special day

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"C'mon it's not that hard.." Jimin said and took the paper from Namjoon

"Easy for you to say.. you're not asking the most handsome man in the world to marry you?.." Namjoon snatched the paper back and sat down on the couch in Yoongi's studio

"... but he knows that you want to propose right?.. then why is it so hard?.. just go do it.." Yoongi said

"But... I.. what if he says no?.." Namjoon looked up at Yoongi with puppy eyes

"Why would he say no?.. he's your fiance.. he loves you a lot.. and he did comment on Jimin's post that he would marry you if you asked?.. "

"... but.. how do I make it special?.."

"Awee you want to do something special for him?.. why didn't you say so!.." Jimin laughed and sat down next to Joon

"You know what he likes right?.. just do what he loves a lot and say how you feel.. he will love it.."

"... he loves fishing but I don't think it's a good idea to propose there.." Namjoon said
"Wait.. he loves you.. all of you.. you all are very important to him.." Namjoon said as he was thinking about something

"I think I got this.. dinner is on me tonight.." Namjoon said and stood up..

"Park.. uhm no Jeon.. uh Park Jeon.. help me I need the team.." Namjoon said and looked back at a very confused Jimin

"We?.. as in bts?.."
"No no you all love Jin way to much to lie to him.. I need the Minnie team. Your kids!.. they're perfect for my plan.."

"I uhm.. okay?.." Jimin nodded without completely being sure of what Namjoon meant

"Bye hyung.." Namjoon waved at Yoongi and grabbed Jimin's hand and quickly left..


"Okay the team is already doing their job.." Namjoon said and mentally checked it off of his list

"They're... making Jin hyung run around at the mall with Tae and Jungkook.."

"Yes that's good! Now you will help me.."

"Wait when did I agree?.." Jimin asked.. almost laughing at himself because he was beyond happy to help

"You don't have to agree.. you're automatically helping because you love me and I am cute.."

"I- why do you have to be so adorable??... ughh I will help.. what do I do?.."

"Great that you asked!.. help me pick a nice shirt that is normal enough to wear at home but nice enough to impress Jin.. also help me order food everyone and especially Jin hyung likes.."

Jimin tried not to laugh but Namjoon was being too cute..

"Min, I will hit you.." Namjoon said and again grabbed Jimin's hand and took him to his room

. . .

"What's up with you?.." Taehyung asked when Jungkook heavily sighed for the third time

"Nothing .. I just.. I miss my husband okay?.." Jungkook said

"Damn.. well just go home then?.. or call him?.."

"I can't leave my little demons alone with you guys, they'll eat you up... and I did call him, he said he's busy.. I asked what and he didn't say anything.. I'm sad.."

"Well then wait a little.. hyung wanted to buy some sweaters.. I think he will be almost done and then we can go okay?.."

"Okay..." Jungkook said

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