Time together

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The smell of magnolia berries was spread trough the whole kitchen and living room..

Jimin and Jin were making Omija-cha tea in the kitchen, it was still early in the morning and everyone expect the two, were asleep.

"It smells so good.. " Jimin said as he follows Jin with two cups to the table
"Yes.. and it tastes even better and it's very good for you.. "

These days it was a bit difficult for them to actually get some sleep.. but they choose not to talk about.. even though they should talk about.. it was their way of dealing with all that is to come their way soon..

Jimin sad down on one of the chairs and took a sip before Jin could stop him.. he burned his lips and looked at Jin with a pout and put the cup back
"I was going to tell you... but you wouldn't wait.. " Jin said and laughed

Jimin looked at the clock and stood up
"I'll go check on Jae-hwa, it's almost 6.. she will wake up soon.. Jungkook was so tired yesterday I don't want him to wake up yet.." Jimin said and Jin nodded

Soon Jimin came back with Jae-hwa.. she was already awake but wasn't crying.. yet

Jin smiled and stood up to look at her..
"Why do they all have those big doe eyes like Jungkook.. how is anyone ever supposed to say no to them when they look at you with those beautiful eyes?...." Jin said and booped her nose softly
"Like we never could say no to Jungkook.." Jimin said and giggled.
He sat down next to Jin..
"Exactly!.. and he wasn't even a baby.. but when he said hyung and would look at me all innocent.. I would meld no matter he did..."

Jimin smiled and remembered the way Jungkook used to be.. he was mischievous but also too adorable for anyone to say anything to him

"Now look at him.. he's a father of three and married to you.. and he's doing such a good job taking care of his family and work.. I couldn't be happier.." Jin said.. he felt a hand on his shoulder.. and looked up to find Yoongi there

"Ah Yoongiah.. come have some tea.." Jin said and wiped away the few drops of tears that managed to escape

"Yes.. but why are you two sitting here like moms talking about the past like your kids are all grown up and on their way to college.."

"Noooo they're not going to college yet.." Jimin said and hugged Jae-hwa tighter
"Aish.. you're starting to behave like a mom.. oh god.. " Yoongi said and went to pour some tea for himself
"I don't like tea.. but this smells good.. " he said and sat down.

Jin laughed and covered his mouth
"But.. min are you.. uhm do you want more babies?.." Jin asked and almost fell over from laughing when Jimin looked at him in shock
"Hyung.. they're adorable.. and yes I love being pregnant, but no.. no more.. full stop now.. I'm going to take medication actually.. I talked with Merlin and she gave me some prescriptions.. "
"Ah okay.. but, does Jungkook's agree?.." Jin asked and took Jae-hwa in his arms

"He didn't want me to.. but then he said it's my body and if I want to take it then I can and he will support my decision.. and later Merlin also said that it won't be a good idea taking my health in consideration.. I can't have more c sections so.. " Jimin said and pouted
"Min.. your face clearly says you want more.." yoongi teasing and made Jimin turn red
"Nooo.. I mean I just miss the feeling of being pregnant that's all.. but I understand the facts plus I need to make more times for my babies and I can't do that with more.."
Jimin said and took a sip from his tea..

Yoongi was about to say something but they heard a weird noise and looked at each other a bit confused.
Jimin giggled and stood up..
"Someone needs a clean diaper and while we're at it.. also a good warm bath.." he said and took Jae-hwa from Jin

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