where is Jimin?

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Hoseok woke up with pain in his neck from falling asleep against the bed frame of Tae's bed.. he looked up, around him and saw Jungkook asleep at the foot of the bed and Tae was sleeping on the ground with a Tata plushie.. he smiled at the boys and stood up caressing his neck .. he entered his room and Jimin's shared room.. he was about to crash on his bed but he saw that Jimin's bed was empty .. "maybe he's in the washrooms" he thought to himself ..
He went to the washroom and knocked first, when there was no reply he went in.. there was no one in there.. He started to get worried and decided to check his room again.. but like before Jimin wasn't there.. Hoseok looked at the time and it was almost 5 in the morning..
"Where are you Chim?.."
He decided to walk around the apartment and check to see maybe he's outside in the living room or in the kitchen.. but after looking everywhere he still didn't find Jimin
He didn't want to wake up everyone but hell, his little dongsaeng was no where to be found so he went to Namjoon's room and knocked ..

After some stumbling noises and groans the door opened ..
"Hyung?.. " Namjoon looked sleepy at Hoseok..
"Joonie.. Jimin is missing.."
"What?..!.. what do you mean missing.. maybe he's in the bathroom.."
"I checked everywhere .. he's nowhere.. I'm worried.. what do we do.. he wasn't feeling well.. where could he have gone?.."
"Hyung.. Hyung.. calm down.. let's check the other's rooms first.. okay?.."
"I was with Jungkook and Tae.. in Tae's room.. so he's not in theirs for sure.. we need to check Yoongi and Jin Hyung's room .."
"Okay Hyung.. let's go.."

Both men knock on SeokJin's. Jin usually wakes up early to do some workout before he makes breakfast so when the knocked it didn't take him much time to open the door..

"Joonie, Hobie?... what did you two do?.." he looked at a little confused at his dongsaengs who looked a little too worried
"Hyung, is chim here?.." Hobi cut in.."
"No, why would he be here.. he should be a sleep in his room at this time.."
"He should be but he's not.."
"What do you mean?.."
"I can't find him Hyung, Yoongi hyung's room is left to check.."
"He must be there then.. where else could he go.. let's go check.."

Now the three men walked to yoongi's room and knocked on his door..
There was no response, they knocked a few times and the door swung open startling them.. an angry, sleepy Yoongi stepped out..
"If someone isn't death then I'm gonna kill you a.." before he could finish he was cut
"Yoongi is Minnie here?.."
"Here?.. no.. why hyung?.."
"Wake Jungkook and Tae, now!.. Jimin is missing.. try calling him too.. I'll go look outside with Namjoon.."

Jimin could have just went to practice like he always does early in the morning but something just didn't feel right.. they all felt like something was not right and that's why they didn't feel right when they couldn't find Jimin.. and started looking for him..

After half an hour everyone was wide awake and walking around like crazy..

Jungkook was worried over the limit and went in Jimin's room.. he saw a bag on Jimin's side table.. he picked it up and looked in to find letters and gifts in it.. something just told him to go to Jimin's closet.. he hurried in and turned the lights on.. Jimin's stuff.. most of them weren't there.. he started panicking and ran outside to his hyuns..

"Hyung, Hyung Hyung!!.." Jungkook ran towards the living room where SeokJin and Namjoon just returned from outside with no luck.. they turned to Jungkook who was panicked and out of breath.. Tae and Jin quickly calmed him ..
" calm down Jungkook .. breath.. breath.." Jin caressed his back trying to calm him.. but it doesn't work ..
"No hyung.. *breathes heavily* Hyung.. Jimin's stuff are gone.. most of his clothes and shoes .. his closet is almost empty .. he.. he left hyung.. he .. he.." Jungkook didn't how or why.. but he was getting panicked even thinking about the fact that Jimin might have left .. tears started falling..
Yoongi hugged the younger trying to calm him down.. he too was worried but he couldn't lose it now.. because his dongsaengs need him right now..

"Wait I'll call the Sejin Hyung .. Jimin can't just leave.. we .. we.. I'll call him.." said Jin as he walked into the kitchen with his phone..

Jin's hands trembled as he dialled the number..

"Hello.. goodmorning Jin.. isn't it too early. Are you all okay?.."
"Good.. good morning Hyung.. I umm .. hyung Jimin.. Jimin isn't here.. we .. we can't find him.. his stuff are gone.. and .. I.. we .. we're worried.. he..he.."
Sejin sighs " I guess he couldn't get himself to tell you all.. I'm sorry.."
"Sorry?.. why? .. what's wrong?.. is he alright ?.. Hyung what didn't he tell us?.."
"Jin I'm sorry to tell you this.. but.. umm.. Jimin quit yesterday .. he signed the papers yesterday .. "
"He what?!.. how could he?!.. why ?!"
"Jin I understand but the boy had his reasons that were valid and that's why we didn't pressure him not to do this.. "
"Wh..what reasons?.."
"I .. I can't tell you that. I'm sorry, all I can say is that it needs a lot of guts to take the step he did.. he had to .. he couldn't face you all and tell you.. maybe that's why he left like that.."
"Thank you hyung.."
"Yes .. take care"

Jin dropped his phone and sat down on the dinning table chair and put his face in his handpalms and started to sob softly.. he loved Jimin a lot.. he was like his little brother.. and now he just left without saying anything.. he couldn't believe it ..
Just then the other five boys walked in

"Hyung.. what did he say?.." asked Tae putting his hand on his hyung's shoulder to comfort him..
"He.. he said that.. *He looked up at the boys* "He said that Jimin quit yesterday.."

"What?! .. no .. no.. no he.. he can't.."
Jungkook walked backwards and ran towards his room..

Tae was going behind him but Namjoon stopped him..
"Let him go Tae.. he needs a little space at the moment.. we'll check later on him.. okay?.."

Tae nodded and sat next to Jin..
They all just sat there quietly...

( another chapter 💕.. hope it was good.. thanks for sticking with me my reader.. love y'all 💜)

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