With you

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"Are you crying, Jungkook?.." Tae asked and rubbed his back
"I'm not crying.. you're crying!.." Jungkook said and let Tae hug him
They were both actually crying.. and so were Joon and Hobi.

Today some people came by to start getting Jin, Jimin and Yoongi ready.. and the first thing was to cut their hair as short as possible and take measurements for the uniforms.

Jungkook started crying as soon as they cut just a piece of Jimin's hair..and he left the room because he couldn't see it.. and after some time .. everyone else also came out leaving the people with Jin, Yoongi and Jimin

Jimin sighed and looked at Jin who was next to him.. "he was crying?.."
Jin nodded and smiled "I think they all were.."

"Okay,... tomorrow you get back the test scores and the day after that you will receive further details. Three days from now, you will receive your uniforms, per cadet, 4 pairs formal uniforms and 4 pairs training uniforms. The day after you have received your clothing, you will be picked up at exact 600 in the morning.. then transferred to the head branch, you will stay there and take a 5 hour training and then the next day you will be placed at your posts with your duties. The duties will be different due your medical test, IQ test and physical test.. the better you perform the more days earlier you can come back home.. " the officer explains some more things further.
Then some general things, like the way you should approach your seniors and what your posture should be.. it all got explained to the boys together with their diets that were necessary to keep them healthy and in shape..

"Okay. That's for today.. spent these last day with your family and we'll meet again when you report to the head branch .."

All three remembered what they just got thought and respectfully bowed to the senior
"Impressive.. " the senior said. With a formal greetings.. he left

Jimin finally laughed "where's your hair?.." he joked trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere
"I don't know. Where's yours?.. " Yoongi asked

"Yeah I'm going to wear beanies.." Jin said as he looked in the mirror

Jimin almost screamed when someone suddenly hugged him.. but soon he found out it was Jungkook and he was crying..
"Yeobo.." Jimin whispered softly and turned around to hug him
"Your hair.. you.. I'm going to miss you so much .. " he cried more and made Jimin cry
"Yeobo.. you promised me that you'll be strong right?.."
"Noo.. I can't.. how will I be without you.. no.." Jungkook hugged Jimin tighter

Jin walked over to comfort Jungkook but he too got pulled into the hug " I'll miss you too.. I'll miss you so much.." he said and the way he said it.. it immediately made Jin emotional and soon he too had tears in his eyes..

Yoongi was trying hard not to show his feelings but when he  saw the way Tae was sad and just looked at them.. he couldn't help but go hug Tae..

Soon Jin pulled them all in a hug and as expected.. they all started crying..

They had been avoiding to talk about it but now..  there were just three days left until Jin, Jimin and Yoongi would have to leave..
And no matter how much they tried to be strong..  it was hard. They all have never been separated for longer than a year month..  an this was going to be almost 24 months..

Later that day, Jimin was packing the stuff he would need and that was actually allowed to take.. and Jungkook just came and stopped him and just pulled him into a hug

"Yeobo.." Jimin whispered
Jungkook sniffed.. he was crying again

Jungkook just hugged him tighter and walked towards the bed and sat down with Jimin in his lap, his hands quickly tightened around Jimin's waist.

"I'm sorry.." Jungkook said.. almost like a whisper
"Why?.." Jimin asked and felt Jungkook's arms tighten around him
"I know I'm supposed to be strong.. but I know it's going to be so hard without you..  I- I will take care if our babies.. i promise.. but it's.. I forgot how it is to live without you around me.."
Jimin was trying to be strong but he couldn't and started crying.. "I know.." he cried.. "I don't know how I'll do it.. my heart isn't letting me leave Jae-hwa.. she's so small.. and our twins.. and you.. I didn't think it would hurt this badly to go away.. "

It was actually the first time in awhile when Jimin had seen Jungkook cry this badly.. they still had three days and those were going to be hard..
"It has to happen Yeobo.. it has to.. " Jimin said and rested his chin on Jungkook head.. he softly caressed Jungkook's back ... "I don't want to imagine how it will go these 2 years.. but.. I- I just know that after these two years we will be together and nothing will  separate us.. we j- just have to be strong now.. "

Jungkook nodded but still held Jimin close to him..

This wasn't the case only with them.. Jin had his hands full with Joon mad Tae crying over and over again..  he couldn't pack his stuff because of the way they started getting sad..

Yoongi had left for the studio because he couldn't take it but Hobi joined him and he too surely must've cried.

These three days were going to be hard.. and the day after that would be harder..
The hardest part though will be the months they are apart from each other..
They were prepared for this since they were kids.. it was obvious that they had to go.. but this was so different.. there was pain involved.. the pain of being separated from loved ones.

Jungkook would eventually have to take full responsibility for his babies and even though his hyungs will surely help him.. he was the father and had to live up to it.. because he did promise his Jimin that he will take good care of them..

Jimin, Jin and yoongi were sad.. but also very nervous..
Even though they know what was about to happen.. there was still fear and curiosity to know how it will be like.. what will they have to do..

How will they do this?..
Taking care of three kids alone is hard.. and it's even harder to go a day without the person you're used to being with every day..

While Namjoon and Jin were already planning how their wedding will be like.. they still were a bit sad to be separated for so long..

Yoongi and Hoseok were each other's pillars of support and now one was about to go away for a good while.. how will they both deal with this?..

Taehyung was having a hard time.. he was close to Jimin and Jungkook.. but he loved his Jin hyung a lot and was used to him always being around him to help.. now thing would be harder when his bestfriends and his hyung would be away for so long..


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J-hope y'all liked it 👉🏽👈🏽

I'll get back to updates after I've had some sleep since bang bang con has taken it all
Till the next update babies
Take care 💜

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