We'll be fine

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It was 9 am, Jimin and Jungkook were still sleeping. Their room was quiet.. but the living room on the other hand wasn't..

The pictures of them had even made the newspapers.
When Jin started reading the paper, the pictures and the big headlines caught his attention..

"Youth representatives have no shame left?..
Being a disgrace to their family .. Park Jimin succeeds in seducing the maknae.. "

Jin furiously kicked the coffee table. Namjoon got startled and dropped his mug, which startled Yoongi and he dropped his bowl of ramen.
Jin looked at them angrily
"Clean it up, now!.." He yelled at Namjoon and Yoongi, normally the boys would tease Jin and stuff, but as if for now, they were terrified, Jin looked really angry.

Jikook's room was the closset to the kitchen and as result of the noise they both woke up.
They both got out of bed to go see what was going on..
Jimin's phone rung and he stopped to look who it is..
"It's eomma.." He said smiling
Jungkook nodded, while Jimin received the call, he went out to the kitchen.

Meanwhile Jin had showed both Yoongi and Namjoon the paper.
Yoongi furiously threw the paper.
It landed right infront of Jungkook's feet, he picked them up and read the article.

"What the hell?!.."
"Jungkook, calm down.." said Namjoon
"No hyung, how dare they?!.. I get that they need some spice in their petty lives but this is too much ! How dare they say that about Jimin hyung?!.."
"Jungkook.. I.. calm down"
"No.. I have had enough of it.. no one has the right to say anything about hyung!.. no fucking one!.."

Jungkook walked back to the room to see Jimin happily saying good bye to his mother.
( she had no idea what was going on and just called to check up on Jimin..)

Jimin turned to only find Jungkook..
He smiled pecked Jungkook.. then he saw the paper in Jungkook's hands
"What's that Kookie?.." Jimin tried taking it
Jungkook hides it behind his back
And talks with a stern voice..
"Nothing.. "
Jimin frowned and took the paper from Jungkook. 
Jungkook tried taking it back but Jimin was able to unfold and read the article.
Jimin looked at Jungkook, Jimin's nose now a light shade of red.. He bit his lips to hold back his tears.
"Hyung.. I.."
Jimin shook his head.. "no..no.."

Jimin sat on the edge of the bed as his chest felt heavy, he was looking at the ground.. his breathing was a different.. as if he was trying hard to breath

"J..Ju..kook.. " he managed to say
Jungkook looked up to see Jimin hyperventilating.. Jungkook ran towards him.. Jimin sank to his knees.. now tears falling from his eyes.
Jungkook didn't know what was going on, he tried rubbing Jimin's back.. but Jimin looked like he was choking now..
"Hyung.. hyung.. what.. what's wrong hyung?.."
"I.. ca.. I .. can't.. br  eath.. "

"Hyung!.. " Jungkook screamed for his hyungs..
Namjoon ran in quickly followed by everyone else..
They all emediatly ran to aid Jimin.. "
"He can't breathe.." said Jungkook trying to get Jimin to stand..
"Wait Gguk.. I know what's wrong.." said Hobi

He went infront of Jimin..
"Minnie, look at hyung.. come on.."
Jimin looked up at him..
"Tae get me a paper bag.. fast!.." He said while looking at Jimin and rubbing his hands
"Hyung what's wrong with him.." asked Jungkook worried
"Hyung here!.. " Tae handed the paper bag to Hobi..

Hobi gave it to Jimin
"Breathe in it.. come on.. all of you move aside.. and open the windows to get some air in.. hurry!.."
Jimin started breathing in and out.. in and out.. and soon he calmed down..

Hobi wiped off the tears from his face.. and when he got a nod from Jimin, he pulled him up to sit on the bed.. Jungkook still rubbing Jimin's back. Jimin layed his head on Jungkook's shoulder..

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