You make me happier (2)

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They all sat down,
Merlin sat next to Jimin and put on the blood pressure machine to check his blood pressure
After she read it and noted in her data, she turned back to Jimin with a little worry on her face
Jungkook saw it and squeezed Jimin's hands lightly ..
"Is..Is everything ok, doctor?.."
"No.. *she shook her head and sat down looking at Jimin* Jimin we talked about this.. your blood pressure is too high.. " she sighed and looked at Jungkook
"How..  how does that happen.. I mean how does the blood pressure get high and is it safe for him?.." he asked Merlin willing to know everything he can
" Mr Jungkook.. there could be different reasons for his blood pressure to be high; it could be lack of sleep, not eating in time or maybe stress.. and it's very dangerous especially during pregnancies, it dangerous for both him and the baby.. "
Jungkook looked sad and turned to Jimin who had tears in his eyes.. he hugged Jimin..
"I'm sorry hyung.. I should've been here with you.."
"It's.. it's okay kookie... it's not your fault.." Jimin wiped away his tears

"Jimin, you should talk about it if something is bothering you sweetie.. and Jungkook is here with you now and I can see how much he loves you..  you shouldn't keep stressing about things, it's not good for your health.."

Jimin nodded and squeezed jungkook's hands
Jungkook just smiled and nodded.

"Okay guys, now Jimin you come with me and let's get you prepped for the ultra sound.. and ofcourse Jungkook you can be by his side all the time.."
Jungkook smiled brightly and got up, they followed Merlin in the other  room.
"Okay Jimin, I need you to remove your shirt and you can keep your pants on but unzip them and move them a little lower okay.."
Jimin nodded, he looked at Jungkook and blushed a little, the turned around and removed his shirt and unzipped his pants and layed down.
Jungkook Smiled When he saw the small bump and looked at Jimin, Jimin was blushing hard now because  even if he is pregnant with Jungkook's child.. they were drunk when it all happened and now he couldn't help but blush every time he saw Jungkook look at his body..
Jungkook went next to Jimin and moved his bangs from his forehead and kissed his forehead and whispered "you're beautiful.."
Jimin covered his face and giggled, he loved it when Jungkook kissed his forehead and when he calls him beautiful..

"Aww, you two are so cute.. oh god .. I love you two.." Merlin smiled aweing at the couple
"Okay Jimin, I'm going to put some gell on your belly, it's cold and might tickle .. "
Jimin nodded..
Merlin sat next to Jimin and put the gell on his belly, she smiled when she saw Jimin scrunch his nose
"Told you it's cold.."
Jungkook watched intensely as Merlin took an instrument in her hand, it looked kinda like a phone but then it looked like I small vacuum.. he wasn't sure what it was and just watched.. she first moved around with it to smear the gell then she went to the lower side of Jimin's belly and pulled a screen in front of them.. Jungkook nor Jimin knew what they were supposed to be looking at..
"Jimin, Jungkook.. *she pointed towards the screen* you see this part here.. the one that's moving?.."
Jungkook looked carefully
"It looks kind off like a big bean .."
Merlin laughed at Jungkook's observation
"Yes Jungkook and that bean is your baby, it's still in the growing period, it still needs to grow his arms completely, the fingers and his legs..  "
Jimin looked at the screen
"Yes hyung?.."
"That's.. that's our baby .. " tears fell on his cheeks
Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead again and he too had tears in his eyes.. "yes hyung .. that's our baby.."

"Jungkook here.." said Merlin handing him her stethoscope
"What should I do with this?.."
"Put it in your ears.."
Jungkook put the stethoscope on and listened.. he looked at Merlin and saw that she had it pressed against Jimin's belly..
"Yes, that's your baby's heartbeat.."
Jungkook's tears were now out.. he pecked Jimin's lips and gave him the stethoscope..
Jungkook couldn't explain how happy he was.. he just heard the heartbeat of his baby.. he saw the baby moving.. it was all real.. he was scared but every time he looked at Jimin, all his worries ended..
Jimin and Jungkook just quietly looked at each other for some time.. it was a big moment for them..
Jimin then put his hand on Jungkook's cheek and whispered "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Jungkook said taking Jimin's hand and kissing it

Soon Merlin cleaned the gell for Jimin, she left the room while Jimin stayed there to put his shirt on..
He was about to leave the room when Jungkook grabbed his wrist..
"Yes Kookie?.."
"What's wrong "
Jungkook chuckled and pulled Jimin's pants up and closed his zipper, Jimin couldn't help but giggle.. and Jungkook just kissed his nose also giggling..
"How can you forget that.."
"I have no idea " Jimin pulled Jungkook out of the room still giggling..

Merlin handed them the reports and they greeted each other..

Jungkook was still smiling and pulled Jimin very close to him..
"I love you Jiminssi.." he said while kissing Jimin's cheek
Jimin looked at Jungkook and smiled, he wanted to kiss his cheek too but ended up kissing his neck and giggled
"I love you too Kookie.."

Another chapter 💕💕💕
Hope y'all like it💜
Btw, I love fluff, so I apologize if there is an overdose of fluff in my chapters, but I can't help it🙈❤

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