Denver, Pa, Me, Major, David, Shawn, and Tyler as my employee's. Jess is the main reception woman. Denver is the weekend and one when Jess is not here or when I am not working it. I am helping her make some extra cash. Pa is the manager and main mechanic. I told him he picks whatever jobs he wants. Major would be next in line. He helps keep the rest of the mechanics in line. David, Shawn and Tyler all are great mechanics and are wonderful at different things. Tyler is our electrician for the most part. He hooks up systems and other things that people would enjoy such as new lights for the bottom or your tag.

Luke and I have our house spotless and Nova is still happy. We redecorated the house and made it a little nicer since we got married. I wanted to make a room into a nursery but its way too early especially since I haven't gotten pregnant yet.

My family and friends are just great and nothing has gone wrong with them. Denver is doing great still and being as close as she can to me. Jess is always around or helping out in some way and bringing around Joanna. Luke's mother keeps in touch a lot and tries to come around all the time.
The only problem is trying to have a baby. I know we have not been married long. I know that but I just feel deep down I am ready. I feel like this is the prime time to start with Luke. We would be wonderful parents. WE have jobs that are not the easiest to have with babies but with mine I am able to step down and let my father step up when I am not around. I just hope we will be able to.

Everyone finished pizza. Luke left telling me he is going to wait at home. I was only getting off whenever I finished the truck. Which I got done in 3 hours exactly. Since I stopped my day dreams and went right for it I was able to finish it and have it running like new again.

When I got home I needed to get a shower. Luke was working on something in the basement. Nova ran up to me since she has been around him all day and followed me where ever I went. She even laid in the bathroom. When I got out and was in just my Pj's Nova knew where I was going. To Luke.
He was sitting on his chair in the basement with notebook in hand. When he saw Nova going to him he set the notebook down and pet her. He looked over to see me and smiled. I went over and sat on his lap. I was overly in love with this man. I really am happy with everything that has happened to get me here because if I changed one thing I could possibly be somewhere else at this moment in time.

"I am so glad you're home." Luke said holding me closer so I could snuggle into his chest.

"I am glad that I'm home too. I missed you even though that it has only been a few hours." I said.
"So what's up with you? You've been off for a few days." Luke asked me. I sighed and then told him

"Luke I really want a baby. The harder we try the more discouraged I get and upset. I feel like there is possibly something wrong with me." I told him.
"Baby. I doubt there is anything wrong with you. We could be stressing trying to have a baby too much. Mama always told me its okay to try but you get your best blessings unexpectly. Maybe we should try to not think about having a baby and get to doing our own thing while staying at our normal sex stuff." Luke said.

"You think that would work?" I asked.
"You would be less stressed. I would be. You'd probably be happier than normal. Everything will go great baby. Trust me. Don't worry that beautiful head of yours. We will have children. A house full if we want. We just got to let the blessing come to us." Luke said. I smiled. He always knew what to say to me.
"Okay. I was thinking maybe we could head upstairs now though? You telling me that made me fall for you even more. You always know what to say to me." I told him and winked. He growled.
"You read my mind Darlin." Luke said picking me up when he got up and carried me to our bedroom for a night of bliss.


Sorry it has been so long! I hope that I can finish this Story soon. I am working on other stories that are not Luke. Sorry :( I hope that you enjoy them as well. 
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I wonder how many people still want to read this? 


Thank you all for being here for so long. I've enjoyed sharing my stories with you all. you've been wonderful! :)

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