Chapter 8 - Don't Call Me Luther

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We got to Luke's house and he parked close to the door. I unbuckled and let myself out and jumped down because for some reason I wanted to. Luke was by my side of the truck by time I shut the door. I smiled at him as he smiled and then walked to his door and opened the door.

He offered me something to drink and it was about 1 now so it would be okay to drink a beer but I said maybe later. He nodded and then we made our way into the living room. We talked about a bunch of things and had the TV on as background noise. I learned more about him and he learned a little more about me before it seemed like a light bulb went off in his head.

"You can play music right?" He asked me. I nodded. "Well that's a dumb question. I heard you yesterday. Well I only heard you sing. What can you play instrument wise?" He asked me.

"Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Drums, Bass, Flute, Violin, Cello, Mandolin, Ukulele, Piano, Steele Guitar, You name it, I can possibly play it." I said. He looked really surprised.

"That’s very impressive. I should hire you as my new fiddle player but I know you like working on cars too much to do it. Also your hate for country music." he said joking with me.

"I don't hate it." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"That's not what Jess said. She said you don't listen to it or anything."

"I listen to you don't I? I went to your concert didn't I? I know the name of a few of your songs now don't I?" I asked him and he smirked.

"I'm just special. Name another NEW country artist. I know you know older ones. Who doesn't who lives in Nashville?" I had to think what is that other guy's name?

"Blake Shelton." I smirked. He nodded.

"Can you name a song?" I shook my head no. "Who else?"
"Umm…I uh don't know." I said. He chuckled.

"See, I'm special. You only like my music." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"In your dreams." I said. He moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh just say it. Luke you're special. You're the only country singer I like." Luke said swaying me back and forth and it made me giggle.

"Make me!" I said defensive. Then he instantly started tickling me.

This tickle fight lasted a while. We ended up on the carpeted floor in his living room. I was giggling my ass off. He was on top of me getting me all riled up and unable to breathe at points. I begged for him to stop and the only way he would is if I admitted that I liked him and only him for country music. I had to say that is true right now because he is the only one I have listened in my truck this whole week really.

"Fine!" I yelled still giggling. he let go of me to let me catch my breath. When I did enough and I whipped the tears away. I looked at him and he was smirking. "You're the only country singer I like. Happy now?" I asked smiling still. He leaned down and got really close to me. For some reason this made me really nervous. His lips were so close to my ear.

"Oh, I'm very happy now."

His breath went down my neck giving me goose bumps and kind of turning me on. His one hand slid down my side enough to not tickle me. I bit my lip as he pulled away a little and his face was in front of mine. His eyes looked into mine then down at my lips then back into my eyes. He smirked before leaning down more and more.

Our lips were about to kiss when his phone started to buzz on my inner thigh and startle both of us. We both laughed a little as he reached down and sat up getting his phone. I sat up two with both of my legs still on each side. His hand rested on one of my legs.

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