"baby, don't worry, stay strong.."

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(At Jimin's apartment)

"Wow this place is so.. so .. "
"So Jimin..." Jin finished J-hope's sentence
"Yeah.. it's very detailed, chim should try some interior decorating.."
They were walking around the apartment when Tae suddenly spoke
"So Jungkook..."
"You and Jimin huh?.."
"Yeah.." Jungkook blushed and looked away to hide it
"God, he's blushing.. " he teased
"Leave him alone Tae.." said Namjoon
"No Tae.. don't leave him alone.."
"Hyung.. really.." said Jungkook looking at Jin
"Yeah.. so who said it first?.." asked Namjoon
"Not you too hyung.."
"Oh me too.. I want to know too" said both Tae and J-hope together
"Fine ... it was me.. "
"Woah.. how did you say it.." asked Tae
"Well when I was going to confess at first, he stopped me.. "
"What, why?.."
"I guess he didn't want to cause any problems for me, for us.. you know how people will react to our relationship.. and I didn't push him.."
"Okay.. I understand that but how did Jikook happen?.." asked Tae
"I don't really know, but it felt amazing when he looked up at me and said he loves me.. it's still like a dream"
"Uwu.. " J-hope cupped Jungkook's cheeks
"I didn't know you were so strongly love struck, Jungkook.. " said Jin while he went to sit across Jungkook
"Don't look at me like that hyung! Please!..."
"So Mr Jeongguk.. I need to talk to you about something important.." said Tae
"Yes Teahyungie.."
"I need you to promise me you'll never hurt my best friend, ever! He may be your boyfriend, but he's my soulmate.. "
Jungkook chuckled and put his hands on his chest
"I promise I'll never hurt him.."
"So how was the first kiss?.." asked Jin making Jungkook get red
"Yeah... tell, tell.." J-hope jumped 
"It .. it was... amazing !.."
"And the first time.." asked Tae wiggling his eyebrows
"Yah! You can't ask that.."
"Why not??.. wait you already..did?.."
" mmnnoo ...."
"You're turning to the shade of a ripe tomato.. so that indicates you're.... lying?.."
"Tae... stop it!..."

Just as Tae was about to say something else the front door opened.
"We got food!.." they heard Yoongi yell

They all followed Yoongi to the kitchen..
"So Jungkook, did Jimin show you his tattoo on his right tigh?.." asked Tae putting his arm around Jungkook's shoulders
"What?.. but he doesn't have any tattoo.. anywhere.." said Jungkook confused
"Aha! So you did!.. otherwise you wouldn't know if he has a tattoo or not.. you must have seen him without clothes.. " said Tae wiggling his eyebrows at Jungkook who looked at him in shock (Jungshook!)
"Tae, that was a genius way to get it out of him.." Namjoon high fived Tae

Yoongi looked at Jimin who was blankly staring at what just happened.. Jungkook looked at him and shrugged and whispered a sorry.
Jimin looked at Tae and threw the chopsticks at him.
"Pay up Chim.." said Yoongi laughing at Jimin's pout
"What was that for Jiminssi?.."
"You cost me 100 dollars!.." Jimin looked at him with a pout and handed Yoongi an 100 dollar bill
"Wait why are you giving hyung money?.." asked Tae confused
"Well I bet that you all would for sure ask Jungkook about their.. first time.."
"And I lost.." said Jimin crossing his arms

Jungkook smiled and walked to Jimin Jimin and hugged him
"It's okay.. we'll get them back.." he said
Jimin's pout turned into a smile
"Okay.. fine.."
Jungkook kissed his nose, which made Jimin giggle as always

"Uwuwu.. it's so cute, I think I'll die.. Tae hold me.. " said J-hope
Tae laughed and winked at Jimin making him blush and hide behind Jungkook.

"Okay that's enough, no one will tease them now.. understood?.." said Yoongi
They all nodded, because they knew Yoongi was being serious..
"Okay now let's eat.." he said smiling
"Hyung, what's in the container?" Asked Namjoon looking at the plastic container
"Oh that's papaya.. I saw it and bought it for us.." answers Yoongi
"Oh.. I want some.." said Jin
"Oh oh .. me too!.."  said Jimin

After they all attacked the papaya, they sat in the living room, they were all eating while watching some American show named 'Shadowhunters' they were all focussed on it while eating..

Jungkook suddenly felt a tugg on the hem of his shirt. When he looked at it, what he saw scared him.. Jimin had tears in his eyes and he was trembling.. he had his hand placed on his belly which indicated that had pain in his belly
"Hyung!.." Jungkook basically screamed and went infront of Jimin, who was now crying.
Everyone got startled and looked at them.
"Chim, what's wrong?.." Jin asked  panicked
Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hands  tightly
"It.. it burns.. " he looked at Jungkook, hoping he'll understand that he means.
Jungkook tried to comfort him.. but I didn't work.
"Hyung where is your phone?.. I'll call Merlin.." he asked
Jimin pointed at the coffee table
"Hyungs, please stay with him.."
Jin was caressing Jimin's back trying to comfort him.. J-hope was panicking seeing Jimin like that and Yoongi was trying to calm him down. Tae and Namjoon were helping Jin comfort Jimin

(Calling Merlin..)
M: hey Jimin!..
Jk: Doctor, it's me Jungkook..
M: oh.. what's wrong, you sound worried, is Jimin okay?..
Jk: no.. he said his belly burns.. he's trembling.. what should I do.. he's crying.. he's in pain.."
M: get him to the hospital, I'll meet you there, okay
Jk: okay, thank you..


Jungkook went back to Jimin
"Jimin~ah let's go.. Merlin will meet us at the hospital.."
"Jungkook, hospital?.. and who's Merlin?.."
"She's Jimin's doctor.. hyung will you drive?.. please.."
"I'll drive, you all come with the other car behind us and we'll take Jimin in his car.." said Yoongi taking the keys
They all nodded
Jungkook picked Jimin up and went out, Yoongi following them right behind
Jin stayed and made sure to turn off the lights and close the door well.

Jungkook placed Jimin on the back seat and got in with him..
Yoongi started the car and drove off quickly, followed by Jin in the other car

"Jungkook, is it the baby?.." asked Yoongi after some time.
"I.. I don't know.. I hope not.. but you... you know?..."
"Jimin told me.." Yoongi answered
"Jungkook.. My.. my baby.. our baby.. I'm scared Jungkook.."
"No, nothing will happen baby, don't worry.. okay, stay strong.. we're almost there.." Jungkook took Jimin's hands and massaged it lightly..

😭😭 another chapter  ✊💜
🐣🐣🐣Cliff hanger 🐣🐣🐣

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