Neoneun na naneun neo

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"How the pain now?.. "
"Still there.. but it's much less.."
"Your going to be okay, sweetie.. I promise.." Merlin said with a smile
"W- what happened?.. I.. it was almost like the last time when.. I lost- I thought.."
"Awe honey.. no it's nothing like that.. your baby is growing well and she's healthy.. "
Jimin sighed in relieve and gave Merlin a sweet smile..
"Thank God.. I was so scared I almost died.."
"Honey.. now that isn't okay.. you panic quickly, which I understand why.. but try to be calm.. and I'd like to talk with Jungkook now.. "
"Are you going to tell him to tell me to be more careful again?.." Jimin asked with a pout
"No.. I know you're careful.. but I think it's time we discuss some issues.."
"Is something wrong?.. is my baby going to be okay?.."
"Your baby is okay, I'm worried about you, Jimin..."
"What's wrong with me?.."
"I'll tell you that once you feel better again and we can go out to talk to your husband.."
Jimin nodded and closed his eyes..

Meanwhile Jungkook, Jin, Hobi and Joon were called to Merlin's office..
They hesitated and didn't want to leave the room where Jimin's check up was going on, but they still went to the office and anxiously waited for Merlin.

Jungkook was walking up and down.. not sure what was going to happen.. but he was trying to be calm..
Just as Jungkook was going to say something he saw Jimin walk in with Merlin

"Baby.." he said and quickly engulfed Jimin in his embrace
"I'm okay.." Jimin said and tried to calm Jungkook down

Jin smiled and took a deep breath..
"What happened?.." He asked and looked at Merlin
"Let's take a seat and I'll explain.." she said

Jungkook let go of Jimin and smiled, he softly rubbed Jimin's belly and looked at Jimin..
"She's okay, yeobo.. she's doing great.." Jimin said..
Jungkook smiled and gave Jimin a kiss..

They all sat around Merlin's desk and waited patiently for her to explain..

"Okay.. first of all, about your baby girl, we checked everything thoroughly and she's perfectly fine.."
"But.. why was Jimin having so many pain then?.." Namjoon asked

"It's.. well there are a few things that caused it.. but just know that back pains are very common during pregnancies and they only get more painful when there are certain things involved.."
"As we all know that Jimin was still healing from his previous delivery when he got pregnant again.. and then in some unfortunate circumstances he lost his baby, that had caused some weakness which got better throughout time.. but he was still healing from inside when he got pregnant again and yes like I said before that he's okay but we shouldn't forget that some wounds don't heal that easily and even when they do.. you will still feel the left behind pain.. so what I'm saying is that Jimin and his baby are okay.. but things are a bit different from the previous pregnancy, his body is a bit weak because his uterus didn't get the needed recovery time.. and even little things like walking too much, sleeping in a wrong position or picking up a bit of heavy things can trigger muscle pain or even dizziness.. "

"Is there a way to help him?.." Jungkook asked
"Yes ofcourse there is.. , eating more healthy, not just greens but also proteins.. and ofcourse anything he craves.. and if you can.. maybe give him a back massage once in a while and make sure he doesn't carry a lot of weight and that includes carrying your kids.. , resting.., little to no stressing and ofcourse sex helps keeping some hormones calm and the stress levels low.... and uhmm well your blood pressure and sugar levels are okay.. but due to your history, I suggest checking them every two days to be careful.. and that's it.. "

"So basically we keep him happy and well fed and make sure he takes enough naps and has regular sex ?.." Jin asked
"Hyung..." Jimin whined embarrassed making everyone laugh

"Yes, that's all that is needed.." Merlin said and smiled
Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin's cheek
"Thank you Dr. Merlin .." He said
"Oh ofcourse.. don't worry about it.. but just take care of him okay?.."
"I will.. " Jungkook said and stood up to shake Merlin's hand.

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