The interview

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"Are you currently seeing someone?.. I mean I'm sure that a fine man like yourself would already be taken " a reporter asked Jimin..
she clearly didn't know anything about him or BTS but, she seems to be very interested in Jimin..

Tae tried not to laugh and looked at Namjoon who was already done with these reporters.. the annoying yet funny part was that Jungkook seemed to be enjoying it.. more then he should.

Yoongi had stopped paying attention and was quietly debating with Jin about their dinner menu while Hobi was talking to another reporter who knew about them and genuinely seemed to be interested in Hobi's stories of how he became J-Hope.

"Yes I am.." Jimin answered with a smile.. he wasn't annoyed at all.. he was a bit amused at her tactics.. but Sejin motioned her to move over.. so other reporter could come
"Oh.. I kinda had a feeling.." she giggled and moved over to Namjoon and Tae.

"Hello.." another reporter greeted and came infront of Jimin and Jungkook..
Both boys smiled and greeted back.
She was so nervous that she accidentally hit Jimin's hand with her mic
"I'm so sorry.. It's my first interview with big idols.. I'm sorry.. " she quickly apologized.
Jimin smiled
"It's okay.. breath.. take a deep breath and start.."
She did as Jimin said and smiled at them..
"Okay.. Mr Jungkook, most of us know about your and Mr Park's relationship and.. your babies.. I would actually love to know how it was, the whole pregnant Jimin journey?.."
"It was amazing honestly.. I learned a lot along the way and my.. our relationship got stronger.. I however felt bad for him.. it always hurt me when I saw him in pain.. but despite all that, he still had his smile on his face.. all the time.. and he has gotten so much more beautiful during the pregnancy.."
"Awww so cute.. any special memory or memories?.. you both want to share?.."
"Many actually but, I think when he told me he was pregnant.. that one is precious.. then when I went to the first ultra sound and was able to hear my baby's heartbeat.. when Jimin felt the first kick.. when we found out that we're having twins.. many more actually.."
The reporter smiled and looked at Jimin who already had a faint blush on his face.
"Actually everything he said.. uhmm.. when I told him that I'm pregnant.. I was scared.. I.. I didn't tell him for almost 2 months but when I did.. he just made all my fears disappear.. honestly every day was a new experience.. he dealth with my moodswings, my cravings.. made sure I'm always comfortable.. he just made everyday beautiful for me.. "
"Awww.. so cute!.. thank you for your time..."
"You're welcome.." Jimin smiled and bowed.

Soon they all sat down at the open panel and some more reporters joined.. it was fun but some reporters had some questions that made the boys get a bit annoyed..

"Mr Min Yoongi, why is it that you ,other then your group members, work with only female artists and idols?.. is there a possible reason or as some assume.. that you're trying to hide anything?.."
"First of all I have worked with fellow male artists.. but it is true that I work with female artists more because I want to, I want to prove that women are equal and if given the chance.. they can run the world.. I'm not sure why one would think I'm hiding anything but, if it makes you happy.. do keep thinking that.. I do not mind.."
The crowed cheered at his answer

"Mr Jeon Jungkook, there are many rumors circulation on social  media. You and Mr Park Jimin are having some issues with your personal life.. even your fans complained to have never seen you both being boyfriends public.. could you enlighten us more?.."
"Gladly.. as you said it yourself, they're all rumours.. yes I am not denying that we don't have arguments.. sure.. but isn't it normal?.. and about fans complaining, I don't believe that, our ARMY is not like that.. and as you said about being boyfriends in public,.. I don't have to hold his hand and kiss him in public to proof he's my boyfriend.. He's my fiance actually...Just so you know.. and.. we both know how much we love each other.. no one else has to know.. and also there's a thing called respect, some of our fans are really young and we also have fans who are the age of our parents.. that's why we prefer to be careful.. it's not because we have problems in our relationship  or anything.. "

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