박지민 (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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Jungkook got out of the car and immediately picked Jimin up and carried him inside.. by the time he got some help, Jimin was almost unconscious. Merlin hurried herself when she saw Jungkook panicking at the front desk for someone to help him. She immediately send two nurses to help Jimin
"Mr Jungkook, this way.."
Jungkook let the nurses help him. He layed Jimin on a stretcher, they quickly brought him to the check-up ward. Jin arrived too and they all entered the hospital. They saw Jungkook and followed him.
"Jungkook... where's Jimin?.." asked Namjoon
"In the check-up ward hyung.." he said shaking a little.

"Mr Jungkook.." Merlin called out his name
"Yes doctor.. how is he?.. will he be alright?.."
"He will be but I need to know what he was doing when the pain and burning started?.."
"We were watching a t.v. and eating some take out noodles.."
"That's all?.. did he have anything earlier today?.."
"I .. I don't know.. he was at work... I.. I..  don't... oh he also had some papaya.."
"What?!.. oh my god.."
"What .. what's wrong?.."
"I'll get back to you.. I know what's wrong.. "
"Doctor, Jimin?.. our baby?.." Jungkook said getting tears in his eyes
"Jungkook, I'll try my best to keep both Jimin and the your baby safe.. okay?.. I'll update you soon.."
With that said, she left.
All the guys were there now, except Yoongi, no one knew how to ask Jungkook if what they heard was right.. they just stood there..
Jungkook was getting more worried by the second.. he couldn't anymore..
Yoongi hugged him and brought him to the close bench.. Jungkook was crying on his shoulders
"Hyung, Jimin .. our baby.." he sobbed
"Hey, be strong Jungkook, they'll be alright just stay strong.. okay..?
Jungkook nodded sat up a little
"They will be.. they have to be, they're my life hyung.."

"Jungkook-ah.. Jimin?.. he's ..?.."
Jungkook looked up at Namjoon and nodded
"Yes hyung, Jimin's pregnant... 2 months now.. "
They all were a bit shocked at the news
"Chim is already having a hard time dealing with everything and now he's...., I swear you'll get it, if I hear anything weird.." Yoongi stated, glaring at them
Tae sat next to Jungkook
"He'll be okay, I know that.. nor Jimin or you have ever done anyone wrong so why would anything bad happen to you both?.. "
"Tae's right Jungkookie, our Chim and his baby will be alright.. " Jin sat while he, J-hope and Namjoon kneeled infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at his hyungs, another tear escaped from his eyes. He knew they would support Jimin, if only he could see this himself,see how much they love him.
"Thank you.. " he said softly
They all hugged him, no words were needed to show the love and support they all had for both boys.

"Jungkook.." Merlin said softly, not willing to disturb the emotional scene infront of her.. which had made her emotional too
"Yes doctor?.. Jimin?.."
"He is out of danger and so is your baby..."
"Can I, can we see him?.."
"He's unconscious right now, he needs some rest.. but I do need to talk to you.."
"Okay.. sure.." Jungkook said nervously
"Are they family?.." she pointed at the boys
"Yes, they are.."
"Okay... then I'd like to talk to all of you.. "

They all nodded and walked with Merlin to her office

"Okay first things first, Jimin's condition today was caused by papaya he ate.." Merlin started
"Papaya?.. is it that dangerous?.." asked Namjoon
"Not for us, but when one is pregnant then it is... and from how bad his health got, I can say it wasn't a ripe papaya.."
They nodded and Yoongi answered, when he saw how nervous Jungkook still was. "Yes,it wasn't ripe.."
"Things may be fine now, but things could have really gotten bad. Papaya, especially unripe ones, they contain concentrated enzymes, which are really harmful in pregnancies. You brought Jimin on time and we were able to prevent any bleeding that could have lead to an miscarriage.."
"What?.." Jungkook looked shocked at her, tears now not stopping...
"I'm not scaring you but .. things really could've gotten bad and I did tell you about Jimin's blood pressure being high, this could've been more fatal than in other cases... we could've lost them both if you hadn't gotten him here on time.."
Jin quickly grabbed Jungkook..
" He's okay now Kookie.. please.."
"We could have lost him today hyung!.. I could have lost my, my Jimin and my baby.. just because I was careless enough to let him eat the fruit without even making sure if it's okay for him to eat it or not.." Jungkook cried
"You didn't know.. don't do this to yourself.. please.. you know now and we are all here now too, we'll all take care of our boy together.. it won't happen again.. "
"I.. I'm .. I'm not a good boyfriend or father... "
"No, don't say that!.. You do know how hurt Jimin will be right, if he finds out you're saying this. It's your first time, you're learning. You love them a lot and will protect them from any harm coming their way, we know that. Don't get weak, be strong for Jimin and your baby.. okay?.."
Jungkook nodded and hugged Jin

"Doctor, can you maybe make us a list of things we should keep away from Jimin.. fruits for example, which one's are bad for his health.." Namjoon asked Merlin
Merlin loved Jimin as her little brother since she met Jimin. Now seeing all of this had also caused tears in her eyes..
"Yes ofcourse.. " she smiled and wiped away the tears
"I'm sorry, did we make you cry?.." asked J-hope seeing the tears
"No.. it's just that I have seen Jimin since he came here, he came alone.. I knew he was sad.. he told me that he was afraid to tell his family and his friends, he even told me he hadn't told the one who's child he was carrying... then when he came here last time with Jungkook, I could see the difference, he was finally smiling and now seeing how much you all love and support him.. it just makes me really happy.." she said smiling
Jungkook smiled "thank you.." he said bowing out of respect for her.
She bowed back..
"The list.. I'll have a few printed for all of you and I'll give it to you when you meet Jimin.. as in for now, his body is in shock, he needs to recover.. we can't give him many medications because it's harmful for the baby, so the best option is that we let him rest and let his body recover on it's own. He's completely out of danger now, but he might not wake up for a good few hours..
"It's okay, we'll wait for him.. I mean if the hospital doesn't mind.." said Namjoon
"I'll have him shifted to a private ward, that way you can all be with him in there, just don't wake him up.." Merlin said smiling


After Jimin was shifted to the private ward.
Jungkook was the first one who entered. He kissed Jimin's forehead
"I love you.. " he whispered
Soon all the boys got in but didn't go very close to Jimin, because they were afraid they might wake him.. so they looked at him from a distance.
"Get well soon Jimin.." said Tae with a crack in his voice, he had never seen Jimin in this state, it broke his heart to see his best friend like this. Jungkook came and hugged him not saying a word..

It was getting late and soon all the boys fell asleep on the couches around  Jimin's bed.

😭😭 Jimin is okay.. I'm sorry Chim.. saranghaeyo❤✊😭

Another chapter 😱😉
J-hope it was okay.. 🐣🌞

* eating papaya that's not ripe when pregnant is really harmful. I did some research ✊*
Also I didn't really know what to name this chapter so I named it
박지민  (Park Jimin )🐣💜

Love you all!! 💜💜💜😭

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