I wish nothing but the best for you

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Jimin was on the couch watching cartoons with Hobi and Tae.. well Hobi was watching it and Jimin and Tae were arguing over a scene that happened in a movie they watched last night.
Hobi just ignored them..

Jimin heard the door open and knew Jungkook was back, he got exited and happy.. he tried to get up but Tae wouldn't let him go..
"Tae Tae, stop it.."
"Very eager to see your baby daddy I see.."
"Tae Tae.. " Jimin pouted trying to get up again
Tae laughed and didn't do anything this time.
When Jimin got up he stuck his tongue out at Tae and Tae did the same to him. They both laughed
"Kids.. " Hobi said, Tae squeezing him in a hug.

"Kookie.. I missed you.. what took so..." Jimin stopped when he saw his parents. His eyes almost instantly got teary, he hadn't seen them in almost 3 months..
Jimin's didn't say anything and just stood there, not sure if what he was seeing was true.. his nose and cheeks turned red.. he was holding back but his tears just came out.
His father saw it and quickly pulled Jimin in a hug.. Jimin hugged him back and let it out.. his mother rubbed his back to calm him but he kept crying in his father's chest.

Jungkook on the other hand also got sad and got tears in his eyes, his dad patted his shoulders and his mom hugged him.

"Jiminni, we're here right?.. stop crying buddy.. you know when you cry, then appa will cry too and when appa starts crying.. it doesn't stop.."
Jimin giggled but still didn't let go.
"I miss you.." said Jimin
"I miss you too buddy.. but now stop crying or I'll shorten my stay here.."
"Nooo.. please.."
Jimin's father chuckled at the way Jimin whinned and hugged him tighter. His eomma joined the hug soon and let Jimin get everything out.
After a good minute Jimin stopped crying, his eomma wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead.
Jimin smiled after that and looked around, he saw Jungkook and his parents, he felt bad that he didn't see them before.. when he moved away from his father to go to them, that's when Jungkook's mother saw his baby bump, she couldn't help but coo at him
"Awww honey, look at you.. you're glowing.." she said and quickly hugged Jimin.
Jungkook looked at his dad for help to stop his mom but his dad just laughed and ignored him

Jimin's father now actually saw Jimin's baby bump, he felt something, something happy.. Jimin's mother noticed.
"Our baby is going to have a baby soon.. "
"Yes.. I feel so happy and proud inside right now.. my boy is so brave.. he's going to give birth.."
"I know honey.. it's beautiful..."

"Honey, you look gorgeous.. aww I'm so happy for you two.." daud Jungkook's mother making Jimin blush, she was pinching his cheeks lightly.. her hands accidentally moving Jimin's shirt collar a bit, revealing some hickies still not faded.. Jungkook's father saw it and looked at Jungkook and chuckled at his adorable embarrassed face.

"Control yourself a little Ggukie.. I didn't know my boy liked marking what's his.. " she said while she fixed Jimin's collar.
"Mom... stop it.... please..."
"Okay... fine.. "
"Thank you, now let's go in..."
Jimin greeted Jungkook's father and got a hug from him too..

They were all walking in when Tae called for Jimin
" Chim Chim, if your baby daddy is done devouring your face, please come and finish your juice or I'm telling Jin hyung..."

Jimin was now red and thanks to Jungkook's mother, he had a place to hide his face..
It was silent until Jimin's father started laughing and Jungkook's father joined.
"I'm assuming your friend doesn't know we're here.." Jungkook's father joked.

"Chim Chim!...Jungkook please stop devouring his face.. come finish the juice.. Chim Chim .." Tae called again

"What do you mean devouring my sons face?.." Jimin's father said while he entered the living room

"OMO .. ah-Jae.." Tae looked shocked at Jimin's father.
"So what were you saying again?.." said Jungkook's father while came and stood next to Jimin's father.
"I uhmm.. Hiiii.. uhmmm.." Tae stuttered
Jimin father laughed and opened his arms for Tae.. Tae smiled and quickly hugged him.
"You scared me ah-Jae.. "
"Sorry Taehyungie.. but it was fun.."
"It's okay... " Tae let go and he and
J-hope greeted everyone.

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