My everything

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Jungkook was given some clothes gloves and a mask to wear. He was led to the operation room where Jimin had already been shifted.

"Jimin.. do you want to have an epidural or normal anaesthesia?.." asked Merlin while she checked the instruments.
"I - I want to see my babies when they're born.. "
Merlin smiled and nodded
"Epidural it is then.. you won't feel any pain okay.. don't worry okay?.."
"I.. Jungkook?.."

"I'm here baby.." Jungkook said, he was standing by the door frame for some time now.
Jimin smiled and extended his hand for Jungkook.
Jungkook quickly grabbed it and rubbed his thumb slowly over the back of his hand.
"Please stay with me Kookie.. I- I'm scared.."
Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead "I'm not going anywhere okay.. I'll be right here by your side.."

Jimin gave a weak smile as he looked at all the people in the room.. he was beyond scared right now.. his heart was beating at a high phase.
Jungkook looked around at all the monitors, the intravenous lines on Jimin's hand... he could only emagine how scary it all must be for Jimin.

The head surgeon together with Dr Merlin came to Jimin..
When Jimin saw the injection he flinched a little but Jungkook distracted him by calling him..
Tears were already gathered in Jimin's eyes.. he was really terrified and Jungkook could see it..
"Baby.. it's okay.. it's going to be okay.. just look at me okay.. "
Jimin nodded and took deep breaths

"Jimin, soon you'll feel your lower body get numb.. don't worry.. it's all in the procedure.. " Merlin said and put her mask on.

Soon Jimin really couldn't feel his lower body.. it was very uncomfortable..
The surgeons soon surrounded the operations table.. and the operation started.
Jungkook couldn't watch it.. the moment he saw the scalpel touch the skin.. he looked away..
Jimin had forgotten how uncomfortable Jungkook gets when surgeries are mentioned and now he was seeing one happening infront of him..
Jimin squeezed Jungkook's hands which made Jungkook look at him
"Are you okay Kookie?.." Jimin asked
Jungkook chuckled
"I should be asking you that baby.." Jungkook smiled.
He kissed Jimin's cheek
Both were not ready to look at the operation.. so they just kept looking at each other.
Both mentally praying that everything goes well and the babies are okay..

The room soon was filled with cries.. Jungkook's eyes lid up.. he looked at Jimin who was now crying..
Jungkook looked at the surgeons to quickly turn his head around because of all the blood. Jimin weakly chuckeld at Jungkook's reaction.

"Sir do you want to do the honors of cutting the umbilical cord?.." the surgeon asked
"I.. uhmm.. okay?.."
"Come this side sir.."
Jungkook looked at Jimin who was smiling at him.. and encouraged him to go..
Jungkook walked to the side the surgeon asked him to come.
His hands trembled as he took the surgical scissor
He looked at his baby and couldn't believe his eyes.
He followed the doctors directions and did as they said.. looking at his baby the look on Jimin's face made all his fear go away..

Soon Jungkook was handed his baby..
"Your baby boy, sir.."
Jungkook's tears and smile telling how happy and proud he felt
He walked to Jimin and handed him their baby boy.. Jimin smiled with happiness.. his red cheeks and nose.. his tears..
Jimin kissed the baby's head softly
"Hey baby.. " he said.. almost whispered.. Jungkook kissed both their foreheads.. he was so happy and so proud.. he didn't have words to say that could express his feelings.

Soon they heard another cry.. their princess was born..
Jungkook again went to cut the umbilical cord..

When he was given his princess he kissed her forehead and brought her to Jimin.. Jimin kissed her forehead and looked at Jungkook

"Kookie.. our angels.. we did this.. our babies.." Jimin said between sniffs
"Yes baby.. our angels.. thank you baby.. thank you so much.."
Jungkook too couldn't speak properly because of all the emotions..
One thing they both knew at the moment was that everything was worth it.. everything they'll do from now on will be for these two angels..

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