You make me happier (1)

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It was a beautiful morning, the sun was rising up, some of the rays hitting on jungkook's face..
He opened his eyes slowly and took a deep breath.. beautiful scent of strawberries filled his nostrils.. he smiled and looked at his chest where the most important person in his life was, peacefully sleeping..

Things were different now, very different but in a beautiful way.. this is how he wanted to wake up everyday..
Jungkook couldn't stop smiling..
He remembered how things were when he first came into Bangtan, how he used to get shy wh Jimin was around him, when Jimin hugged him.. how he was always by his side with all his hyungs.. He knew that he felt something for Jimin since the beginning, he couldn't understand it back then.. but then he started to get the things as he got older.. He tried to deny but he couldn't.. one way or another, his feelings and the emotions that build up in him for Jimin just came out..

Jungkook felt Jimin move as he looked at him, he was greeted with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.. he couldn't believe that all of it was real.. he smiled brighter and pecked on Jimin's forehead..
"Good morning beautiful.."
Jimin giggled and hid his face in Jungkook's chest.. " Good morning kookie.."

Jungkook was not done hugging Jimin when Jimin suddenly sat up..
"Jiminssi?.. what happened.."
"Noth.. nothing.." Jimin covered his mouth and quickly got out of bed and ran towards the bathroom..
Jungkook got worried and went after him.. what he saw got him more worried ..
Jimin was throwing up.. he quickly ran to him and caressed his back..

Jimin wanted to say something but felt like he was going to throw up again .. but he didn't.. he cover his mouth and went to wash his face..
Jungkook still caressing his back not sure what else to do..
"I'm fine Kookie.. It's just some morning sickness... I'll be okay in a few minutes.."
"Is it like this everyday?.."
"Not everyday.. but most of the days.. I hate it.." Jimin pouted and dried his face with a towel
Jungkook hugged Jimin..
"I'm sorry hyung.."
"Wae kookie?.."
Jungkook kissed his head
"Because I wasn't with you before.. you were alone here.. waking up with this morning sickness thing .. "
Jimin giggled and looked up at Jungkook
"You didn't know Kookie.. and I should be sorry for not telling you.."
"Why does your hair smell so good?.." Jungkook said changing the topic ..
"What?.." Jimin looked confused at Jungkook
"No not your's you.. you smell so good.. "
"Jungkookie..., I literally just threw  up .. .. "
Jimin pushed Jungkook away and walked out of the bedroom..
"What you wanna eat Mr Jeongguk?.."
"You.. " Jungkook said smirking
"Aishh.. this kid is so dirty minded.."
"Hey I'm not a kid anymore!.. I'm 21! and you have an equal dirty mind"
Jimin laughed and went into the kitchen
"Fine whatever.. what do you wanna have for breakfast?.."
"Since I can't have you.. I want pancakes.. but I'm making.."
"You know before you got here that I used to do the things around here right?.."
"I know, but that's because I wasn't here.. now put that beautiful ass of yours on the couch and let me make breakfast.."
Jimin pouted and walked to Jungkook and pecked his lips before going to the living room..

Jimin was in the living room when he got a message

(Message from Merlin)
Merlin: Hey Jimin.. something came up and I can't attend you tomorrow and I'm really sorry , but I have time today. Do you want to have the ultra sound today?.. if not then it could be next week..

"Hey kookie?.."
"Yes hyung?."
"Are you free ?.."
"At the moment I'm occupied with this batter .."
"No I mean are you free today?
"Ofcourse I am hyung.."
"Do you maybe wanna go to the doctor?.. I had an appointment tomorrow but she can't so she asked if I can come by today.."
"Ofcourse I'll go with you hyung.. but are you okay?.. "
Jungkook walked in to the living room
"Yes ofcourse.. it's a regular checkup .."
"Oh.. just so you know, you're not allowed to go alone anymore.."
"But.. but...."
"The only acceptable but is your butt.. I don't wanna hear any other ifs or buts.."
Jungkook picked Jimin up and walked to the kitchen.."
"I can walk you know.."
"I know.. "
"Kookie.. today is.. it's the first time they'll do an ultra sound.."
Jungkook puts Jimin down and gets some plates ...
"What's an ultra sound actually?.."
"We'll It's the first period of pregnancy which means we can see the baby.. he's not fully formed but we can see him moving and we can hear it's heartbeat.. "
Jungkook's face lits up
"Really?.." his eyes filled with tears
Jimin smiled and took jungkook's hands in his..
"Yes.. Kookie .. "
Jungkook hugged Jimin
"Thank you Jiminssi"
"For what Kookie?.."
"For this baby.. for choosing to keep it... for everythin... I love you.. I love you both a lot.."

After having breakfast,
Jungkook insisted that he'll drive, it was a 20 minute ride .. the car ride was quiet because Jimin has somehow fallen asleep and Jungkook didn't want to wake him... so he turned the volume of the music a little down and just took little glances of Jimin through out the whole ride..

When Jungkook parked the car, he looked at Jimin who was still asleep..
He lovingly caressed Jimin's cheek
"You're so beautiful.."
Jimin smiled opening his eyes slowly and looked at Jungkook
"Are we there?.."
"Yes.. let's go.."
"But I fell asleep, how did you know where it was?.."
"There is a magical thing called an GPS " Jungkook answered sticking his tongue out
Jimin rolled his eyes and laughed softly..

Jungkook got out and quickly opened the door for Jimin..
"Thank you Kookie.. but you don't have to pamper me so much .."
"Hey.. I'm doing this for myself okay.."
Jungkook chuckled and locked the car and put his arm around Jimin's waist, thus made Jimin blush, he wasn't used to this.. Jungkook showing him so much affection not caring that we're out.. Jimin smiled to himself and kissed Jungkook's cheek.
Jungkook smiled pulling Jimin closer as they walked into the hospital ..

"Jimin!..." a female voice echoed trough the hall as they reached Merlin's office
"Merlin!.." Jimin smiled and waved at her
Jungkook looked a little confused but followed Jimin as he walked to the woman ..
"Hey cutie, how are we today" Merlin smiled hugging Jimin.
"I'm perfectly fine and I can say you're in a very good mood .."
"I am.. " she smiled
She looked at Jungkook and smiled
"Oh hi there.. "
"Hello, I'm Jungkook.." said Jungkook a little awkwardly

"Kookie, this is my doctor"
"Oh" Jungkook smiled happily and bowing to her
"And Merlin this is umm .. my.."
Jungkook smiled and finished Jimin's sentence
"Boyfriend ..I'm his boyfriend.." Jungkook smiled proudly and Jimin just blushed getting used to the fact Jungkook was actually his boyfriend, that they were now together..
"Awww .. wait is he the.. dad?.."
Jimin smiled and nodded
"Yes he is.. "
"That's amazing, Jungkook.. right?.."
"Yes.." Jungkook nodded
"I have a lot of complaints.. your cute boyfriend here is not taking good care of himself .. let's go in my office.. I'll tell everything.."
Jimin pouted and looked at Jungkook..
"Please do tell me Miss Merlin.. " Jungkook smiled putting his arms around Jimin's shoulders..

Sorry sorry.. late update..
But here's the chapter 😘.. this chapter will continue in the next one🐰 .. I'll post it as soon as I'm done..
Love you all💜

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