It's your choice

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"Whatever happened, when and with who is none of my business, but what you choose to do next is.. you're very important to us.. to the company but your situation is.. it's concerning and harmful to the company's reputation.. I do understand that this must be very hard on you, I truly do but I have to take a step.. I'll give you some time.. think about it over the short vacation and tell me what you want to do.. okay?.."


Jimin sat in his room as his producers words ran in his head again and again ..
Two days ago Jimin felt sick and even fainted during practice.. the company was concerned with his health and took him to the hospital, while the other group members were asked to stay and continue practice. They thought the reason could be that Jimin was being to hard on himself and he had been skipping his meals..

Jimin pouted and sat on the bed waiting for the doctor the get the reports while his producer and manager were sitting on the sofa in the hospital room..

The doctor came in the room and walked up to Jimin.. Hitman Bang and Sejin, his manager walked towards them..

"Is he okay doctor ?.." asked Sejin concerned
" He is.. but .. he might not be able to perform for a period of time.."

Jimin's eyes widened as his face turned a light shade of red
" wha.. what's wrong with me doctor.."
"There's nothing wrong.. atleast I would not call it wrong.. . Jimin, are you sexually active?.."
Jimin looked at his manager and producer and then back to the docter just nodding in response..
They didn't say anything to him but looked at the doctor wanting answers

"Jimin, you see there are very little men in the word that this could happened to but the ones it happens to are very rare cases.. very few .. "
"What is it doctor?..please just tell me.." Jimin said to the doctor feeling worried.

"You see Jimin.. you have a womb.. "
The doctor said

"Wait what?.. how is that even.. what?!!.. is that why he's not feeling well?.." the producer said with concern

"Yes.. it's very rare but that's not the reason he's not feeling well.. Jimin, because you have a womb and your resent sexual activity with another man has caused you to soon expect a child.. it's three weeks old now and growing well.."

Jimin gasped while tears fell down on his cheeks .. the manager just looked at the producer, they were in shock.. they knew that the boy infront of them must be having a very hard time.. they both looked at him .. he wasn't reacting.. he was quietly sobbing..

"Wh--what now?.. what happens now? .." he said between little sobs.. he looked at his manager and producer..
" You have to make choice now.. it's all your decision.." they said

It has been two days and still Jimin doesn't know how to deal with it.. the members have been noticing that he's being distant but they just thought he's tired and haven't bothered him..

He doesn't want to put his career at stake because he worked really hard to be where he is and he can't just leave the members in stake just because he wasn't careful and got pregnant.. but he can't.. he doesn't even want to think about taking an innocent's life.. he just can't..

There is so much at stake .. if he thinks selfishly and choses his career then he has to kill an innocent and if he decides to keep the baby then his career is over..
There so much going trough his head.. his head is aching and tears won't stop rolling down his cheeks ..

He lays down and closes his eyes.. suddenly the memory of how this happen flasez infront of his train of thoughts ..

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