Dawn will come to the darkest of nights ( Busan trip 3)

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Jimin laid on the bed.. he came out of surgery just 2 hours ago.. it wasn't a major one but as per rules of the hospital.. he ad to stay at least the night..

Tae was there with him..  Jimin wasn't saying anything.. but his eyes said a lot..
He seemed lost.. and hurt.. Tae could see his best friend was broken.. he wanted to help but he didn't know how..
He took Jimin's hand in his and felt Jimin tighten his grip..  Tae just moved closer and layed his head on Jimin's shoulders and hugged him..
Jimin just whispered "thank you.. "

The only person Jimin needed right now is Jungkook.. they all knew that.. but Jungkook was not reachable.

"I don't know what happened.. but things didn't seem okay.. not even a bit.. I asked what happened but hyung never answered.. he just cried.. " Jihoon said
"I swear if Jungkook has anything to do with it.. He'll see  the worst of me!.." Jimin's father angrily said "My boy was already hurt when he came.. and now this.. why?!.."

"This is not helping.. I'm going to his house.." Yoongi said
"It's 1 am.. they won't be awake.." Jihoon said
"My Minnie is laying there.. He's hurting
.. he just lost a child and the person he needs the most right now is sleeping.. I don't think so.. and I promise if Jungkook did do something.. which I don't think he did.. but if he does.. I'll personally punch him.. "

With that said Yoongi left.

"J- Jungkook.. " Jimin whispered
"He's coming baby.. " Tae whispered and wiped away Jimin's tears.

Yoongi parked his car and got out.. he looked at all the lights still on..
"Aren't they supposed to be sleeping?.." he asked out loud and walked in.

When he walked in.. he heard voices.. he walked a bit more and saw Jungkook standing next to his father who was talking  to some old lady.. He stopped and listened

"How can you even allow this?.. they're both men! It's wrong!.. can't you see that?!.."
"Nothing's wrong with it eomma. They love each other and that's important.. "
"Love?! Really?!..  that's all?!.. what about society huh?.."
"Eomma.. Jungkook and Jimin are very famous. They have told the world about themselves and have gotten nothing but love and respect.. you just had to look up their names and you'd see thousands of articles about them.. "

"Still... I might except this relationship for my grandson's happiness... but, Jimin has children.. he has been with a woman.. how can you still love him?.."
"I'm going to say this once grandma, Jae-eun and Jae-hyun are my children. Mine and Jimin's. Please stop calling them someone else's children.."
"Yes! Jimin gave birth to them, my babies.. Mine and Jimin's.. "
"How is that even possible?.."

"It's a long story with scientific explanation for what we don't have time right now.." Yoongi cut in..

"Hyung?.. you here?..."
"Yes.. and I'm guessing the reason my Minnie left is your grand mother?.."
"Yes.. but don't worry hyung.. I'm going to get Jimin and my babies back.. and nana is going to be nice to them.. right nana?.."
"Nae.. " She said and looked at the ground

"Jungkook.. Jimin needs you right now.. He's been asking for you ever since he got out of surgery.. but you wouldn't pick your damn phone! So I had to come here.. "
"Wait... what surgery?.. what happened?..hyung he was fine when he left.."
"Was he really?.. Jihoon said he wouldn't stop crying in the car.."
"Look Jungkook we don't have time for that right now... he needs you.."
"What happened hyung?.."
"He was pregnant.. but he had an miscarriage.. "
"W-what ?!.. no.. no please.." Jungkook cried
"I'm sorry Jungkook.."

"We have to go, now.. " Jungkook's mother said.
"Yes.." Jungkook's father nodded

"I.. I don't think that's a good idea. Jimin's father is really angry.. out for murder angry.. it's better if only Jungkook comes for now.." Yoongi said..

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