Finding Jimin

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"Welcome to America Mr Jeon.." said a guy as he opened the car door for Jungkook.

"Yeah.. thank you.." Jungkook got in after giving the guy his world famous bunny smile..

"Sir, would you like to go to the hotel?.." asked the driver

"Umm not really.. I want to look around a bit, but I don't know the city that well.. and I could use something to eat.. I have no idea why I'm hungry when I ate on the flight.. "

"Sir there is this coffee shop not far from your hotel, they have the best muffins and there is a very beautiful garden right across it.. do you want to go there sir?.."

"Ofcourse, sounds great!.."

Even though Jungkook requested not to have any guards surrounding him and making him noticeable, yet Sejin and his personal manager made sure there were enough people around him for his security..
So basically Jungkook was surrounded by guards in normal clothing.

They reached at the cafe..
Jungkook looked at the cafe from the window.. he smiled when he saw the name "Cafe Serendipity " he got outof the car and admired at the building.. it was beautiful and it gave Jungkook a warm feeling despite the distance..

"Sir.. the shop might close in half an hour, I know someone from the staff.. and I can get your order and you could go to the park or wait here.. "

"Umm I .. okay.. I'll wait here.. let's see, I would love to try the muffins you mentioned and maybe brownies?.. and a medium laté .. "
"Okay sir I'll get it for you.."
"Thank you very much.."
Jungkook smiled and the driver left to get his orders

After 15 minutes Jungkook was sitting on a bench not very far from the shop, he was replying to Namjoon that he got here safely and he's okay.. and that he'll call soon..

He was focused on his phone when he heard a giggle.. a very familiar and heartwarming giggle..
In seconds Jungkook looked up. He felt his breath hitch, his heartbeat got faster, it was Jimin.

"Bye Christian! See you tomorrow!.."
"Bye Macy!.. see you tomorrow!.."

Jungkook couldn't move, he wanted to  run and hug Jimin and shower him with kisses and tell him how much he loves him.. there was so much he wanted to do but he just stared at him ..

"Sir your order.." said the driver standing in front of Jungkook..
Jungkook came back to reality and looked at him and then back to Jimin..
He pointed unknowingly towards Jimin .. "that's.. that  ..." is all he could say..
"Oh sir that's Christian, the owner of the cafe.."
"What?.. His name is Christian?.. " Jungkook was a little confused but quickly said to himself " that's my Jiminssi .. I can recognize that giggle everywhere.. it's him.. I know it!.."
"Yes sir, he bought the place three weeks ago and the place is now always packed, some say it's his aura and some say he brought his luck to the cafe.. because the place is doing much better than it ever did before.."

Jungkook smiled because he was now completely sure that Christian was Jimin. He wanted to go after him but he had already left ..
Jungkook turned back to his driver.
"Do.. do you know where he lives?.."
"Y..yes Mr Jeon, I do .. why sir?.."
Jungkook hands his driver a piece of paper
"Is this it?..."
The driver reads it and looks at Jungkook very confused
"Yes Mr Jeon, that's his address.. but.. but how..?.."
"I think we should head to the hotel .."
"Yes Mr Jeon.."
"Will you drop me off to this address tomorrow?.. please..?.."
"Uh yes, ofcours Mr Jeon.."

Jungkook smiled and got in
"Thank you.."

Another chapter !!
I'm so sorry for updating so lateu😭
I just want y'all to know that I'm very thankful that y'all are reading my book.. thank you!! And I know it's late..  but merry Christmas!💜💜💜💜💜

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