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Jimin's POV..

I waited until midnight.. I had packed my bags yesterday and now it was time to leave.. I couldn't bring myself up to tell my friends, best friends .. and Jungkook .. I felt bad about all of this but if i stayed here then they would eventually find out about the pregnancy.. about Jungkook and me.. Jungkook would accept it, but I can't let his career be at stake, I'm not sure how everyome will react if they ever find out, but I can't cause them any distress.. I could ruin it all for them.. I can't have that.. it's best to leave..

I sat in my bed and look over at Hoseok hyung's bed.. just thinking about him made me smile.. he's the sunshine in our lives.. he always knows what to say or do to make you feel better instantly... just like Tae..
Tae's not my best friend.. no, he's my little brother.. my precious little bundle of happiness .. everything I've been trough my whole life since I came to Seoul.. until this moment, he was always by my side giving me his boxy smile and thumbs up to encourage me..
Jin hyung.. he's like the mom.. but not always.. he takes care of us and feeds us, makes sure we're okay.. but sometimes he behaves like the youngest one which just makes him even more precious to us..
Joonie hyung.. he.. he's always showing us the right way.. he's annoyingly tall but yet he's the softest teddy.. he's always there.. he knows how it feels to be lonely.. maybe that's why he makes sure to always check up on us and make sure everyone is alright .. he can be clumsy but he's really caring..
Yoongi hyung.. he's our rock.. always there not saying anything.. but we know that he's there and if we fall he will catch us.. but yell at us afterwords..
The hyungs are always there when we need them.. they protect their makneas and take care of them.. they are actually more maknaes than Tae, kookie and me sometimes... but it's what makes them so precious to us..
Kookie *chuckles* He has a little bit of everyone's qualities in him.. he was just a kid when we met and now he's so grown up and tall.. he can be bratty but it's just because he's spoiled by all his hyungs.. I love him.. I always have but .. I never ment to make things complicated but now they just are.. when he was telling me what he feels for me, it was the most amazing moment ever but I had to stop him.. because I thought it wasn't the right time.. *sighs deeply*
"I wish things were different and I could just give him the news .. but I can't...
Maybe leaving like this makes me a coward.. I don't know.. maybe I should have told them.. so many thoughts.. what am I doing.. am I doing the right thing?.. am I?..
Yes I am.. yes.. I have to go.."

I get up and called a taxi a few blocks away from the apartment. I take my handbag and suitcase, put my mask on and get out of the room..
Hobie hyung went into Tae's room to play games with him and Kookie and they fell asleep there..

I have left somethings in my room for my friends.. little gifts.. it's going to be the last gifts they get from me I guess..
I hope they'll forgive me..
I walked into the living room and stopped .. this was the last time I was seeing this place .. " saranghaeyo my friends, I'll miss you " I whispered and wiped the tear that had managed to slide down my cheek ..

I hurried out and got outside the building.. after one last glance to our apartment I started walking .. the taxi was already there..  I got in " airport please"..
The driver nodded and drove off..

Yay another chapter.. hope you liked it ♡ .. 
Thank you reading this.. love you my babies💜

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