Chapter 21 - Changed Plans

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I have been working my ass off these past few weeks. Luke goes to the CMA's tomorrow so that means he leaves tonight at 6. It is a 5 hour flight so he will be there before midnight and able to get some rest.

I have work scheduled for when he is gone. Jess is going with Carter which means she is going to be losing money at work. That means I'm going to have to pick up what she is not going to be able to bring in. I do have enough money saved up for me to take that trip about three times because of how much work I've put in. It still doesn't mean that I need to take a vacation for my side work.

I woke up early because Jason was brining over his daughter's four-wheeler so I could fix it. I made sure I was dressed and downstairs before Luke even got up. I sat on the couch and watched TV before Jason came by.

It was about an hour of me watching TV and Jason should have been here a while ago. I looked at my phone and didn't have any texts or calls. I was going to get up but I felt two arms go around my neck and loosely rest on my chest. I looked up and saw Luke smiling.

"Waiting for Jason?" He asked me. I nodded.
"He was supposed to be here a while ago. I don't know why he isn't here." I said. "He never was late with his wife's vehicle." I said. Luke let me go and then came to sit next to me. He pulled me until I was on his lap.

"Well, he isn't coming. Nor is anyone else." Luke told me. I just looked at him confused.


"I told everyone that since you denied coming with me to the CMA's and Vegas shows that I'm having you all day until I leave." He said leaning in and kissing me.

"So I'm losing money today?" I asked him. He just glares at me.

"Do you even care Chevy? You will not see me for about a week and a day. You hardly see me now." He said aggravated. I sighed and got off him.

"I need to make money Luke. It's not my fault that I don't have a job and don't know how much longer these jobs are going to last."

"You can reschedule. The jobs will be there!" He said in a louder tone.

"Who knows who wants them done now, and won't go to someone else!" I said raising my voice.

"They're friends of mine. They won't do that to you." He said standing up. He ran his hands through his hair.

"That's not the point! I also have appointments other days so how am I going to reschedule Jason now?"
"I'll pay you whatever you're losing. I just want to spend time with my girlfriend. Is that so hard to ask? I haven't been able to really see you besides when you're asleep, we're eating breakfast or your working on a vehicle and I'm sitting around with my hand up my ass!" he yelled at me and raised his arms which made me step back quick. I started to feel very low and scared.

"I don't want your money." I said softly to him. He looked at me pissed and his hands were on his hips. That is how Rocko would stand before he would chuckle, smirk, and then slap. Luke just shook his head and turned. I closed my eyes hearing him chuckle.

"Then how can I spend time with you?" he asked but I just stayed quiet and still. "Chevy?" he asked softly. I heard him move but still didn't look. I felt like I was probably shaking but my mind was keeping myself occupied so I wouldn't feel anything. "Baby, what's wrong?" I felt his hand on my back and I flinched. "Oh Chevrolet." He pulled me into his embrace. "I'm not going to hit you. I'm not going to hurt you. I maybe mad but it's not going to be forever. It's not like I won't get over it. I'd never lay a hand on you like that." He kissed my head and I felt him sit us down with me curled up on him and the couch. "Please say something."

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