Jae-hwa Jeon

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Jin and Tae were asked to go to the visitors waiting room while they got Jimin ready.
Jungkook was wearing the given clothes on as instructed.. when a nurse knocked on the door

"Mr Jungkook?.. " a nurse called
"There's a call for you.." she said and gave the phone to Jungkook.



"Wh- what's wrong?.." Jimin asked when Jungkook came back to the private room and stopped the nurses
"You all got called by the head nurse.." he said to the nurses.
After they left.. Jungkook turned around to Jimin and took a deep breath

"Be honest with me.. "
"J- Jungkook.. "
"Do you really want this?.. Do you want a normal delivery?... "
"Y- yes.. "
"Baby, I know you.. and now I know why you want to do this.. but baby, don't do this if you don't want to.. "
"I- I'm scared.." Jimin whispered and looked away while he kept rubbing his belly and back because of the pain..
"Then don't do this.. I talked to Merlin and she said that there was a reason she never suggested it.. she doesn't want you to go through more than you're already going through.. "
Jimin looked at Jungkook with quivering lips
"B- but I will heal faster.."
"No.. you're still going to be on bed rest for months, you're still having a surgery, it will be the same for you, but they'll just cut elsewhere....I- just.. baby, I know you want to spend more time with us before it's time.. and honestly.. so do I.. but do you think I'll be happy if you suffer more than you're supposed to?.. "
"J- jungkook..."
"Merlin is almost here.. you're not doing this.."
"But how is she h- here?.."
"She came back earlier but they didn't call her to check.. she'll be here soon and she's going to make sure you're okay.."

"Excuse me?.. sir?.." a nurse called
"I- uhmm Dr Merlin is here and she asked us to bring Jimin in the OT. .. a- and you.."

Jungkook smiled over at Jimin and placed a soft kiss on his head
"Don't ever force yourself to do something you're not comfortable with or something your body isn't prepared for .. we all love you just the way you are.." Jungkook said and moved Jimin's bangs away from his forehead and softly placed a kiss on his forehead.
"O- okay.. " Jimin said
"I promise.. everything will be okay.. I'll be there soon too.."

Jimin nodded and let the nurse take him.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?.." Jin asked while he walked towards Jungkook

"Jungkook, it's me, Merlin.."
"Yes.. listen.. I'm coming.. "
"You're here?.."
"Yes.. and they didn't inform me about anything before taking my patient, Jimin.. I didn't tell him about the normal delivery for a reason.. I know him well.. he's like a little brother and I would never not suggest something if it would mean that he would have to go through less pain.."
"B- but he's having one?.. and the doctor said he'll heal faster .."
"Go talk to him.. make sure he's really okay with it.. I'm almost there.."
"Jungkook, Jimin is still a man.. even though they said it's a normal delivery, it's really not.. it'll still hurt, actually it'll hurt more than any other type of delivery .. and the surgery will take weeks to heal .. and I need his blood pressure and vitals to be stable for anything of sort.. but knowing his history, I would not suggest it.. "
"I- I'll go talk to him.."
"Yes.. go. I'm almost there, okay?.."
"Okay.. "

"Hyung.. uhm Jimin.. he's not having the so called normal delivery they told us about.."
"Oh thank God.." Jin said relieved
"You didn't want him to have one?.."
"No.. I would never want him to go through that.. but I didn't want to hurt his feelings.."
"You should've said something.. because he was thinking that he'll heal faster and will be able to spent more time with us before the service.. which wasn't really the truth.. Merlin is here and she's going to do the cesarean delivery now.."
"Okay.. good.. now go.." Jin said and rubbed Jungkook's back.
Jungkook nodded and after a deep breath he made his way to the OT.

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