I plan to love you all my life

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(3 days after the doctor's appointment)

"Jungkook-ssi... " Jimin called out for Jungkook while he sat on the living room floor trimming the plants there when he heard Jungkook's footsteps
"Jimin-ssi.. where are you?.." Jungkook entered the living room, still sleepy, rubbing his eyes..
"Cute.." Jimin giggled looking at the sleepy bunny in front of him
Jungkook smiled and walked towards Jimin, he crouched down behind Jimin and kissed his neck
"Good morning beautiful.."
Jimin giggled turned a little and pecked Jungkook's lips
"Good morning kookie.."

"It's 7 in the morning hyung, when did you wake up?.."
" a few hours ago, I couldn't sleep and I was hungry.."
"Why didn't you wake me up?.."
"Why?.. you looked so adorable while sleeping.."
Jungkook chuckled
"Okay.. but you feel okay right?.."
"Yes Kookie, I'm okay " Jimin smiled and continued to do his work..
Jungkook put his arms around Jimin's belly and made circles with his fingers.
His phone rang which made him growl a little because he didn't want to leave Jimin's warmth
"Go get it.."
"But you're so warm.."
Jimin giggled and looked at Jungkook
"What if it's important?... go.."

*incoming call from Jin hyung*

Jk: "good morning.. hyung"
J: "don't good morning me brat, how much do I have to pay you to call and tell us that you're breathing?"
Jk: "what?.. I.. I'm sorry.."
J: "you better be brat"
Jk: " Why are you calling me brat?!.."
J: "because you are one, anyways.. I just called to tell that we're at the airport and we board in an hour and we'll be there tomorrow "
Jk: "oh.. that's nice.."
J: "nice ?.. really?.. "
Jk: I didn't mean that.."
J: "ofcourse you didn't, but anyways, Joonie told us that the hotel manager said you aren't staying at the hotel.. where the fadoodlecakes are you?!.."
Jk:" I.. I'm at a friend's?.."
J: " are you asking or telling me?.."
Jk: "I'm telling.. you"
J:" what's the name of your friend? I know all of your friends .. which one is this?.."
Jk:" umm you, you wouldn't know.. he's my new friend.."
J: "aishhh Jeon Jungkook! You can't just go to someone's house and stay, are you forgetting who the hell you are?!"
Jk: " I'm okay hyung, I trust him.."
J: "I don't care.. just go back to the hotel, I'm not going to pay any ransom if this bff of yours kidnaps you "
Jk: "he's not going to hyung, stop overreacting.. please!.."
J: "Don't you dare raise your voice young man!.. I'm saying it for your safety. I understand that you trust him but you're an idol.. you can't just stay at some friends house who you just met .. you just go to the hotel.. if you don't then .. well I'll woop your ass!.. got it?.."
Jk:"Okay hyung.."
J:"good. Now I have to go find the other kids .. take care and don't get kidnapped!.. and don't eat junk food !"
Jk:"yes eomma..! Have a safe flight .. byeeeee.."
J:"Bye you little brat.."

*call ended*

"Jin hyung?.." Jimin laughed out while Jungkook was staring at his phone
"Yeah.. they'll be here tomorrow.."
"That's amazing !.. I can't wait to see them.."
"I can see that.."
"But Kookie.. I'm scared ..How will they react, they'll be upset.."
"They won't be,trust me.. they all still miss you but pretend like they are fine... You know, Suga hyung doesn't even have dinner with us anymore and Tae, well he doesn't stay long around us because he starts to cry.. even though it makes me very jealous of how close you two are.. it's sad to see how much he missed you and how hard he tried to be strong.."

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